What does Veeky Forums think about Elliot Hulse?
I used to like him but anymore listening to him talk just annoys me. It's like he tries to sound really smart when he's not.
What does Veeky Forums think about Elliot Hulse?
I used to like him but anymore listening to him talk just annoys me. It's like he tries to sound really smart when he's not.
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feel exactly the same way as you, back when he talked about shit he is actually knowledgable about like lifting he was fine. nowadays he wants to be a lifestyle coach and guru for literally everything and he is acting like a retard.
His ego wasn't equipped for the YouTube renown he received. I'm on the same page as you guys; generally good lifting and nutrition advice, but too obsessed with his philosopher persona.
His ego wasn't equipped for the YouTube renown he received. I'm on the same page as you guys; generally good lifting and nutrition advice, but too obsessed with his philosopher persona.
General consensus is that Veeky Forums used to like his older stuff until he transitioned from fitness to philosophy.
This guy seriously got me out a rut in my life when I was fired from my job and feeling depressed and useless, that was over two years ago though. Havn't watched him anytime recently.
Started off good in his early years but became new age with his philosophy.
A lot of his philosophy is decent though and based off of David Deida and various Red-Pill (using that as a catch all) ideas. I don't think much of what he is says is original, which is fine.
Is is the way he says it perhaps?
I personally get this feeling that he takes himself a little bit too seriously.
I'm wondering about the books he sells on his website.
Has anybody here got them? Are they legit? I don't care about philosophical shit, I just want to know if the training tips and programs are any good.
insecure possibly closet homosexual who needs to read self help books and roid up in an attempt to pass himself off as a confident straight male. pretty much the embodiment of Veeky Forums
He got wrecked by a AZN Lawyer person.
>that time he was on Stefan Molyneux
Same as everyone else. I thought some of his life advice was absolute junk so I stopped tuning in. I can't remember the details, it was 2012 or so.
Anyone have the video of that goofy fitness camp he had where he had people doing crazy dances and screaming at eachother? Real autism hours.
I love King Elliot. He is still exploring his latest personality, however, and I find it slightly off putting and definitely cringeworthy at times. It’s way too much hippy dippy for me now... but I feel like his final transformation is much more like Paul Chek.
he is a bad actor
and not authentic
he tries I guess, but he tries too much.
he is the guy who read pua material and alienates his friends since he has to amog everyone now.
Used to be good
He's become an insufferable arrogant, new age crystal worshipping fuck wit though sadly.
He knows he's wrong but he makes dime from hosting classes full of cucks and weirdos where they all dance around and suck each other's dicks
That can’t be real.
He's a retard who tries to use big words to sound smart....but doesn't know how to use them properly.