Short girls

>Short girls

>Sexy Girl's

>sexy girl’s
Sexy girl’s what?

Enjoy bailing your son out when he gets arrested for being a manlet in public.

Actually the height usually regresses to the mean


Sure it does little fella. Now get back in your hamster cage, there's a good manlet.

Okay lanklet hows that 165 bench coming along

Gotta start somewhere. Stop insulting people.

My bench is pretty good actually you jockey sized freak. Plus the barbell actually moves more than two inches at a time because I don't have little nubs for arms.

>little girls

>Muh spindly skelly stick arms

The lanklet cope is real

lanklet coping by fucking your bitch right now

Lmao more like masturbating to your sad femdom porn

Stop astroturfing, fucking womanlets

>implying anyone on Veeky Forums has a bitch

Gb2 halloween town, hungry skellington

Womanlets are ideal

When will I learn?

>lanklet samefagging

The lanklet cope is very real.

I fucking wish I was a lanklet.

Lanklets are truly despicable.

I'd sooner trust a drug addict or a criminal than a lanklet.

Wish granted. Welcome to the internet.

gonna probably fug a 4'11 chick this weekend, never been with a short girl, what to expect lads

Some lanklets are drug addicts and criminals...Gotta be careful user

Can I be a lanklet in real life too?

I have a 4'11 milf gf for a while and it was honestly the best sex of my life. This bitch was filthy, into dressing up as a schoolgirl and shit. And her size meant I could manhandle the fuck out of her... have fun user

When are we building the womanlet pit?

Don't push it, faggot.

If you're cool, sex.

If not...not sex.

They're just girls man. You've been through this before.

Holy shit

Fuck you guys. Today I saw the hottest girl ~4'10 if I had to guess. FUCK muh dick

>be 6’2”
>prefer short cute girls
>realized the other day that if I marry one and have kids it’s likely they’ll be manlets

Yeah, 5'10" girls are hot as hell.

>more lanklet babble

The lanklet cope is palpable.

fuark cannot wait to chuck her round and flip her over with ease and feel like a beast

>keep seeing short titty monsters on okc
>god damn my dick but what if I fall in love and want to have kids
>imagine creating a son who's a full 8 inches shorter than me
>can't do that to my future children

So glad i met my gf. Short, very feminine and caring, and wants me to fuck her really hard when she's ovulating.

>actually having kids with short girls and not just fucking them and tossing them aside to manlets for sloppy seconds

no way fag