>Hello, darkness my old friend...
Hello, darkness my old friend
Fine unless you turn yourself into a filthy fat nerd that eats shit all day and doesn't lift.
fuck this game
it taught me how to lead though
i always wanted to start playing this as a child but i was a poorfag and missed out. this game was great for its time
Biggest gains goblin of all time
what are you lads going to roll as?
>either dwarf pally or tauren shammy
Dorf warrior
Always and forever
male night elf warrior
male orc warrior
depends on if friends go ally or horde
>Playing a Blizzard game
>Playing games where to be good means to either spend a lot of hours or pay a lot of shekels to be competitive, with less gam 5% skill
They died with Frozen Throne.
how so? I'm curious.
I want to take this opportunity to play something I didn't before, but then I remember how much fun a hunter is.
Dwarf hunter till the day I die
the amount of fucking effort it is to get a raid together of 40 retarded stoned shit eaters is mind boggling and then to distribute the rewards fairly is another thing
MMOs are absolutely dogshit boring, they're barely even games. I could see maybe getting hooked on the novelty of playing with other people over the net back when wow was new but what's the appeal nowadays?
They made the loot distribution alot easier with DKP mods later in Vanilla, but yeah managing a guild can become a full time job.
Do you enjoy pressing flash heal non stop?
wrath baby detected
you want to just use holy light desu unless u had a great amount of crit
I'm thinking of going holy priest again, but it's going to kinda suck not having dual specs so maybe a mage first for the aoe farming.
dwarf paladin or orc/tauren shaman reporting
I really want to try out the Enhance shaman pvp where you just explode people with windfury crits. Is tauren or orc better for that? Tauren seems nice due to the stun racial.
>in stv
>some big ass cow runs up on me
>he dances with me
>roots me
>slows me
>but doesnt kill me
>warstomps me
>melees me 5 times for all my hp
>log out
So how is it going to work? They're going to keep all the cash shop BS while using old talent trees?
Veeky Forums guild when?
People will play for a month before realising how dog shit the game was.
Except it wasn't you fag
I haven't had a wow account since Wrath ended, what's the cash shop?
yeah hunters are fun to play with. My wolf pet tanks and i just dps and crit shot all day. orc hunters are beasts
There was a private Vanilla server that got shut down last year that regularly had over 10k people on it at a time, there is definitely a demand for it.
Yeah bro, with nothing but warriors! and the occasional twink
pure vanilla, right now they are just unsure what patch they are going to start with.
no dungeon finder, cash shop, cross realm, tokens, etc. Think OSRS 2007 when it first came out.
Thats because it was free.
vanilla mechanics are pure boredom, and some specs are outright not viable
they have to make some custom changes right?
Hunter so I can kite dragons into Stormwind and solo dungeon content using feign death
Clearly classic is not meant for you, don't try to ruin it by making them change it.
You guys know it's going to be like 2 years right? It's not even in development yet. You might be dead before the time it comes out.
thats why i quit the game when vanilla was retail
and came back in wotlk
tauren shammy 4 lyf
Ah, the good days of killing cunts in stranglethorn and fucking with passerby newbie toons
Gnome Rogue is the ONLY appropriate choice for causing max asshurt in PvP
>Manley uprising inc
>no cross realm dungeons
Good, that shit killed communication and meeting friends on servers while running shit. Instead it was like running instances with 4 NPCs who never talked.
what is one of the greatest DPS classes that can also take on multiple people in PVP? that is also not hunter
People actually wanting vanilla back
Vanilla was shit
>not playing private servers
LOL paycucks
Warrior or mage are the best vanilla classes in terms of pve damage and pvp viability
You are shit
Also forgot to mention hunters are fucking shit pve and are basically tranq shot robutts
I can finally play a holy shield prot paladin
>not playing dorf prot warrior
Weren’t warlocks pretty badass in vanilla? Lots of CC and undispellable dsmage?
They were alright. Good pvp and pretty decent pve.
The witcher is better anyway.
Fundead Shadowpriest.
I was allways a Pally, now for the other side.
i'll happily pay a fee to not have to play with chinks and third worlders
Troll male warrior