Perfection doesn't exi-
Perfection doesn't exi-
this is fit not hm you retardd faggot
>not the King
user, I...
>full body momentum curling what looks like 70-80lbs
lmao bet he can't even do that for 10 reps
>he will never rock you like a hurricane
the chad pump
> billy
> no the cop
>gets his ass beat
>suckerpunches the King with a plate
Face it Billyfag, King Steve is still /ourguy/, and would've taken out that faggot who looks himself in the mirror instead of watching over his sister.
>Implying that scene was shot in one take
He is so god damn handsome.
Dacre Montgomery is a good candidate to be /ourguy/, and his Billy role definitely made up for the infamous power ranger attempt.
It's a shame he is balding tho
he gonna fug mrs wheeler
I'm a Steve-bro but let's be real, dude's 0/2 in unarmed combat and Billy was laughing like Ledger after each hit. No contest.
>can't strict curl 70-80lbs for 3 with multiple minute rest between each set
unless that was take 23, nigger is dyel as fuck
>5'11 chad
>gets beaten to unconsciousness by 5'9 ultrachad
steve is also a manlet so I ask you
when will they learn
In S1 they gangedup on him, and Billy straight up cheated. Bill lands harder, but Steve's quicker. The thing with the King is that he's ultimately a good guy and doesn't want to hurt the other guy too much. Billy's just straight-up a "no holds barred" guy.
>when will they learn
The King doesn't deserve this user, go easy on him...
He has a really weird body. He's pretty high body fat but also muscley. His body is like a meat tube with a bit of definition. Shoutout to the shirtless basketball.
> billy
> Steve
> no one mentioned the actual bodybuilder in the show
We don't talk about that.
aka deca+dura bod
or just a dianabol
ep 7 was shit
Le grape fruit man
wrong, pal
>talking about Ep7
Watch it user.
I fucked yelled "MY BOI KAI" when he appeared on screen. My gf stared at me just waiting for an explanation and I had to explain I wasn't homo just appreciative of big burly men.
>bar rolls back on his thumbs and hangs there because he's curling 5 lbs
Billy's physique: Poasted
Steve's: Not poasted
I think we know who's the King
He looks jacked in that scene where he seduces the milf but shirtless he's kinda small
Can't be unseen...
>fucks your mom
Steve's qualities go beyond just being a pretty boy, okay?!
Oh od she is hot
I have so many questions about Billy.
Is he a gay? Does he hate Lucas for being a black?
Is he /ourguy/?
not gay but he is clearly racist
i got so many gay vibes from him. some scenes were very homoerotic and almost gave me a chubby. i guess they are going to explore that in s3, they don't have a gay character yet.
>unclear sexuality
>doesnt want the qt loli to see the black kid
>garbage lifts
If only he was hilariously autistic with girls he would be /ourguy/
Don’t forget he listens to rock ALL THE TIME
did you guys forgot this? dude was all about fucking that milf if he wasn't looking for max
Yeah I felt like he was very gay when he was in the shower with Steve. And yeah he hates Lucas for being a nigger, based Billy.
He's gay dood
Lots of unsure dudes aggressively hit on girls
he is flirting with her becaus he can. also we never see the girl he was supposed to go on a date on and never shows any interest in any of the girls at school.
i couldn't see the gayness on him, also Steve was also showering with him, that doesn't make him gay
His car and taste in music are the only redeeming factors. But it would be funny if Nancy came in one day and billy was making out with her Mom
>ywn be this cool
why even live?
>giving up
>not being inspired to work on yourself
Don't be like that user.
My sister is obsessed with him... surprise surprise she always had taste for assholes
>curling with bumper plates
>implying cheat curls dont get you big
>she always had taste for assholes
Sounds like my kind of lady
I fucking yelling "my boi kai" too. Gf was like wtfing. Told her he is an artist, showed her his paintings.
Perfection? where the fuck are the tits?
sorry bois billy is the king as proved from the party scene
The boards might as well be merged
yea and /pol/
Good eye
more like gay eye xd
>ep 7
long live King Kai
That whole episode sucked and all I can think of was grapefruits looking like pic related
What a shit fucking episode. Just watching it pissed me off and I don't know why.
>Just watching it pissed me off and I don't know why
Same. Also, anybody else love Steve?
I love the concept for this poster but god they fucked up his face so bad by giving him fat cheeks and a weird jaw
u mirin
>22 and already balding
he looks pretty lean here, why'd he get that blocky body on ST
this is bad form right?
but everyone working out at home in the 80s had bad form. So it's an accurate representation
Yes I love Steve. He needs some redemption next season.
Yeah, he looks like Dustin.
>Also, anybody else love Steve?
The whole internet loves Steve, user. Last weekend every board had Steve threads. The best was /co/'s, who came up with a Steve/Billy/John/Hooper Arcade Game, but the fucking Mods took it down.
Still, the Internet is very much Pro-Steve now.
>Yes I love Steve. He needs some redemption next season.
Steve already got redeemed user...
What about the girl in his car who he says not to call her his sister. If he is into banging dudes its strictly for dominance.
is the correct way only to move the arms and not the rest of the body?
I mean kinda but he lost his gf and got beat to shit. He's looking over Dustin now and whatever but I just want him to beat Billy up
Listen I'm with you on the Steve front but you managed to complain about the 2 things about Billy I DIDN'T hate.
>reddit pls
another example of american numales trying to kill the chad
I'd rather the gay character end up being Will desu. Billy is a "bad guy" and we don't need more gay villians lol.
which scenes exactly? i think ur just projecting ur homosexuality onto a character, i think Billy is just eyecandy for girls
He was being super gay with Steve in the shower. It was like he wanted to go full Roman and fuck Steve in the ass to show dominance.
Elbows back biceps only
That's Revenge though, not Redemption. He needs to hook up with some blonde qt and make Nancy jealous.
I actually don't hate Billy. He just oozes charisma. I dislike his attitude, but he's a cool Chad.
>liking Steve is r/eddit
user, please take your b8 and leave.
He is the only good thing about season2, season1 was alright but there is not much point continuing after that.
>the only good thing about season2
Aren't you forgetting something?
Is take that hairline for a 10/10 face any day
Thumblet detected
well yeah to some extent since he is super hot. but that shower scene was weird in a gay way, i'm not the only one that thinks it was.
For real, just look at Billy Zane.
>Billy Zane
Based Greek Genetics.
he did literally nothing wrong
I almost thought that scene was a daydream/fantasy of Mrs wheeler, it looks like a setup up a damn porn scene
No in season one he got his ass kicked by Jonathon. His friends tried to jump Jon but he told them to back off and took the beating.