
/plg/ - powerlifting general

>post your powerlifting wheyfu's edition

Post PR's, routines, form checks, meet results, schmexy lifts, etc. No Dubs or gets allowed.

Remember OHP is not IPF approved, and long femurs are the underactive thyroid of lifting

If you need helpful links, ask Fat Retard.

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm almost 100kg agen

Am big

>it's not a .webm

>tfw first day of Texas Method
I'm not going to make it, lads

If I train highbar, can I train almost exclusively front squat and then when testing strength do highbar?
Sort of like how people who test with lowbar do a lot of highbar

What are the actual benefits of side planking for a warmup?


Here you go.

i want to become a powerlifter but i dont want to wear extra long socks with popculture references a 40yo manchild would enjoy

drop immediately, that program is actual dogshit even RIP who made it admits it

why is it dogshit?

That's a shame, as we all know, not wearing the long socks is a huge deal breaker

Rip didn't even make it, but what program would you say is better for an intermediate?

Texas method

Ask me simple powerlifting questions and I'll answer them

>drop Texas, is shit program
>oh thanks user, almost fell for Texas meme routine. What should I do instead?
This is the kind of dumb shit I live for.

What is the best pre snack for a workout?

Parallel or below?

>Rip didn't make it
Rippetoe and Pendlay literally made that program

Good question, cause I've spent too much energy on this conundrum.

Your best bet is caffeine through pills or coffee, or if you have any reason against the first two options, half a can of monster rehab. (IMO)

Non caffeine options include a modest portion of oats, maybe a snickers, and hard work.

As comfortably, but not unnecessarily, below parallel as your mobility allows.

Why should anyone trust you without a timestamped body pic or a "verified" (you know what I mean don't be pedantic) tripcode?
Don't respond to obvious shitposting

No wonder it sucks

I don't pander to autists, go blog elsewhere lol

So I just finished basic and got weak as fuck. Should I just do starting strength until I can't LP anymore again?

uh wrong code I think

Very nice, well done, glad you're happy and okay.

Yes, then on to cuckols for bench when that inevitably stalls first. Ily bb

thick, tight, solid



After cuckols then sheekee too. It's insane how much strength you can lose in 2 months of no lifting and running.

You breakin' any PRs?


Just tried this stretch for my lower back and it’s pretty good for me, didn’t even know I had a tight lower back because good posture etc

Squat down and pull on your legs or something behind you whilst tucking your head almost like sucking your own dick.

lower back is nice and comfy after being in all that flexion

none of you are my friends which really makes me question why I have such a sentimental attachment to this place

I used to be able to suck my own dick when I was a skinny teenager
It felt of nothing in case you were wondering

Feel free to ask me more questions about it if you have any

pls repond

C6w first pls

Benched 305 (97%) for 2x3 and 4x2, same thing with deadlift but with 435 (92%). Also bw is 215, down from 236, and dropping. Just started CLutz intermediate so hopefully there will be more PRs in 7 weeks.

Pretty much none
Nope, train only what you wish to get good at.

It's slightly different in that similar loads are used with high bar and low bar. There is a much bigger difference between a front squat max and a high bar max than there is between high bar and low bar. Also, based on the results of other people that have done something similar, increasing your back squat will do more to increase your front squat than the other way around.

Oh wow we are almost the same size

Just do what you want if you don’t compete, ofcourse you can do that. There’s a nuckols article talking about the differences and it’s really not an issue which squat style you do as long as you’re improving.

Although I don’t see why you’d do front squats only for a highbar max, I do front squats only but I rarely max highbar usually just a curiosity thing.

The quads are always worked maximally in any squat style and differences in weight just comes down to upper back strength requirement and obviously the skill of the exact movement.

I can only comfortably quater squat, anything lower and a struggle to push the weight back up. Should I just quater squat from now on?

>And I*

don't know why autocorrect changes I to A but I guess now's a good a time as any to turn that retarded shit off.

how do i deadlift like this? Why dont powerlifters deadlift with neutral backs like this ? Please dont tell me I have to do a decade of OLY lifting to achieve this form with heavy weights

Work on mobility by squatting deeper and more.

It's a known glitch with iPhones at the moment

Drop the weight to the point where you are able to squat to proper depth

Do a conventional deadlift with heels and straps

>Why don't powerlifters deadlift with neutral backs
An overwhelming majority do

>starts tying straps at 1:11
>pull starts at 0:52
>jump cut
that is weird.

About to try and start a more successful SS run after a long break and have became pretty skelly. Not complete novice strength though.
I know YNDTP but have a few questions.

What can I change PCs for? So far options are speed pulls, high pulls or rows.

Should I buy microplates for bench and press?

Is it entirely possible to go smoothly from 2pl8 for reps to 3pl8 squat for reps with like 10lbs/week without fatfucking myself? How much bw per week should I gain? This is what I’m doing SS for desu.

Where to add dips/curls? curls every session and dips ohp days or something?

I actually did a lot of rows before hiatus so not sure if I’ll regret doing 0 rows in SS now.

Welcome back, dude. How was basic?

This is the most gay cucked thing about powerlifting, literally borderline ruins it for everyone who isn't a faggot

I just got soccer socks for my first comp because I'm not a star wars/donut/"metal" loving fag

good job

t. smol


At what point can you truly determine whether you have elite/good/average/shit genetics?

Whether or not you sustain a significant injury before reaching 400 wilks.


lol, what video are you watching?

If you continue to train with intensity and regularity for a period of over 5 years you will prove that you have an elite level of self discipline. Genetics are gay unless you have self discipline anyway.

>Got a bulging disc at just barely over 200 >gym will
Well, guess that's settled

So, when squatting do you guys go high bar or low bar?

Just trying to get a general consensus.

That's the most arbitrary measurement I've ever heard of.

Once you're on your deathbed looking back on your life

Sorry to hear Bobby

Exactly, so just try harder. The only thing holding you back from being good is yourself.

>Genetics are gay

lolol, i dont know why this is funny to me

Most people here do low bar but it doesn't matter. Just do what is most comfy for you.

But how does it feel knowing a GDE outbenches you?

Also where did you get that childhood picture of Twink?

>the only thing he does better than me is something he's good at because of tiny arms and giant arch

I'm okay with that. Also it was posted in /plg/ last week.

Don't you just love those days you go to bench and the bar feels heavy but you set a new PR at lightning speeds

Nothing gives me such a big fat grin when the bar just fly's off your chest like whoooooooosh

My form (I think) goes to shit when I'm hitting a PR on squats.

I'm too focused on the weight and making sure I squat it rather than having good form (of course I do my best to keep good form) and it activates my Patellar Tendonitis. All warmup sets my knee is perfectly fine.

Shit is so annoying.

>nice blog

Squatted low bar for the first time in three months (injury) today, bar x10 90x5 had my quads and glutes on fire like even previous heavy widowmakers never did.

not sure if nostalgic for when I was a wee dyel, or willing to end it all because why bother.

When maxing of any kind you'll always have form break down. It takes a lifetime to learn to maintain good form and set a new PR, and even then, professionals don't even do it consistently.

It might suite you well to leave some reps in the tank and just never max out outside of a meet or occasional ego boost lol.

it counts down

teh webum, clock in the background

Hey /plg/, aestheticsfag here. Wondering what the difference is between a "powerlifting program" and like a high volume PPL?

I'm doing a PPL right now for a few more weeks but I wanted to do some PL stuff after to kinda get my numbers up.

T-thanks anons

Your first real stall is a good tip-off; if you're hitting 350-400 Wilks coming off SS you've probably got some very good genetics.

Personally I see it as:
>~350-400 = below/average
>~400-425 = above average
>~425-450 = genetically gifted
>~450-475 = world class
>~475-500 = world-beaters
>500+ = one in a million genetics plus everything else dialed in, including PEDs

These being lifetime goals for the middling weight classes (say, 74-93kg) since leverages and pure mass throw things off at each end as far as Wilks score is concerned. Gear will upgrade you by one tier if you do it right.

I done something similar with deadlifts. Switched to sumo cause I was sick of my back rounding and feeling funny, spun my wheels for a couple months, switched back to conventional and have been progressing like its my first week since.

Who the fuck reaches 350-400 wilks on SS...

well the only way to go is up, and fast. but dayum, feeling so ruined and sore from babbyweight does a trick or three to the ego

Tfw one wilk point away from genetically gifted.

almost escaped GDEdom. among the blind, the one eyed is king

GDE spotted
as long as you're young, eating and sleeping enough you're fine

>struggle to push the weight back up
you're ego lifting

>Tiny arms
I have a 6 foot wingspan

>needing knee wraps
women were a mistake

They're sleeves

Also you're implying you wouldn't smash


>needing extra equipment for 2pl8
if you cant do a lift naked, you cant do a lift

>wanting to have sex with women
ascetic masterrace reporting in

>tfw insomnia

Join the club. 4am is a magic hour.

today is w1d2 on nuckols 2x squat int, what do you for your squat variation, just the prescribed work up to 8RM and then wrap it up? or do you modify this as well?


How hard can I realistically cut on sheiko advanced medium load

I cant deadlift naked cuz it hurts my dick. checkmate atheists

not really, he obviously wanted to include his set up (subtle movements, placements, etc), but took a moment to get his straps perfect / mentally ready for a PR he will likely never repeat

he edited out the pointless mental prep, since the video can't show it

>tfw you realize that your will is God's will and that all actions you do are righteous and that psuedointellectuals who think they know the will of God via scripture are heretic cultists who are mislead by jews


H-he's wearing a suit under his clothes right

What does GDE stand for?

Be honest:

How much would you pay for a big PR?

Gifted but dickless example

God's Dick Enterprise

The god who's will you're following is satan


>tfw the quality of your squats is noticeably improving
>tfw deadlifts are going up faster and with less slowing down
>tfw your butt stays on the bench at higher weights more regularly than it was a couple of weeks ago

who /progress/ here
who /volume is king for bench press/ here
who /braced core on squats and deadlifts/ here

prove that, and tell me the objective way that you as a human may understand the will of God as it exists within the transcendental

You'll probably be fine. Just remember to keep your light/recovery day LIGHT, and avoid doing too much volume on your intensity day. Show up, max out, leave

Texas method works really well for men under 25 who have a normal hormonal profile. It's the old folk who can't handle it

I want to bench 3x a week, squat 3x, and dl 2x, what do i run

>chest wall contusion

Welp, guess I'm done lifting for the semester.

I tripped while carrying a TV helping my grandparents move and landed chest first into a corner of it. RIP

>bench 3x a week
>squat 3x
>dl 2x
Cuckols is the only thing that immediately comes to mind that has dl 2x templates other than that just take any 1x program and do a variations at a lower weight for the second day

Everyone says suicide is selfish but what could be more selfish than wanting me to exist in suffering