What does Veeky Forums aspire to be?
Might be problematic because I'm not 6ft8
>tfw not a Demigod
>tfw I will never slay the Nemean Lion
>tfw I will never ever be 12 feet tall and 4000 pounds
I-It hurts...
not greed but pic related
This reflection of perfection
>Sees the dong
My post and his post
exquisite taste, gentlemen
Don't worry bruv, Guts is only like ~6'
the only right answer.
Darius or nothing
Mother fucking Sendou
That even looks achievable if you are an angry turbomanlet, always thinking you are not as good as your idol who you also despise and want to kill but actually still admire. Swing heavy stuff all your life, Dunk x F and you are good to go
>GAREN eats and drinks potions as much as he wants and still stays lean and fucks royal bitches while you slave away in the gutter
That was a goat version of heracles
>champ inspired by Bruce Lee
>bearmode bara
pick one lad
>slash of whit hair
>slashed eye
Riot you copycat fucks
Not just his body but his manliness
I'd fight for him and protect his smile
Houken be his name
The hair is the hardest part.
>tfw reading the descriptions of Conan's physique of when he was my age and I'm nowhere near that
He used to be but it's canon that he's now 6'8"
Old Joseph for me
Amazing arms I really want bigger arms
Exceptional choice
Which one!
Bulge included
Guts hopped on that GODBAD+berserker armor fixing your bones and grew like 7 inches
absolutely based
I just started nofap you son of a bitch.
who is this god and how can i achieve it
where did you get Conan's age?
Apocalypse. I also want the power armor.
Astartes mode
Crowley Eusford
> Be a vampire
whichever character has a qt butt and legs but a lean, built torso that's easily concealable but functional
basically a cross between a trap bottom half and the top of a shota anime protagonist late in the series
They mentions his age in various of his stories
the guy on the right. I want to look like a freak
Lift for Leto.
>tfw no muscletrapfu
I need to acquire more mass to turn into this bearmode God in pic related
>tfw you will never have your harem of breeding stock qt 3.14s
My man
Warrior Dad Mode engage
>ywn kill a lion with your bare hands
Why live?
How do I into fleshpound mode? 1 & 2
Lost my sides big time during that scene.
Cell mode is best mode.
This mode is totally achievable natty though
What's Sigvald's routine, boys?
I want his motivation too.
Both of them look like freaks. It might be the face.
fat sagat
Imagine the smell...
Like picture related.
As I do not want to make a thread and take up un-necessary space can someone tell me how to stop having nosebleeds from doing hundreds of push-ups? Everytime I get close to getting my body somewhere its like my body is screaming for me to stop and I keep getting nosebleeds and torn muscles, its really quite irritating.
Big Boss
Have you seen the quads on that man? Good lord.