360kcal, 80g protein
am i fit yet?
also why is mississippi the worst state lol
360kcal, 80g protein
am i fit yet?
also why is mississippi the worst state lol
black people.
4 scoops ? What kind of shitty protein powder do u buy? If i drank 4 scoops of mine it would be 120g of protons, without water
>4 scoops
>80g of protons
>am i fit yet?
>also why is mississippi the worst state lol
wow why is fit so racist
myprotein vanilla?
based west coast
Nice, how many fitness youtuber sponsorships did u see before u decided to buy that one?
>b.b.b.but the mexicans are the ones making us fat!
fucking lardass white boys
Why are you taking that much? Did you fall for the piano man meme?
West Virginia is white af, though.
i'm cutting lol
sure thing nigger
sorry but i don't post on /v/
you do realize that other people can post the same image here right? do you have autism?
t. mad flyover fatfuck
Want to know something interesting about that?
Excess muscle mass and having a larger frame will put someone into the fat and obese category.
And the states in the middle tend to have people that are larger and carry more muscle mass.
newfag detected
have you ever been to mississippi?
of course not or you would understand why
i've never been to the south at all. happy to keep it that way desu...
that place seems awful :(
how much water do you guys use when drinking your protons?
Then you've never been there. Nigger central most days
5 scoops faggot!
You're doing it wrong.
/pol/ infestation
What the fuck is with obese hispanics in TN?
>implying that bmi is an accurate test of physical fitness
i would guess that the majority of Veeky Forums falls into the obese category because of muscle
>inb4 the majority of amerifats are not fit
i am just pointing out that it does not necessarily mean that those areas have a high concentration of fat people because theoretically many could be fit in certain areas
80g is like 3 scoops of ON with milk
but how many kcal?