Do all guys have V-lines or are they genetic?

Do all guys have V-lines or are they genetic?


all guys have them, but how pronounced they are at a given bf% is different for most due to genetics. genetics also factor their shape.

My left v looks different than my right, I think when I did crunches or some shit I didn't do them as symmetrical. Rip

>mfw my left abs are more pronounced because they compensate for my weaker left side

it's almost entirely genetics. i dropped myself to 11-12% bf, did all types of solid ab exercises and my lines were nothing compared to my mate who was probably 16-18% bf and hadn't worked out for a couple months

Hanging leg raises and oblique crunch. There you go.

I found that sprints helped a lot. Your core does more that you realize when you're running at high intensity

You talking about the Apollo belt?

no, the Hermes sash

I heard Adonis belt

you cant train them since they're not muscle. the best you can do is lose enough weight and hope they become more pronounced. But if yout dont have them, there is nothing you can do about it.
For a truly great physique, they fundamental. There is not one god-tier physique that doesnt have them
>pic very unrelated

You mean Neptune's nutsack?

He looks like shit, still you can make out the v lines on his pudgy abdomen. Would that guy train for a year, he'd look a thousand times better than despite him having dedicated years of his life to training, tracking calories, and even roiding. Its also obvious the latter guy would be an all around better athlete

It's called Vulcans Vulva

Zeus' lightning bag?

Ganymede's girdle?

Poseidons man-pussy

hephaestus' hernia?

Guys stop trolling. Everybody knows it's the Hades Hilt

It's Perseus' Platinum

I think you meant Anchibalde's Arrow

Baldurs balls indeed are a genetic thing.

I have 'em even at 15%.

Veeky Forums will always be my favorite board


It's Satan's G-String

Mercury's message bag?

Aphrodites saddle.

This, I never have a Veeky Forums browsing session without a hearty kek before logging off.

jesus fucking christ that guy's face never ceases to amaze me

it looks like it was photoshopped on his body every time i see it

I have this exact same body, thanks for the inspiration senpai

>Neptune's nutsack
If you mean ridiculously wet and crawling with crabs, then yep, I've got that shit.

You mean Kratos's cumberbund

Themistocles' thunder bolt?