Fuck it guys
Im 20 and balding
What did i do to make it happen ?
Fuck it guys
Im 20 and balding
What did i do to make it happen ?
Other urls found in this thread:
my hairline shot back and stopped at your age, (Im 25 now) it's normal.
Fast food, dairy, soda or weed. Which one was it ?
Oh thanks god, i thought i was joining the hairlet army
My hairline has been quite similar to yours since age 15
Im 26 now and I had then also realized my dad has the same hairline
Its all genetics
I may have a full head of thick and dark hair, but I will forever be The King of Manlets.
>tfw 5'11"
Not fast food, i eat well and go fasting a lot
Not soda, i drink water
Neither weed
But i drink milk ocassionaly
>it's normal.
didn't happen to me or anyone i know
that is a privileged receding hairline you got started there.
Some guys get slight recession as they hit their 20s.
Don't panic just yet. That could be as bad as it ever gets. If it receeds more, and you start to get a bald spot on your crown, then you should start to panic.
none of those things contribute to balding you pseud faggot.
normal doesn't necessarily mean common
Masturbation was another option. Fasting isn't doing your hair any good btw, it triggers sirt1 which is estrogenic.
Im from 3rd world country where everyone are under 5 feet 7 inches and me at 5 feet 11 inches im seen as an emperor
No kidding
women have nice hair though, is estrogen bad for hair?
t. Delusional hairlet
Explain please why its privileged
That's exactly what it means
Women are high in progesterone, which protects against it. Men also have the potential to have more estrogen since testosterone aromatizes to estrogen, plus all the external sources of estrogen.
it's commonly misused but that's normally what it means
t. retard
are xenoestrogens really a significant source of est levels in humans? I get it for amphibians with membranous skin but we'd have to ingest a shitload wouldn't we?
>Bad for hair
Lol, I bet you've been bragging about how your long thick hair means you're high test.
breh this is "coffee stunts your growth"-tier
Could be excessive masturbation. DHT alone is responsible for 95% of all balding cases and after you cum, it lingers in your body for a few hours after, meaning if you sit at home at the weekend or something and just jack off a couple of times a day then your scalp is exposed almost constantly to the stuff.
Loosing my hair in exchangue for jerking off for free seems a just treat anyways
U had a high test brother... embrace it and join the war boys
balding =/= high test
keep telling yourself that wiht ur long luscious feminine locks...
Balding early only means that your hair follicles are extra sensitive to DHT. That's it.
lol oh Connor
Any explanation will ruin the joke.
You are. He's just trying to make you feel better.
what's with all the negative shitposting on/fit/ lately?
Oh okay sure
If u went and got testosterone treaments and got urself to the normal level of an actual man, you would be begin to bald too.
I hate how people claim they are gigh test off nothing
If you were TRULY high test you would be dead
Bald master race reporting in.
>Implying balding isn't a worse fate than death.
Because it's hits harder when it hits home.
Mfw desensitized by baldness shitposting because my hair is lush.
youre not even a man until you begin to bald
Idk. Just look at him.
holy shit even the beard can't his weak jaw
Why are bald men trying so hard to make themselves feel better?
Must be why most pro athletes and Chad actors on roids never go bald. Estrogenic faggot.
Dyel faggot.
they actually do though...
This. I balded a slight bit when I was 19/20 and now I'm 27 and my hair hasn't changed at all since then.
You upped your T levels too much.
High t guys usually start going hairless at 23-30, strangely enough, low t has one advantage and that is keeping your hair.
Your hairline gonna creep back, enjoy it while you still got it or do like I did and embrace the skinhead look.
This is so false - stop spreading misinformation.
Look at the Buzzfeed Try guys cucks, all those white guys will have 0 hair in 5-10 years and they're all low-test. Sure, test plays a role in SOME cases, but for the most part its genetics.
Explain this then.
Twin A is castrated.
Twin B is not.
Twin A has full head of hair.
Twin B is bald.
Twin A is given testosterone.
Twin B already has testosterone.
Twin A loses his hair immediately
Twin B still has no hair.
This was an experiment done by Dr. James B Hamilton, I'm taking a fucking Yale doctors opinion over yours any day.
Bald men have high T. Buzzfeed cucks are bald because they're constantly stressed out trying fund their wife's boyfriends lifestyle. Deal with it, Scalplet.
actually fasting reduces inflammation which is very good for hair growth.
because both of the twins have shit genetics and are predisposed to balding you baldcel
>hairline of a 50 year old.
nah i'm good thanks
>Quoting something from the 1940s.
"“We’ve been looking at male hormones since the 1990s and have seen no evidence of raised levels of testosterone in connection with male pattern hair loss,” says Glenn Lyons, Trichologist and Clinical Director at the Philip Kingsley Trichological Clinic in Mayfair, London."
“Male hormones are a catalyst for hair thinning but only for those who are genetically predisposed to male pattern hair loss. What matters is what the hormone is doing, not the levels.”
Wow, it's as if I was right with the whole genetics thing, ya know?
dont know how old you people are, 43 here, but it is strictly genetics 100% of the time genetics. Had a friend who was starting to grey by 19yrs. I have seen two grey hairs on my head and one eyebrow hair.
It looks fine, kill yourself
i have found numerous studies correlating high testosterone to DECREASED baldness
believe it or not, you're actually LESS testosterone high than the non-bald person
sorry to break it down to you brah
Is this legit?
Started going bald in my early twenties. Sort of did a number to my self-esteem but got over it. No one cares. Really. No one gives a shit. Chalk it up to bad genetics.
I did get a few jabs from buddies but they got over it. Just be bigger then your friends
literally all you have to do it comb or brush your hair to the side instead of straight down
5'11 isn't short. Only autistic kids who browse Veeky Forums 24/7 think so
I do that but it's getting worse and noticeable even with a combed undercut
And women.
finasteride worked for me,noticed a lot of hair falling off when i stopped taking it in the summer.
Looks similar to mine and I’m 21 with not a single bald grandfather or uncle or father. Relax.
That’s really not the case. Girls won’t think it’s tall but they won’t think short. Just like C cup boobs aren’t big but they’re not small either
It's common for hairlines to recede somewhat in your early 20s even if you don't have MBP. Only worry if you start seeing thinning on the crown of your head
fellow slav?
30 here..
It's just hair doesn't bother me at all...
You look fine. Dont throw in the towel yet, I have had a shitty hairline for awhile now, but it has long stopped receding.
anyone who has OP-like hair needs to hop on finasteride and minoxidil IMMEDIATELY before it gets worse and then there’s nothing you can do. it WILL get worse the longer you wait and it’s very easy to prevent it by just hopping on those. being bald literally means you were too dumb and slow to take care of it on time then you’re fucked for life. absolutely no excuse to go bald in 2017. hell even if your hair is better than OP, if you’re in your 20s you should do it anyway.
>t. was in denial about balding for longest time (like most people here) and been on fin+minoxi combo for 3 years, balding stopped completely, nothing regrows
>tfw literally going to a dermatologist in half an hour because my hairline looks like this
I hope to God it is just a mature hairline, because then I'll be forced to take propecia and minoxidil or kill myself.
Genetics. Embrace it user go Vin Diesel. Will motivate you to make more gains to fit the look and avoid looking like Moby.
kills gains and gives you gyno
What if I can't afford buying those for the rest of my life
Hair follicles sensitivity to androgens is in part related to whole body receptors sensitivity to testosterone.
So it is normal that on average balding people have less testosterone because they dont need as much, if you were to increase levels of T to the levels of a non-balding person averrage, then they would lose all of their hair very drasticly and fast.
Basicly non-balding guys have more tolerance for testosterone, so it needs it higher => high serum T
"it's just hair, nobody cares"
There is already a cure for baldness and its prevention. Not prevention after you fucked up complety... Think of this as a cancer, when its stage 1, almost all cancers are easy to deal with, let it pass to stage 3 or 4 its a complety different animal.
Theres still not a lot of hair loss, you probably still have the hair follicles too alive.
You need to do a test on your DHT and testosterone levels asap.
Start on finastride, and blood test DHT and T. DHT must drop, if its not dropping you will still lose hair.
false and false kys brainlet
minox is cheap if you buy generic. 15 bucks for a 3 month daily supply. Finesteride is more expensive because it's used yo treat prostate hyperplasia
Minoxil thins the blood thus increasing blood flow to the hair follicle. But given that the blood has DHT in it, it will accelerate the death of the follicle and provoke more hairloss.
Not a good idea to start minoxil while not supressing DHT levels.
I wouldn't give a fuck If I were 30. I have the same hairline and I'm 18
If you have genetic MPB you're already doomed, but some people have receding hairlines without it
Male pattern baldness is androgenic.
Recending Hairlines is one of the male patterns, and its androgenic.
People now a days like to link other mechanisms prentending they found the holy grail, but they are just messing around down the chain of events of the androgens.
Finastride and duastride (both bocking the conversion of T to DHT) exist today because it was found a cohort of people with a genetic mutation that doesnt allow them to convert T to DHT and these people NEVER, EVER get bald.
Same with castration they dont get baldness ever, same reason why women dont get androgenic hair-loss.
Here's what I know for sure, a couple years ago my hairline started receding (with no thinning of crown), so I started using topical minox on my hairline, and it stopped receding, and has not receded further since
post boipucci, no homo bro though
>tfw king of manlets AND balding
who /dermaroll/ here?