How does he bulk up while having abs?
How does he bulk up while having abs?
Bulking is a meme
Just have a 200-500 caloric surplus and don’t get fat.
that is bulking??
lean bulk and roids
bulking a meme? are you stupid?
t.fatass , legit retarded if you go above 12% bf on purpose. Once you cut for real from 20+% and get to 10% you have to be retarded to want to do that again.
Lots of protein
Low carbs
>Bulking is a meme
>Just bulk instead
i think u are overestimating ur bf % being 10-12 % is so fucking lean like u are going to look shredded as fuck but you are also gonna be as weak as a little girl
Stay fat
I hate this thread
Why do I even go on this board
Fuck you all
All these fatties not understanding that a minor caloric surplus doesn't equate to "just keep shoving food into your fat face because you're 'bulking'..."
oh my god you are fucking dumb
bulking IS eating at a caloric surplus whether it be minor or major you dumbass
I come here to teach these dumasses what lifting really is
>my vague and arbitrary term is the only correct descriptor even though it can mean eating anywhere from 1 calorie over maintenance to 10000 calories over maintenance because it's "technically" correct.
Post bitch tits or gtfo
>is wrong
>doubles down on showing everybody how much of a brainlet he is
Bulking Diet:
Calories: TDEE + 500 calories
Protein: 1+ grams per lb. bodyweight
read it before you decide you act like a complete autist thank you
pretty sure he's on the juice
i bet you think pregnant women should gain 100 lbs too
How is that in any way related to the post you're responding to?
The irony
"you won't get that fat."
with that type of caloric intake, you won't leave wearing medium sized shirts either.
/FIT is still stuck with mediocre goals
happy with only having 14" arms.
keep having low standards fit.