Bicep thread. Post yours.
Are my muscle insertions scuffed lol 6'2 skelly boy
Bicep thread. Post yours.
Are my muscle insertions scuffed lol 6'2 skelly boy
>tfw my arms look like that
skeleton life is suffering
How long?
about 18 months
I Would suggest doing alot of hammer curls.
My guess would be you're mostly doing curls.
You need to do compound arm exercises and switch them up every couple days. If you just do curls every other day your arm isn't going to look very aesthetic - need to work the triceps and the forearms and every muscle in between. Deadlifts, pullups, french press, etc. I think it's mostly just takes time though.
time lifting?
That's straight up piss. Actually start to work out man. You've wasted 18 whole months.
About two years But most gains was made in about A year of tracking Marcos.
I was super mega skelly before
cheers. any advice for routines, lifting cues, etc.?
t. 6'4 lanklet
At least I have good insertions
i curl 135 for reps, i don't think i've wasted my time
18 inch now
For just biceps i Would suggest doing the same amount of hammer as regular curls.
For gaining, PPL start with the basic for each day.( Bench, DL, Squat) then moving on to building What you think is weak spots. Not to much meme shit like curls tho, only If you really think biceps is you weakest part.
Counting Marcos and eating enough is litteraly everything. Wont matter What you do in the gym If you dont eat engough.
Cut user
Im on mobil.. this Looks like shit i see now. Hope you understand something
Doubtful and no one cares. You don't have any trap development and your neck is a pencil. All you've done is train biceps and still looks like you don't go to the gym. It's sick it's piss
5'7'' 150 lbs
6 weeks. is not me
thanks but doing compounds 4 days a week
How come my arms are still so shit after nearly a year of lifting? I cant seem to grow my biceps for shit. I do a lot of heavy rows, chinups, and at least 2 curl variations on back day. I hit back 2ce a week.
Pic is not really a realistic representation since i worked out like 4 hrs ago so probably still some pump going on. Only 36cm maybe 37 now.
arms look good. maybe try more volume or doing bb curls. rip has a great tutorial on how to perform it.
Dennis was geht
when will they lern
Manlet detected
I really hate training biceps, and it shows.
They're like 13.5 inches.
most gains was made in about A year of tracking Marcos.
Do you kill them once you find them, or just track them?
I get bad tinglies in my wrist whenever I do isolation stuff, like hammer curls or even pull ups. Would a wrist brace fix it?
lel, my arms look exactly the same
Lanklets will eventually make it too, r-right?
every1 is dyel here
5’11 175
Little under 16 inches
I rarely train arms, I can’t seem to ever feel my biceps activating.
15 inches with pump, 14,5 inches without pump @ 5'9". When will I be out of dyel zone?
Shave your fucking pits bro..
Why should any man, who isn't a swimmer, ever shave his armpits?
good arms but get a haircut, hippie
that notion still stands
fockin nice brah
Weird, I'm 37cm and my arms look way smaller than yours. Body dismorphia?
Been trying to grow my arms for the past few months. Tons of isolations, added an arm day. Still isnt doing much.
What do?
Lucky with the lighting i guess, small as fuck unflexed.
there are only 2 types of men who shave their pits.
stop drinking milk, titty boy
nice brehs
21 guns and pull-ups are my only bicep exercises, think I'm at 16.5"
6'0 here with high bicep insertions
Fuggin goals, i want to be a manlet
not your haircut though
184cm 90 kg brahs
this thread makes me feel so much better
Haha your arm looks so short and stubby from this angle
pls no bully
you ok buddy? looks like you dropped a chromosome
I do not even lift. Always had naturally large biceps. They called me the apple muscle in elementary school.
>I do not even lift
we can tell
Because i just said it jackass. You should see my penis.
no, because your arm is DYEL shit tier
Haha i know that.
9 month progress with 1 month break, 1 month back in
I am 6ft (
194 cm gymcel flexin a cep'
>18 inch tall
looking not natty bro
stop skipping shoulders you little faggot
Swole mime checking in
Need more ohp
claiming worst bi itt
do more hammer curls
I am transforming