Which body type would you rather have, fit twink or muscle cub?
Which body type would you rather have, fit twink or muscle cub?
Because I'm babyfaced and tall I'd probably look better with left's body, and I'll be strong enough for the activities I do anyway.
If I had a more masculine face I'd prefer right.
since i am no faggot nor woman, the masculine looking one
I'm not too short or tall (5'10) atleast in america. So I'd be better looking with left
Given your choices, left.
Muscle cub because that's what men look like
Left : What girls like
Right : What gays like
The choice is yours
have you ever been big and fit?
Looks aside left body type is more versatile in sports (surf, snow, swim, soccer, basketball)
dare to dream
Show me one athlete in a endurance sport with that much fat.
I'd rather have the muscle cub to cuddle me.
Left... more bitches, don't care if men like or not.
Be right, Fuck left
soccer is not an endurance sport?
obviously wee nippy guys are better at running, i was saying you can still be a beefcake and play sports.
I´d rather be a fit twink than a fattie, but that guy has skipped legday too often.
But in my sports that isn´t even a choice and you are considered fat at 10% bodyfat.
>loose skin
I have no choice; muscle cub
The right one, then cut down and become ripped. Already have the left one.
RIGht duh. but not a manlet like that guy.
I want to look like the right.
Wait, is it determined, or the right body type can be built?
I rather be the one on the right, fucking the one on the left
this guy
still would rather be right tho
>soccer is not an endurance sport?
Soccer is not a real endurance sports, it is mostly some short sprints.
Endurance sports are something like:
>cross country ski
Basicly anything that won´t let you drop below 180 bpm at any time.
>not too shot
>below 6 foot
Much respect to your quads and all, but those aren't sports.
They're just sporting events.
Left for sure.
But I'd end up better off shooting towards the right.
>those aren't sports.
>They're just sporting events.
I cycle daily and it not a event, when I run it isn´t either nor is swimming.
You're right. It's training (if you're gearing up for an event), or it's conditioning (if you're just doing it for your own health).
Still not a sport.
I want a body like the guy on the right and I want to fuck guys like that.
How can I improve my jawline and overall face shape?
I’m not gay
why not a happy medium
I fucked up, I wanted to make a thread.
>not sports
>not casual or organised participation, aim to use, maintain or improve physical ability and skills while providing enjoyment to participants, and in some cases, entertainment for spectators.
When people say sports they usually are referring to team sports. Anyways. Right body type can be pretty versatile in contact sports and strength sports (javelin, shotput, lifting obviously)
>while providing enjoyment to participants
Yep. Not a sport.
Fuck I want to be between them. Getting fucked by the right and fucking the left.
Left if America
Right if I'm moving to an Eastern European country
>Implying left isn't most attractive to both women and gays
Right is only attractive to Veeky Forums
>right isn't most attractive to gays
>right is most attractive to Veeky Forums
Make up your mind, user.
It does not specify that it has to be enjoyed by everyone, but most cyclists do enjoy cycling.
How is that a medium when dude looks like he could tear me a new asshole?
>not too short
Would be muscle cub, then start a low test and tren cycle, and get shredded
still better than both choices prevented by OP
what exactly is gyno? From what i've read it's a mix of genetics and PEDs side effects
>fit twink
You are delusional if you think that is anywhere near twink status.
Fit twink. I don’t want to be huge, I have to fit in tight spaces at work.
this lol
Left is easier to score pussy with
But if I can keep lifting I will turn into this
Both, one for climbing, the other for strength.
It’s like fat in the nipple that is caused by puberty and can’t be lost in cuts, sometimes it goes away after 23 but if it still stays best choice is surgery
chicks like the left guy. getting shredded Tyler Durden mode is a lot harder than achieving bear mode.
Mirin Forearms.
the left body is just not eating.
Being 6'5 the mode on the right would make me a literal bear. That's my goal bod as well
It's the other way around. Women like fatasses because it makes them feel better about their fatass physique.
how do guys like the one on the left feel near big guys like hte one on the right? i'd feel super inferior desu
That just isn't true. Plenty of women would prefer right over left because he looks like he'd keep you safe, yet is cuddly at the same time.
Left is if you're 16 and like young, baby-faced boys.
how does he have visible abs when he's that fat?
left, more international prestiege
that's the shittiest 'research' ever, they just a random person in each country and it wasn't even a woman.
and obviously if you photoshop a person you'd want them to still have some semblance to the original while looking slightly better and the original was just a lard planet, nothing much to be done.
Best routine for twink mode?
bodyweight training
>wanting a woman over 16
literally never going to make it
Literally goal body.
calorie restriction, cigarettes, semen to get modeling gigs
Dang gasmask goliath got shredded as fuark
If you have a lot of muscle you look leaner at higher bodyfat % compared to a skinny twink.
Its called glandular tissue. This is also why some women naturally have large breasts even at low body fat - Or how men grow breasts with hormone imbalances / treatment.
It's called steroid belly.
Actually they're both real nice
t.gay man
muscle cub. women love that
Both look like fags.
Roids guts are disgusting no matter what.
So given the choice between those two, definitely left.
>soccer is mostly short sprints
have you ever played it?
I've been both body types and being big feels best.
>But in my sports that isn´t even a choice and you are considered fat at 10% bodyfat.
doesn't bother me desu
The masculine looking one is a legitimate bottom butt slut though
and then just cut down. cutting muscle/fat is easy and memory effect will make it way easier for you to add more muscle later on if you ever want to be huge again.
Assuming skinny fat what would one do to get body on left?
>wanting to attract fat women
just end it
Left is only acceptable before 25.
Men over 25 need to have some thickness.
Me: Fit twink
My bf: Fit twink
How do you know what gays like?
Left would look great with a bit of hair on him
Muscle boy because he's obviously way stronger, more masculine and still looks somewhat aesthetic.
Recomp for a few months, clean bulk followed by a slow cut.
ETA probably a year and a half.
muscle chub arms n legs and twink torso, as is the physique of good looking functional muscle
literally me, gays eyefuck me all the time at the beach
lmao you wish you fatfuck
Actually, gays like left because it looks like a little boy. Women like right because they want a man who is strong and makes them feel safe.