Didn't see one on the catalog.
5'7 180lbs
I need to cut, but I don't really want to.
CBT-Current Body Thread
Another one.
Fast for a week or two
you don't want to? Just look at yourself you fat fuck, you are already a shitskin, don't be fat too.
You should definitely cut
I usually do intermittent fasting Monday-Friday, but not on weekends.
I just want to focus on strength and size right now.
A little under a month of working out just about every day. Used to be major skallington, 140 lbs. Up to about 160 lbs. Rate my progress pls.
tbf you don't need to focus on size, you already have plenty
20lbs in a month doesn't sound too healthy, but otherwise keep it up.
You need to cut.. another slice of cake
are you me? pretty much exactly the same progress from the same amount of time
Thanks! To be fair, i was pretty underweight to begin with. I'm 6'2, so 140 is not a great place to be. Although, I was probably closer to 145 at the start.
Glad I'm not alone in it then!
you look like shit cause youve only been lifting for a month, come back in 5 months and ill give you an actual opinion. and you only posted one picture so how is anyone supposed to rate your progress?
Thats fair. Don't really have a before pic unfortunately
It's not enough.
use the pic you posted as your before. i look forward to seeing the after
Zodd has muscle, you look like mostly fat. If I saw you and another fatty I wouldn't be able to tell you lift. Cut and slow bulk you're fat for a reason
Im really trying Veeky Forums
Honestly as long you're socially healthy and know how to talk to girls, your current form is fine.
You would definitely be able to tell if my chest was a bit bigger. All I need is some more chest mass and I'll look good regardless.
200 Ibs
Just trying to leave humanity behind.
>Inb4 ugly
Thats retarded. Yeah he doesn't look awful, but he obviously has very little muscularity or definition. He should start/keep lifting at a slight deficit.
I couldn't imagine living life as a fat spic
Is narrow forehead related to low IQ?
Actually I'm Trini mixed with Chinese.
I've seen fatter dudes with hot girlfriends. As much as you might not think so, social skills play a huge role in who is drawn to you.
Probably. You gonna post any pic of yourself, Chad?
Trini isn't a race nigga its a nationality. You chinese guyanese then?
Whatever, I'm East Indian mixed with Chinese then.
I wanna exit fat cub mode and enter into bear mode natty
West Indian mixed with black. Moved to murica when I was 2.
is this a joke, you look fat and like youve never picked up a weight in your life.
>inb4 whatever the fuck ever you re going to say that s nonsense
you look like shit m8, tough love is best whatever you re doing stop and change it.
Why the fuck is my chest so God damn deflated. I hit chest twice a week as hard as I can, have a 215 max bench up from a 165 2 months ago.
Anyways, last week of my bulk, 170 - 185 in 3 months
Still need to cut. Also, ignore hair - working on laser hair removal atm so it looks weird.
I’ll post myself since I need a kick in the butt and it’s Veeky Forums. I gained 10 pounds over 3 months by eating too much and not going to the gym. Yikes. It’s pretty embarrassing. I began eating healthy last Friday, at 1500 cal max, and tomorrow I’m going to the gym. I have actually been feeling good after changing my eating habits. I want to drop at least 30 lbs. My weight right now is 137 lbs.
Here’s another one
Ex fatty? Gj m8
you remind me of grandma
ur fat lol
Couple of things porkins
Clean up your diet before you cut
Get into the habit of walking for 30 minutes - 1 hour every day
Do not tie your fitness to the gym. Bad idea. See it as just a tool in the tool box
Daily physical activity of any kind for 30minutes - 1 hour whether it's jogging, or palates, or yoga, or calisthenics, or basic bitch cardiobunny stuff, or instathot booty workouts, or stripper poll dancing, or big old bulldyke powerlifting routines.
All that matters is that you do something that is
strenuous for 20min-1hour three days out of the week.
Dude what the fuck is your routine for traps
cut or bulk?
Youre doing your bench with your arms.
Make sure you feel your pecs doing most of the work and also mentally focus on using your pecs.
literally count calories and do cardio
whats the problem
By any chance could you be less asian
Just genetics, m8. I do shrugs like once a week at best, same with deadlifts.
Jesus fucking christ thats amazing as hell to be born without a neck.
Does it carry over to strength? There are people that look worse than you that are world champion wrestlers.
how can I, all I do is play games and workout.
Honestly if I were you I'd pick a manual labor job. Like being a lumberjack. Be the only gook lumberjack. The testosterone from that job would be godly for your jawline and you would also be a ripped as fuck enigma making 80k-120k a year.
neither, get contacts and cut your hair Wang. 100% stereotypical oriental.
Try to imitate those Korean quite boys, don't let those amazing gains go to waste
Yeah you need to hit upper chest fucking hard. Incline dumbbell BP is always solid, get a way better stretch.
Lower chest is developed well.
But just like biceps, it's really one part of the muscle over the other that matters.
I.e. Short head of the bicep and upper pecs.
Everything else is looking good, keep doing what your doing. But apply the same method to isolating the more key parts to developing certain muscles.
Also, do rack pulls.
btw I don't take any steroids, so if I can achieve this natty you guys can too. Stop being lazy fucks.
stop being racist just because my body's more aesthetic lol. I don't do this for girls, I do it for myself.
Nah m8 just sell noodles.
Yep. Spent most of preteen and teenage years as fat fuck. Then lost it. Then did another few year stint due to depression and antidepressant side effects like weight gain. This loose skin sucks ass.
>implying you're more aesthetic
>btw I don't take steroids
No shit you don't take steroids. You wouldn't struggle with 110's on db press if you were.
Sure, improve your body, great dude. The fact you don't give a shit about your face is stupid. Taking care of what's above your shoulders is more important than what's below them. I'm not even trying to get you latched to a fucking roastie either. You have massive insecurities nigger, address them before posting here again.
Holy shit Ching-Chong you're ripped
you have gotten shorter
First, you need to grow up, somehow, i do not know how, buy you really need it.
Please be nice
>1500 cal max,
you are fat and you do not look like you lift, quit being delusional and cut.
Look into IF and increase cardio.
T. Unhelpful
he's right though. It doesnt look like you are muscular or lift at all
cut, u fatty
Not everyone is motivated by extreme scrutiny.
who's trying to motivate you? youre in denial
But then I’ll lose strength, and abs are overrated.
Oh so your a powerlifter/strongman and not a bodybuilder, ok
Awhhh ty for thinking I do Bb, I guess I
Might look better if I lose weight and get a chest, buttttt maybe another day I’ll do that.
Don't get offended, no one's being racist because of your gains. It's because you genuinely look like a generic oriental male. If the look makes you comfortable that's cool. But these opinions are unfiltered since they're anonymous, remember that.
To add to this I do try to not eat for 16 hours and I do interval training on the stationary bike with some sprint work.
Jesus Christ man I'm the same height and weight and I don't look as fat as you
Down from 184 lbs to 134. 5'3" (I know I'm a manlet, but I'm constricted by my leg condition).
Can I get a BF estimate? I'm thinking that I need to cut to 115 lbs.
oh my fucking god, you know you could be one of those nerdy ass lookin kids in class but in reality you slay some mad pussy. Become that guy user im cheering for you
do you have fucking polio
My parents won't let me
if you are trying to fish for compliments go on reddit, also you look like you are actually 5'5 judging by that towel rack
My parents won't let me
What do you do for back work? You could benifit from some weighted chins and shrugs.
Holy shit you're fucking ugly but u got a decent body. Keep it up
Can I get fairly cut in a month or 2? Just want to be leaner for Summer for now.
1 month no. 2 months yea. Eat well
145-160 is 15lbs, of which 11 is fat seeing how at best with newb gains you could produce 1lb of muscle a week.
In other words, slow the fuck down.
Haircut and contact lenses.
>working on laser hair removal
you look great man, but those glasses look dorky as fuck.
Cool thanks, will do.
>stop being racist
you'll never be a samurai with that attitude
You're obese, dude
Start cutting already
No clue why you'd post your body on here if you look like you don't lift at all, you look like a middle age desk jockey
>tfw no chubby Rei gf
Yeah if you lost the glasses and got a proper fuccboi haircut you'd be swimming in pussy
Why is there a bowl of catfood at the top of the stairs...?
He hasn't finished the other half of his lift.
You look well, but you just gotta keep working at it.