Okay fellas, I need help. Well, my gf does.
She's super skinny and insecure about it. I like it, but she hates it. Aside from taking her to the gym, what do I do? Force feed her carbs? Put a gainer in her morning coffee?
Okay fellas, I need help. Well, my gf does.
She's super skinny and insecure about it. I like it, but she hates it. Aside from taking her to the gym, what do I do? Force feed her carbs? Put a gainer in her morning coffee?
Take her to the therapist so she can work on her image issues.
Wholesome as fuck
You niggas recommend therapy for every little problem. What a weak time we live in.
yeah much better to talk to other mentally ill people on the internet, eat insane amounts of calories and lift heavy barbells over your head until you almos collapse.
There are alternatives to seeking help on Veeky Forums or going to a therapist. Tell that bitch to eat more food.
Consider taking an online therapy session
with BetterHelp.
Unlimited sessions starting at $35/week
If you want her to stay thin, and she’s not starving herself just reassure her she looks fine. Unless you want her to gain weight then just encourage her to eat more.
That doesn't solve the root issue of low self-esteem. You'd simply transform the problem into one of being too fat instead of too skinny.
Looks like she's not swallowing enough...
Pussy response
tell her to eat more. That's what I did and it worked lol and tell her she's pretty blah blah blah no matter what she looks like (false, but she won't get fat so don't worry) you'll always love her and she perfect whatever way she is etc. blah blah.
That doesn't work.
It's kind of long distance, so she either tells me she'll eat more, or if make food she'll eat a bit and tell me she's full.
Apparently she's been eating like that since childhood. She's about 100lbs at 5'2'' and her mother was the same at her age. Her mother is fairly thin for someone who had two children, so maybe its just genetic?
Therapists are bull, didn't help me, or other people I talked to one bit
ask her if she gained weight
Sounds like you didn't try to get helped.
FUCK, great advice
I never thought of this, thanks user
I was having depression episodes out of nowhere. The therapist didn't tell me anything I didn't know, and she tried to put me on meds. I got a hobby, and changed how I do things a bit, and the depression is mostly gone, it's gotten much rarer and I've learned how to deal with it on my own when it does come back.
skip ahead to right now and I'm doing fine without her and without the meds. If I kept going I would have been a glorified drug addict rn
We have to take them to therapy because traditional organizations like the church and extended familial structures have largely been atomized or slipped into obscurity. Back in the "tough times" people were basically going to therapy every day.
Feed her your cock user every women loves it
i really, really like this image...
Except it did you dumb nigger
this made me kek
it's all yours, friend
It's actually good, because I'd make her think she IS gaining weight
tell her the flood of estrogen in her body while having sex will cause her body to store more calories as fat. so she should have sex with you once or twice a day then eat something afterwards
Supreme gentleman, not like op
Give her some mass gainer
Sneak it in everywhere
Proper D E V I L I S H
>my gf
Stopped reading there, fuck off