Is StrongLifts 5x5 a good routine?
Is StrongLifts 5x5 a good routine?
But you'll make gains on anything because you're a beginner
But it's shit.
>no, but you make gains
I'm not sure you answered the question.
But yes, OP. Strong lifts is a good launching point for a fitness regimen. You will need to change it up after a while (12 weeks?) by adding accessory lifts or switching to a simple Push Pull Legs type workout.
Nice reading comprehension faggot. Don't give out shitty advice anymore on my board.
It is a good beginner routine to introduce you to whole body exercises, which is what it was designed for.
do GLSP LP or Candito C/S LP
much more fun and less cult like, and they also have better ways of dealing with stalls
If you follow it as intended and add some accessory work (e.g. dips or chin ups), then yes, it will work. If you want to win powerlifting nationals, then no. I would go with Candito or variations of 5/3/1.
Nice trips, but what if I just want to look aesthetic and get stronger over time?
This pls
Been doing SL for a month now. Just want to look really good.
Pretty good for beginners.
Run this circuit 3 times after you're done:
A (Bench) Day:
12 reps assisted dips/dips
12 reps barbell wrist curl
12 reps neck extension
Deadhang until failure
B (Deadlift) Day:
12 reps assisted chins or chins
12 reps barbell wrist extension
12 reps neck curl
12 reps calf raise
Basically, do all four exercises, rest a minute if you need too, and get three sets of each in.
The deadhangs really help later on so you don't have to mix your grip or switch to straps on deadliftss
if you want to look good, a routine that has you put all your training energy into a heavy as fuck 5x5 squat at the beginning of every session is surely a way to achieve your goal physique
What do you consider "aethetic look"? Assuming it would be someone from oldschool era of bodybuilding. You will need god-tier genetics and some gear. Most people don't realise the simple fact you cannot just cherry-pick a person get their body. You can achieve your own limit and probably go way beyond it (if you weren't delusional at the beginning). So if your goals are looks and strength in that order. I would still start with routines, that concentrate on big compound movements. When you finish this phase (and in my opinion it should take at least 1-2 years), you will get (hopefully) good enough knowledge of your body to know what works for you and what doesn't. After that you might wanna switch to PPL. I will give you the truth everyone knows, but yet decides to ignore it. To grow you need 3 things - volume, intensity and periodisation for both previously mentioned. You will be switching from low volume high intensity to high volume and low intensity...oh and one more thing - don't do tren.
Well obviously you'll want to switch to an upper-lower routine like PHUL or PHAT after you plateau.
But when it comes to getting your 1/2/3/4 first, this is the way to go.
Did it it's shit, Mehdi is just good at marketing
if your goal are aesthetics do pic rel (here's the explanation why it's superior to SL
A lot of people shitting on SS haven't read the book, and instead went straight for the memes
will doin this on a cut diet give me good physique?
how fat are you? like a skinnyfat, or an obese person?
at what point should I move to this?
Current stats all 5x5 in lb
OHP: 105
Squat: 235
Shrug: 245
Bent Row: 165
Dead: 245
Chinups: 4x3
Dips: 5x3
Been working out for like 2 months, not sure where I'm at
kinda fat
>My board
yeah cutting is a good option for you, don't rush things though, have moderate deficit -200 max -500- that way in the beginning of the cut you will get some muscles and it's gonna be easier for you to progress
I eat like 1500 a day, after calculation of my TDDE it said I should eat 2000 calories a day which I'm trying to hit. I was fully satisfied with 1500 tho
Will I have trouble stalling with my lifts on a cut? Already stalling hard on OHP and Bench.
at what point would one change to another regimen. i'm a beginner doing 5x5 for the last 2 months and am going for overall body strength
Are you not doing Bench Press at all?
I can do 30 pushups before form starts to break down, so I would imagine my bench is probably around lmao1pl8
6'0 175lb
Why the fuck aren't you doing bench press
fat collects on my chest, gives the appearance of pecs when I wear a shirt, and we both know that i'm the only one who sees me shirtless anyways.
Also never really liked the look of large pecs, prefer them to be smaller and more hidden comparatively
going to start doing bench next week when I switch to this new program
you should only use your calculator once, then based on weight and size changes, adjust your calories intake (you loose too much weight, feel like shit, stall like shit- you add calories, you don't losse weight and change in size-you cut more).
>Will I have trouble stalling with my lifts on a cut? Already stalling hard on OHP and Bench.
It's harder to progres on cut because of worse regeneration for the body. That's why I recommend you a smaller calorie deficit to not rush things up.
As for progres- I would say so. This lifts react better to higher volume (especially OHP) and since you're doing you're upper body sets first and not after heavy ass 5x5 squat it's easier to progres on them
Get your OHP to 135
Get your DL to 405+
Get your Squat to 315+
Get your Bench to 225
what did he mean by this, 1/2/3/4 is the sign of an advanced weightlifter, it has no bearing on beginner/intermediate programs
Bench also works your triceps hard and your shoulders. Do bench press.
He's memeing.
SL 5x5 is fucking exhausting once the weights start getting heavy. If you're stalling on your second and third lifts consistently, switch to a PPL or PHUL/PHAT.
I've been lifting for 2 years come 2018 and I've only just achieved 1/2/3/4 with actual 1rm tests. Don't sweat it.
i dont think im stalling from weight, im stalling from lack of sleep and working out 5 days a week, coupled with doing acrobatic yoga and regular yoga
body is just giving out
I work out 6 days a week while having a career and I rarely stall.
Eat more and sleep more, or cut back your routine to accommodate your life style, sacrificing gains.
>no bench
>start bench in a week
Bench is the first thing you learn and do when you go in a gym. It's the bottom brick for any workout program.
>never really liked the look of large pecs, prefer them to be smaller and more hidden comparatively
why bother going to the gym at all? It's like saying I think I look better if I was born with one arm. Assuming you are lifting for looks, both girls and guys mire big pecs, I have not met a single person who dislikes a guy for having a big masculine chest.
I genuinely don't think I'll ever reach 1234 lads, should I end it?
Careful. I injured myself doing hot yoga. SL will make you worse at endurance, especially those related to arms.
>1/2/3/4 is the sign of an advanced weightlifter
This is personal experience so others may differ, but stronglifts did fuck all for me, and is shit for beginners imo.
All beginners need for compounds:
Thats it. Barbell OHP is a meme, and many beginners don't have the back development or the flexibility to do it properly so you won't have any power behind it anyway. DB OHP is far superior, and doing it seated is probably more comfortable for beginners.
Same with barbell rows, I've never seen any beginner ever do them with good form, and good form breeds gains. Barbell rows are fucking great and can make your back yuuge but like the OHP if you aren't ready for it theres tons of shit you can do for prep.
Months 1-6 stay simple, months 6-12 maybe do stronglifts plus like 2 accessories each day.
After that do whatever the fuck you want one year of good work with no injuries is enough time to know what you want.
If you want it and can stick to a long term goal, you can achieve it. 99% of the population is capable with the proper dedication.
Easy as fuck on both SS and SL to get 1/2/3/4.
I fucking got a 1 plate press on it which is the hardest thing to achieve.
1/2/3/4 are literally late beginner tier numbers.
>SL will make you worse at endurance
What, it doesn't make you better but worse? I doubt it
Just 12 reps not 3x12 or some shit?
The majority of the gym population can't do 1/2/3/4. You're fucking crazy user. 1/2/3/4 likely puts you in the top 10% of people in the gym.
>SL will make you worse at endurance
Fucking what? Yeah, you're not going to bang out your best 5x5 for 12-15 any time soon but it doesn't make you worse, it justy doesn't prioritize it.
Endurance is not required for hypertrophy. If you're running out of gas doing 5x5 then you aren't lacking in endurance you're just fucking lifting too much.
Stats are:
265x5 deadlift
145x5 bench
95x5 ohp
215x5 squat
I’ve been working out for 8 months. 5’10 @ 162lbs, bulking at 3300kcal a day
All I care about is aesthetics. What program should I do? I hate only going 3 days a week.
>Barbell OHP is a meme
No, it's not a meme
>many beginners don't have the back development or the flexibility to do it properly so you won't have any power behind it anyway
Beginners don't tighten their core/glutes/legs to achieve good balance for the proper form of OHP, often they injure themselves and gains nothing because the become all wobbly after a certain weight. With that being said, it is a great exercise when done correctly.
What DYEL gyms do you lift at? It is 100% achievable by any healthy adult male who has a proper diet and uses progressive overload within a year.
don't let people like this meme you Veeky Forums
I wouldn't even say 10%, if you consider the entire male population, you know it's somewhere around 5% or even less for men who can rep 1/2/3/4. Imagine your class at uni or high school (for brainlets), how many guys in your class can rep 1/2/3/4?
A lot of people are strong enough to hit those lifts they just don't train that way. Its not rare to see yourself as one of the few squatting 3pl8 but you should see a lot of people benching over 275 if not your gym sucks.
It's not a meme. You absolutely need to try harder if you can't get those mediocre numbers within a year.
>It is 100% achievable by any healthy adult male who has a proper diet and uses progressive overload within a year.
what you just said is not even within reach of the general male population
>healthy diet
>enough sleep
>moderated stress levels
>consistence workout ethics
>keeping track of personal progress and overloading
What percentage of people do you think can achieve this? lmao
100% agree they are intemediate/late beginner tier, but when i lift with normies they are impressive. Lifting with powerlifter buddies they aint shit. Still took me about years to get because of various things, but I doubt I would have gotten them in a year if I was 100% dedicated. Some people have piss genetics and start skelly af.
>within a year
oh definitely, a year is more than enough time to reach 1/2/3/4, I'm just saying a vast majority of males will not achieve 1/2/3/4 for their entire life.
vast majority of males dont fucking lift, what is your fucking point?
>No, it's not a meme
Yeah it is. It's so easily replaceable that keeping it in your routine is more about wanting to be old skool than it is about having a solid routine.
Literally 100% of able bodied men in developed nations can. Excuses are not fixed conditions.
Most people should be able to hit it in 8 months if they're not skelly manlets
>but when i lift with normies they are impressive. Lifting with powerlifter buddies they aint shit.
when you see a normie and they rep 2 pl8 on bench, you'll be very impressed and when you lift with powerlifter buddies, 2 pl8 is bare min in your mind. That's why.
if you bothered reading the chain, you will see my point is that oldfags on Veeky Forums who lifted for more than 2 years will think 1/2/3/4 is rookie numbers and the newfags who comes on Veeky Forums with less than 3 months of lifting will definitely be discouraged because their PR is no where close. So I am trying to say don't listen to those memes where 1/2/3/4 is the bottom line of DYEL.
Replaceable? No shit. But to teach balance and proper form to a beginner, OHP is irreplaceable, just like squat
someone answer me RIGHT NOW
>thinking about aesthetics with those shit numbers
This fucking meme of Veeky Forums
>if you haven't hit 1/2/3/4 you're still a beginner!!!
because many people stick like a retards to routines like SS/SL despite the fact that they DON'T MAKE ANY PROGRES AND ARE STUCK WITH SAME NUMBERS OVER AND OVER.
Now I'm not saying it's imposible, or very hard to hit 1/2/3/4 programs. For many people it was easy. But just look into internet and see there's a shitload of people who do those programs for more than 1 even 2 years and they can't reach it. Any ideas about changing the program are screamed over by fucking autist who say
>hurr if you don't lift my arbitrary weight in exercise x,y,z you're not ready for other program!
Because of fucking autists like this I wasted 9 months on SL with literal shit numbers for upper body, and because of that feeling like shit.
Then I changed the program to PPL and guess what? Suddenly adding accessory work for my weaker parts, and for hypertrophy made my numbers increase and my body started looking much better.
So my point is
Stop fucking telling people to stay on SS/SL because they didn't reach 1/2/3/4
I did the 5x5 to start. Was a good program to begin with for many months, probably most of my first year. Once my lifts got heavier I switched to 3x5. That was purely instinct tho, I don't have specific weights for you.
You just know when you should? I wouldn't be doing 222lb+ deadlift for a 5x5. Or 180+ squats for 5x5. You would just be exhausted. I just switched by instinct.
What are your current lifts?
225* fuck
pls tell me those are kg
holy shit don't sperg you dyel
look, if you lift for aesthetics, you are on the wrong program, SL5X5 is a beginner workout program to introduce you to lifting, for looks you go for PPLxPPL.
with that being said, not to discourage you but your numbers are pretty shit if they are your 5RM. You are doing the right thing bulking and your height is good, just remember aesthetics is body fat % and diet, not how heavy you lift.
For me, I care about both getting stronger and looking better, so as long as SL5x5 is working for me (constant increase in numbers), I will keep going. If you post your body type/body fat% and your desire body, it'd be easier to help you.
Stay simple for 6 months!?!? That is fucking ludicrous. A month at most to learn the basics and build a base.
I also see no reason a beginner can't BB OHP, unless the bar is too heavy. But who can't lift 45lbs. over their heads?
Well you're doing the circuit 3 times so technically it's all 3x12 with exception to deadhangs which you just hold on to a pull up bar for as long as you can, or a loaded barbell if you prefer that.
But the point is to do it all in succession so when you reach the second set you're rested up and not taking a break.
not sure what you mean by body type, but body fat is at 13%.
Are my numbers so shit that I should do a 3x week full body until 1/2/3/4? then do an aesthetic routine like ppl?
Are 1/2/3/4 really rookie numbers?
Right now I'm at 0.5/1.5/2/3, and it's getting to a point where I'm starting to stall even though I'm bulking at 4k calories per day
Should mention I did SS for 7 months. I've stalled hard on ohp and bench (95 and 145 respectively) for months. deloaded, stalled. deloaded, stalled again.
I can't imagine bulking at more than 3300kcal/day at my weight is a good idea (especially since im getting more than 1g/1lb broteins every day), so I'm at a loss of where to go from here.
pls user I just wanna make it
2.5 for squats, not 2
>tfw advanced lifter within a year
wow i must have godly genetics
i hit 1/2/3/4 in 10 months as a 17 year old with a shit diet, what are you on about?
>Stop fucking telling people to stay on SS/SL because they didn't reach 1/2/3/4
Nobody says that user, we just have an issue with calling them advanced numbers when they are objectively end beginner/intermediate numbers
haha same bro but i was 15 and it only took me 8 months haha all i ate was chips and pepsi haha
Psh I was 9 when I hit those beginner numbers
1. Check your form, especially on bench and shoulder press
2. Make sure you're pacing a 3 second negative on each rep
3. Take longer rests if you must
4. Do accessory work
5. Sleep better if you're eating enough
I agree but many people have this kind of attitude I talked about
Not enough volume
>wrist curls
Yeah what about them?
its a meme workout friend'o, why tf would you even waste time getting a workout on fore arms
back to whatever containment board you escaped from
you're probably the same type of person who sits on the lat pull downs backward arent you ?
Please stop bullying my SL routine
My numbers after 8 months of liftan properly is
Bench: 75kg x5
Squatte: 105 kg x 5
OHP: 55 kg x 5
DL 120 kg x 5
Pendlay Rows: 70 kg x5
I also do dips and barbell curls on one day and chin ups and planks on another with a 30 minute cardio to end my workout.
Will I hit 1/2/3/4 in 6 months?
went to eat, back now
>Are my numbers so shit that I should do a 3x week full body until 1/2/3/4? then do an aesthetic routine like ppl?
Numbers mean nothing as long as you realize the potential of your muscles. The first 6 months of lifting you will notice a nonstop amount of gains after gains, let's say you increase weight each week by 2.5%, eventually you will plateau and stop gaining where no amount of deloading will help you. That's when people usually switch programs.
With that being said, I recommend you realize your strengths and then switch to aesthetics. So don't aim for 1/2/3/4 just aim until you stall in progress on SL5x5 3d/week. After that, chances are you realized most of your potential in terms of strength and just go aesthetics from there.
>I can't imagine bulking at more than 3300kcal/day at my weight is a good idea
Everyone is different, for me I am currently 5'11 at 195lbs and I am no where near the point of stopping bulking/gaining muscle mass because my numbers are rocketing up in SL5x5. I am not eating in excess however because my body fat % is still high. But when you said you are at 13%, 162lbs, it sounds a bit light to me, so that's why I'm asking for body type so I can see if you are just a small frame/bad genetics or skelly or something. For example if you had my body, but you were 5'10 instead of 5'11, your endgame should be 170-180lbs at 10% or less body fat.
>pls user I just wanna make it
you will, just a matter of how many years
Yeah i fucking rekon. Ive only got started myself. Im not far behind you but ill make it before you because im more hungry for it.
I dont plan to hit 1,2,3,4 but ill get fucking close before i switch into PPL for aesthetics for my instagram babes and be worshipped by normies.
My secret? Pushups and drink alot of juice
Let's see fucko I'll hit it before you do
>Will I hit 1/2/3/4 in 6 months?
did you have to deload yet? If not we both will hit 1/2/3/4 in 6 months.
My numbers are a bit higher and I lifted for 6months when I was 18 now I'm 1 month in and Im 20 now, but I still effortlessly break PR every increase-weight-day. FeelsFreshOutOfTheWombMan
I had to deload 10% because I had exams for 2 weeks but I'm back on my shit
yea bro I feel we can hit it in less than 6 months
post a good example of barbell row because I can't seem to get it down and I'm doing 5x5. also, what should I do instead of OHP. I can do like 25lbs max
Just do 3x5 then.
>I can do like 25lbs max