>tfw no gf
Tfw no gf
Theres one on /bant/ looking for a bf.
I want someone I can touch IRL
i just want to hold a hand
>tfw can't let go of past relationship
>tfw no past relationship
I got married at 21 and have only had sex with one girl. Why aren't you stupid fucks slinging it to anything moving? Come on boys marriage is great but don't waste your youth being virgins put yourselves out there
rate my gf
I'm bald.
>tfw see ex constantly at uni and cry in the car after class
7/10, shitty picture tho
Also, that's not your gf so stop lying
So am I. Shave your head and grow a well kept beard. If you have a thin face this look will get some bitches
>people on Veeky Forums can't have gfs
3/10. so boring
goal gf
rate my gf?
>petite asian fit cutie
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. she could sit on my face until i die
It's not that they can't have gfs, it's that noone would be stupid enough to show a pic of them with their face visible.
qt3.14, shame about the boobs but I suppose the ass makes up for it
Quality thread, thanks for pushing out a fitness related thread for this gem, OP
i know that feel
ooooo trust me, the booty makes up for it plenty.
>she has a desktop pc in her room
this is a major red flag
dropped instantly
girls are supposed to have macbooks
give tranny gf now
Btw, are you asian or is she a racemixing whore tho?
you're all faggots
can't let go of thinking that she'll look at someone else the way she did with me
the innuendos, the sexy talk, the fun
Jesus christ dude where did you meet that girl, I would kill for a fat ass Asian girl. Your gfs body is a 10/10 in my eyes m8.
tfw had a Veeky Forums gf
i don't want to go back to normal girls, guys
i don't
Man wasn't meant to be alone.
>tfw tired of normie girls
>crave Veeky Forums girls
>most aren't single
Just fuck me up. I could steal another guy's Veeky Forums chick but I'm not a scumbag.
~t. Incel
>Tfw working towards being chad
Keep trying
Won’t give up
Getting ever closer
> first girl ghosts me
> second one had bf so abandoned mission
> third girl gave me number but then learned she had a bf so abandoned mission
i did that user
best sex ever. period.
funny, self confident girl
a sun shining so bright you wouldn't believe
and now... it's over
That sucks user. At least you had a wheyfu.
i guess, now i can't go back to "normal" girls
I think I want a low self esteem overly skinny girl
I want to convince her that love is sticking her tongue in my ass
post her cock
im half black and half white
met her in audio school.
I hope you don't procreate with this woman because your kids will definitely be purged in the upcoming race war
>tfw everything in life is going great, lifting, studies etc. Progress in most aspects is near perfect.
>Noone to share it with
I just want to hold someone, it would make a big difference.
dunno man, we both have great genes.
>pic related is me on the right
So this is what I have to look like to have a gf?
>thinking that there will be an upcoming raceware
Man, the declining birthrates in white populations must be giving you nightmares LMFAO
no not at all. just be more intriguing than the next guy. Protip - cook.
>user, I really like you, but really more as a friend.
>girl asks me out
>I say no
>I ask same girl out
>she rejects me
>literally holding back tears as I say it's fine
Is it a good idea to just date a insecure girl that's also going through depression?
I think I found a girl that likes me, but from what I've heard, shes a bit mentally unstable. I'm 25 and I've never had a gf, so should I just go for it and just hope that I can fix her?
You know what they say, don't stick your dick in crazy.
>tfw got out of shitty relationship.
>just focusing on myself, doing much better in school
>use free time too work out and save money from job
>I'm fucking trying brahs please let me through the gates when I get there.
One day you will stumble upon the gates under your feet, and they will already be open.
Don't look for them user, before you know it you'll already be past the gate. I know how this part of your life feels, I'm going through it as well. Many men have gone through it and many more will go through it. Join us all user.
At least the titties look decent
>tfw no ghost gf
lol. good on her
>Is it a good idea to just date a insecure girl that's also going through depression?
i'm dating someone like that. i'm glad she's understanding but i kinda want out because i'm also going through depression. if you're ok with someone asking for constant reassurance then go for it.
that's mean I feel like shit :(
How badly does she act? Like will she not let go of you if you're both chilling?
Not the one you replied to, but I also had a gf with that shit and it constantly pissed me off because she had awful jealousy issues among otherthings, which ended up fucking up my well-being.
Don't do it. I did the same.
Couldn't fix her. Two weeks ago she left me, saying she would make me and herself unhappy.
Now I'm sitting here with a broken heart. I really loved her.
But you can't help depressed people, if they don't want to be helped.
Also she didn't love herself. I think it's true that you must love yourself to love another person.
Thank you user. We're all gonna make it.
Do it for the experience, but it’s gonna year you apart and ultimately make you stronger
I’d never do it again though, I had the opportunity to and idk if I made the right decision but I do think of her a lot and have considered asking her out.
I don't regret it, but I don't know if I would do it again. In the end it was very painful.
Am I being lead on or is she trying to figure out if I'm bf material?
>meet new grill in my college on a night out on Freshers week,
I'm a 4th year and I'm pretty much the most aesthetic cunt in my college since it's mostly girls and fags
>added me on facebook the day after we met and I find out she has a bf.
>straight outta highschool so the guy he's with is completely below her league, skinny babybetaface looking guy.
>Started saying hi and stuff to each other college and talking to each other more on nights out, she wouldn't kiss me but she was doing a loada grinding and sxc dancing on me one night.
>I add her on snapchat the next day and we get a snapstreak thats still going, first time I talk to her in college (I'm not autistic (anymore) btw, and pretty good looking) she kinda stutters and is a little shy but as I keep talking to her she's looking at me straight in the eye all the time, also moving her legs around a lot (body language showing she likes me)
>our snap streak keeps going and I talk to her a good bit comfortably in college now, she always snaps me from morning to night and responds quickly but she has nearly like 800k snapchat score so I'm thinking maybe she's just addicted to snapchat.
>Halloween night she was so fucking drunk that she made out with me and admitted she liked me. I said "I thought you were loyal to your bf" cuz I was never able to kiss her before despite always seeing her out
>She says "He won't find out, he's too far away", fair enough, didn't go home with her in the end we went her seperate ways
>talk to her for ages in college the next day and my friend said she was being very flirty with me.
>next day she wanted me to go gym with her cuz she wants to get Veeky Forums so I did and while we were walking around I brought up us kissing
>acts very shocked nearly ashamed of herself
>ask why
>cuz I'm not supposed to
>ask her does she love her bf
>ehhhmm yea.....but I've not been sure since college started, thinking of taking a break
Is it possible to be un-gf-able? I'm 22 and admittedly kinda ugly with low self esteem. I go out to meetups a lot and there are girls there but it doesn't seem like the kind of atmosphere where you ask people out. I go to church to meet qt church girls but everyone has a bf already. I feel like I'm just fucked.
>tfw no one to admire my gains except me
she'd be too clingy or wanting, sometimes she loses her understanding of what i'm supposed to be for her. i'm getting tired of it, desu, but if you're a patient person that wouldn't be a problem.
They're not all they're cracked up to be.
you know she likes you and if you want this to be your gf, stop now. her making out with you and her reasoning are already red flags.
why do you guys want a girlfriend anyways? a girl is never "yours", she is only your turn. just get a friend with benefits.
Sex without love is empty
Fwb never works out.
you're right tho
Your mom was pretty filled last night.
>went to a sauna with a grill
>she kept touching me and telling me how good i looked
I just want that, really.
that's a man, baby
what about the passion?
yeah, I just lost mine because she expected me to treat her like a lady when in reality she is just another slut. fun while it lasts though
>always 'joke' about her being my gf
>knows for a fact I'm into her cuz I'm always flirting with her on snapchat
>walk past a girl I know and say "hey this is my friend user isn't she cute?"
>she thinks its funny and says "best friend"
This is the part that confuses me cuz obviously we don't know each other well enough to best friends so is she's either making sure I'm well in the friendzone or if it's that she's loyal to her boyfriend and want's to make sure I'm the right one before she breaks up with him?
Anyway we had a good gym sesh and had some friendly banter the next day cuz we both had sore legs and I slapped her ass when she punched my leg, she wants to go again thursday.
So she either wants to use me to get a good body or wants to bf sometime down the line
it's only because she was fucked, she was even making out with some other guy before me and she doesn't remember, she's never drinking that much spirits again
invite her to watch a movie and see what happens. if she starts resting her head on your shoulder or her hand on your chest just look at her lips and see what happens
>tfw have girlfriend
from the way it sounds, you seem to like her enough to disregard how she acts when she's drunk. go for it if you really want to but me personally wouldn't bother.
Why do mods allow these threads?
don't even know where to meet women lads
is it ok to talk to girls at the gym? or are they all taken
>she made out with some other dude
>being beta enough to keep pursuing
>being this new
>he thinks Veeky Forums has mods
if you're fit just get drunk and go crazy on the dancefloor in a club. look like you're having fun and they will come to you
fuk you, leave now
Because they, like us, know that feel.
Cause mods know this feel too
How else should i communicate with my Ex
just do like the misfits and fuck trannies
Damn I needed that.
To everyone feeling bad and lonely about no go know there are many others just like you that feel the same. Don't run from the feeling of loneliness. Don't feel like it's a problem that needs to be solved. Accept the feeling of loneliness and really feel it and absorb it. Let it soften you and allow you to be kinder to yourself and others.
It's always in the back of my mind most days.
>accept the pain
why tho