Is a large penis a sign of high test? My penis is almost 7 inches when erect

Is a large penis a sign of high test? My penis is almost 7 inches when erect

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considering how many traps seem to have huge cocks I'm gonna say no

8+ and thick is large

And yes every girl you ever date or love will have been taken by a python

Two factors effect penis size, genetics and androgen exposure (dht)-in puberty.
As you can be genetically predisposed to a large or small cock, you can be high or low t with a large or small penis, but having higher dht during puberty will mean you're more likely to reach your full potential.

how do i expose my child to DHT?
feed him steak every day?

>I will never be able to go back in time and fix my shitty teenage habits in order to genetically become the best possible version of myself
Sometimes I fantasize about how amazing it would be if i were put in my early teenage body with my mind of today...

This. I would be a powerlifter lookking fuck with quads and delts the size of tree trunks

Creatine can up it slightly.
That's why there is the creatine balding meme.
Most importantly, don't let your kid be fat. Fat converts t in to estrogen, lower t, lower DHT.

I think we all do, user.

>would never have stopped playing rugby
>would have hit the gym hard during my prime years
>would have studied to become a dietician instead of tech.

>8+ and thick
9+ and thicker then whatever you have is large

>Took creatine as a teenager to tack on mass for wrestling
>years later
>6.7" and thick
>dated a stripper for a while
>biggest shes had

Gonna drop creatine on my sons for fucking certain. Thanks user.

>tfw 4.5'' white suicidal dicklet and manlet

>7.5 X 6.25
Still a KHV who is too scared to talk to girls, so I would say it's not a high test thing at all

Friendly reminder that jelqing and pumping are not memes. The size of your peepee won't double but you can gain half an inch to an inch in length and it will be thicker too. Enough to boost confidence and talk to the 6/10 that will birth your children.

i tried stretching and jelqing my dick and i unironically had blood in my cum for 2 weeks. jelqing is a meme

I tried jelqing for a bit, can't remember how long (like 1 month), 1-2 years ago

Always been 16cm, after that 17cm
I stopped but I kept the gains
Gf noticed too
I hit the very end when i fuck my gf, don't know if i want it any bigger

I know this feel. I was a picky eater and had a stretch of 2 years where I was a shut in faggot who didn't exercise.

I'm almost positive I'd be taller and healthier if I actually ate right and got outside more

I'm 24 btw, dick stopped growing at 18

Do you think creatIne made a difference or was it just puberty. I doubt creatine would increase dht that much. Was your dick small before you took creatine

What was your routine. That's good gains for a month

>I doubt creatine would increase dht that much
that's the whole point of creatine


It could still happen. I'm 20 now and grew 3 inches from the age of 18, simply because being out of my parents' house allowed me to a lot of healthy food.
5'11" to 6'2" (bordering on 6'3")

my gf has a bigger dick than me so I doubt it

7" is still too big for normal woman. I smash cerfixes all the same. Only inferior women crave donkey dicks.

I'm low-mid test judging by my jaw and finger lengths and have an 8+ thick cock so I doubt it has anything to do with test.

No because my GF's penis is 8"
It maybe meant the difference of half an inch as it is largely down to gene expression, but if someone told you you can get an extra half inch on your John Thomas just from taking some powder while a teenager, you'll take the damn powder.


7" is way too big for a woman, are they even women at that point though?