Is my dinner Veeky Forums approved?
Is my dinner Veeky Forums approved?
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Looks tasty user, enjoy
I'd drop the pepsi tho
Clean off your table
that face
>made with REAL sugar
My meal prep and meal tonight...think I'll go with the ribeye
Ghetto tier food. Just how poor are you?
>he meal preps
Topkek dyel.
fuark once i get more money im gonna be doing this instead of chicken breast every night
what the fuck
>faggot detected
obviously, doesnt know how to cook...needs mommies milkies apparently
Its pretty cheap at stater bros...$3.99/lb is a steal and its pretty much two 8oz portions when you take out the bone
Do you reheat it in a microwave? If so, I'm guessing you make it a little more rare during the meal prep so that it's whatever level you like it after heating, right?
I don't get how people can eat so little and call it a meal.
I just ate like 100 pistachios, a shake, some tea w/ honey, and i'm still hungry so im gonna pan fry some thick bacon. And probably still wake up barely 1/4 of a lbs gained.
nice, about to dig in myself
R8 my snack
So is microwaving Tupperware okay?? Like it had the microwave safe thing on the button but I'm not sure if I trust it
So you're not sure you trust the information from the manufacturer but the opinion of a bunch of strangers on the internet will be good enough to make you feel better about it?
It makes you .001% more likely to get cancer. Oooga booga scary!
>he eats out everyday and doesn't know how to cook
Thats actually a thing here.
Because hfcs is now in everything companies brag about using only "real sugar"
Dude, i'm gonna type as sober as possible, that honestly looks fcking pathetic and digusting compared to my meal. and I'm being one hundred percent serious. Sorry we dont cook sht that was perviously in cans. you're a fuking joke dude, and im dead fuking serious. gert areal family that cooks good food, drinks beer and wine and winecoolers and has a good fuking time, and has a milliondollar house on the beach, im seriously.. dont eever potst your fuking poverty dinner on these forums ever the fuk again bro, and by bro i mean never my bro, fuking phaggot.
Why would you precook a steak?!
It takes 5 minutes and one pan to make it fresh.
How would you even keep it from becoming fully cooked while reheating it?
sugar does indeed taste better then high fructose
Nope you've just fallen for marketing, my friend. They're both sugar.
Your body processes disaccharides different from monosaccharides.
At this point there is a ton of evidence that hfcs is even worse then table sugar.
But people always want to "debunk" something.
Why is the plate of greasy food sitting on published items?
for helvete
Maybe he has a job?
Is that chili? Hell yeah man I eat chili most days. I'd get rid of the pepsi though too much sugar.
>he eats old reheated meats instead of cooking from fresh every day
enjoy your xenoestrogens soygoy
this. glass or gtfo
I hope you only have a pop a day.
>drinking soda at all
Why even one? It's just sugar it's not doing anything for him.
drop the pepsi please
It's good carbs pleb
Eat a fucking vegetable if you want good carbs jackass
How much have you fucked up your life that you have the time to cook everyday?
Not everyone is or was a fatty.
Spotted the Ambulocetus
How much have you fucked up yours that you don't have time to cook everyday?
If you don't come from money then you must either live a really mediocre or a really unsuccessful life (such as working a basic 9-5) to have time to cook every night. I'm a 2nd year med student working part time 50-60 hours study 20-25 hours work 10-15 hours per week in the gym. The only point in the year I have to cook full time is around the holidays.
Why lie though?
Everyone SHOULD have time to cook for themselves and get adequate sleep though. The expectation that you have to overwork yourself to succeed is having a negative effect on society. We should feel sorry for you not be bashing.
>he can't afford to pay someone else to cook for him on a daily basis
What's it like being on foodstamps?
how do u have time to shitpost on Veeky Forums at 3am then lol
what is that
You sound like a little bitch, if you have time to post on this Japanese waifu impoundment image board you have time to cook food.
Normally cooking will never take more than half an hour for me too, hardly a big deal.
>plastic straw
>Not a Sour Punch candy straw
lrn2 NEET faggot
yeah op like your place is a dump and your meal on your dollar store plate is a joke
would you like some green bean with your salt
Enjoy moral bunkrupcy and cancer, omnicucks.
Did your package say it was microwave safe? Did it also say BPA free? Buy some new shit.
honest question, whats the macros on monkey soup
They're just not NEETs
Do you know what part time means?
Arab detected.
You sound like a faggot. I'm not cooking some top tier meal. I cook from fresh and then cut some vegetables. Doesn't take too much time.
>tfw self employed music producer that works from home, just make beats whenever I want and cook up the freshest banquets every day
no thats what you wish you did. what do you really do user.
i like how everything in that picture is unaesthetic, the table cloth, the fork and the LOOK AT THAT UGLY FUCKING WINE GLASS
Yes you have to otherwise it tastes like burnt leather
I don't have time to cook every fucking meal cause its time-consuming AF and I'm a very busy person unlike your cuckself that still lives in mommies basement
A fellow Norwegian or Icelandic Übermensch?
Spotted the DYELs
When you get the point that you need to eat 2800+ cal and 200 g of protein a day to get any gainz, you need to eat a lot if you're eating healthy. Of course faggots who drink soda and eat fast food all the time wouldn't understand that many things actually have less than 500 cal per serving.
Looks third world as fuck. Probably South America
This has to be the Balkans
It's old nordic food, those fuckers had it harsh. Had to eat everything they got their hands on.
Deconstructed spaghetti bolognese
>study 20-25 hours
>studying 3 hours a day
>working part time 50-60 hours
>not having scholarships
>10-15 hours in the gym
>2 hours a day everyday
You've got some shit to sort out there brainlet
I feel the same way. Even if you had a job, you're just working to waste money on shoe leather microwave steak. Still doesn't make any sense.