Is there anything worse than your own family telling you you're fat and have a problem?

Is there anything worse than your own family telling you you're fat and have a problem?

My parents keep telling me I didn't use to be like this and that if I start eating properly and exercising regularly again that'll I'll lose the fat quickly. -- I just don't believe these normies.

I'm only maybe 20-25lbs overweight and I can only imagine how others think of me. I don't really look good in clothes and I'm starting to wonder if not taking care of myself physically might be part of the explanation for why I still have no girlfriend.

Not getting the message.



Is there anything worse?
>Getting whipped on multiple occasions by your granmother as a punishment when you were a kid
>Getting your ass torn by your neighbours dick when you were 11 and still having alot of hemroid issues because of it

Gee idk user, getting called fat by your parents must be sooooooo devastating for your mental well being.

evidently counting calories and moderating your eating is worse to u


>I think the reason I got fat is because I let myself get fat

Lol op ur retarded. Lose weight and grow a thicker skin

>Is there anything worse than your own family telling you you're fat and have a problem?

Try going through telling your family that you're on a diet and having them all tell you that you're at a healthy weight, even though you're a genuine fatty. I was 140lbs overweight and just looked at them all in shock, it's like I don't even know them anymore. At least your family is concerned for you and wants you to improve. My family is completely deluded beyond the point of no return, I can't even get any of them to start drinking water every now and then.

Wow. Rich stuff, soon.

>is there anything worse than my family worrying about my well being

Lose weight then, you disgusting tub of lard

Yes, seeing your younger brother throwing his life away by playing videogames all day and getting obese. I get tears in my eyes when I think of him, sometimes it keeps me up in my sleep. I can imagine what it feels like for a parent
Seriously OP, get serious about losing that fat.

>I can't even get any of them to start drinking water every now and then.


I know that feel, bro. My little sister has always fluctuated from normal to slightly chubby until recently. She all of a sudden packed on 50-75 lbs and is probably officially obese now. I feel like I'm failing her by not rescuing her from obesity, but I think she's fallen for the fat positive propaganda, and any thing I do will just drive us apart. I hate those pro-fat faggots with a passion now.

If your biggest problem in life is that you're eating too much food, you've got it pretty good.
Stop being a glutton, you overly dramatic fatso.

be happy that they care about you

>I'm starting to wonder if not taking care of myself physically might be part of the explanation for why I still have no girlfriend.

Holy shit, get this man a novel prize

Eat less, jigglypuff.

>Is there anything worse than your own family telling you you're fat and have a problem?
Plenty of things, including being fat

>e anything worse than your own family telling you you're fat and have a problem?
>Plenty of things, inclu


Same boat, my parents think I'm starving myself whenever I whip out the measuring cups and don't get seconds. And this is coming from a life-long fit father. Whenever I say I'm full, he will sigh and get pissed.
They'll still pick me up candy knowing full well I'm cutting. I'd hate them if I didn't love them so much.

There are far worse things than being told you're fat by your family. I think it's far worse to never be told until the day you catch your reflection in the mirror when somebody could've told you earlier. We're always the last people to notice our own weight gain/weight loss, but polite society tells us that giving somebody a heads up that they're putting on weight is not alright anymore.

I'm working on it man.