Joining Military

Any fellow Veeky Forumsbros in the military or thinking about joining? Would have never considered it but now it’s not looking so bad. I’m a 20 year old college drop out and don’t know where to go with my life. I have zero self disciple and my confidence is garbage. I’m scared of the world yet as a young male I’m expected to make it my own, had the military helped anyone here achieve that?

I’m American by the way,

say goodbye to your gains

Can always join the ChAir-Force.
They got loads of expensive stuff, and after you scraped the dust off the stuff in the gym, it should be fully functional.

Anything else and they will teach you to crawl through mud for 2 weeks with only some tree bark to chew on.

The military is for men, not for boys

Boot camp is only two weeks? Lmao holy shit

It's 13

Same position and age as you OP, only I'd think I wouldn't go through with it. Too scared of dying t b h and PTSD disorder

What everyone says is Boot Camp is the hardest part but it’s like High School all over again. After that you’re basically sitting on your ass collecting a check.

Now that sounds more interesting. The only part about the military that interest me is the working out part, if I could go just to see if i can make it through that would be nice.

You can also try to be a cop or a fireman, or maybe fbi (if you want excitement and discipline). If you join military, you'll either be jerking off in some military base home or killing hajis for exxon and Israel in some dusty shithole.

Depending on your MOS, the Marine Corps is basically a day job where you make shitty pay but everything you need is free, like housing and food. The gyms are pretty nice, but they're always packed with assholes with high and tights wearing boots and utes.

Dont do it if you have a girl friend. But fuck man if your single, fire it up.

Do something challenging like rangers or airborne, wish i would of done that but i fell for the ROTC meme

It's only 3 years of your life if you hate it, but a lifetime of regret if you don't do it.

- 11B US Army

I'm 22 and the same. A lot of people seem to think the military is exclusively for stupid people. If I do go through with it, I'll join the infantry and try out for nations SAS. If not I'll find some shit job doing something shit and end up regretting not joining.

>The only part about the military that interest me is the working out part
You don't join the military to make gains

It's very doable if you're not a grunt


How are you an enlisted infantryman if you went through ROTC?
Also, if you're really an infantryman you'd know that Airborne isn't hard or challenging. Everyone who shows up passes.

OP, you should join. Just take the shortest contract possible in case you hate it. If you do 20 years you can retire at 40 and never work again in your live, living off you pension.

You can do one of two routes:
1) Be a real soldier. The high testosterone job every thinks about when you say you're in the military. Infantry, then try for SOF, etc. Not as comfortable as pussy jobs, but worth it if you are a fighting man.
2) any pussy office job. You can do a cozy 20 years working 9-5 in an office, never breaking a sweat except when you hit the gym every day after work. But is that really what you want with your life, to be a paper pusher?

In the infantry you have time to hit the gym everyday, so don't believe the memes about losing gains. The only time you can't is when you're in the field. Typical work day is 7-5ish

Feel free to ask any questions

Say goodbye to your knees

I was a total bitch before I joined the army. I was always scared to get into fights and defend myself but after you get a little swole and endure the tough shit you through i feel invincible and never scared to wrestle my buddies or help em out when they're getting their asses beat in bar fights

Also the gyms are usually high class and fucking free. The only problem is it gets crowded in the mornings

I was also thinking about joining the army if my life doesn’t end up working out. I’m 19 and in college right so if after College I can’t find a job I think military could be a good option for me. I’m already physically fit so I think I could handle whatever basic training I would have to go through. But truthfully, is the pay/benefits worth it? I probably wouldn’t want to be an actual infantryman/soldier if I had a choice, maybe just some internal job in the military. Are the job prospects good?

How is ROTC a meme come out of college a high rank make more money they pay for your degree seems like a pretty sweet fucking deal

Be cause you end up being a office worker who did nothing to deserve your rank or the respect of your men

Alright listen loser.
NAVY IT E5 been in 4 years
Easy the best mistake of my life. Confidence boost is great and has been lasting. Got enough money to do a lot on my own and I've learned a trade that I can use outside of this madness. That being said everyone is different for the military. You might get a cake job in a cake place and you get money and work out all day. Or like me you go to some shit hole and work like a madman and somehow gain 20lbs in Japan of all fucking places.

Choose your branch wisely. Navy goes from 0 to 100 fast on ships and sucks ass. Shore is cake but doesn't teach you shit. Also don't be an asshole and think you are cooler then civilians because muh military. This shit for more than a first contract is for retard. Good luck sweet summer child


You didn't realize it was a mistake going in?
>choosing the most manlet job in the most manlet branch

Oh wait this asshole wants to join to work out. Go be a firefighter then they have time I'm sure. You don't do that shit here. Push ups sit ups and a mile and a half. That's all you care about Navy wise

Was a retard back then friend. 1 in 6 are huge retards and it is hard to even talk to them. Can't complain about free certs tho.

Yea fuggin airborne school is easy but an actual airborne unit is difficult.

I started NG while in school but switched to active

>In the infantry you have time to hit the gym everyday, so don't believe the memes about losing gains. The only time you can't is when you're in the field. Typical work day is 7-5ish
Infantry here. The big problem isn't finding an hour to work out, the problem is (if you're living on base) eating enough to meet your macros (and doing so healthily enough) and also maintaining a decent sleep schedule. With some postings it's possible, and with others it all goes to shit. Working range control? Duty officer? You're up all night every night and saying sayonara, gains.

Meant for:
Also probably leaving the thread now because these threads are always filled with people pretending to have military experience and they make me cringe.

Joining the military is the equivilent of shinqua getting 7 baby daddys and collecting on her kids.

You're not a soilder
you're a

>welfare queen

Vets who were drafted deserve respect. Men who activly enlist? Fuck you for thinking you deserve a thank you because you choose a life threatening career where you fight for big oil and isreal

>I started NG while in school but switched to active
Me too breh
I'm probably one of a few enlisted infantrymen with a degree in geophysics

101st here
I manage. Quit the bitch excuses

Joining won't fix your issues, but it will force you to deal with them without an out. As for gains, you will lose a bit in basic but as long as you pick a REMF job you'll be able to keep up your gains even while deployed. Frontline types usually hemorage mass during deployment, unless we count tankers.

the military won't make you grow up or become a better person, it will just enable your shitty qualities and habits.

What if I became a better person then joined the military?

It's not an excuse. I'm claiming we'd be physically healthier and stronger if we were civvies and that it can be frustrating.

same thing, you would have the keys to success. People generally leave the military the same as they came in, just with a tad bit more bitterness.

I had no family or friends upon joining and was super poor and really wanted to save cash and do my own thing. now after 5 years and 1 afghan deployment, I have $70k and gained about 50lbs. Also, im still the same depressed loner, lol.

Who hurt you?

Go for it. Nothing will teach you discipline like the Marines Corp

The money wouldn’t be bad. After a long shower I’ve decided my best course of action would be to take a year to really focus on my lifts, go tough on my diet and read and shit. When I turn 21 i can apply to the military and do my basic training and shit, then after i can go to school to be a nutritionalist or atleast get back on track to getting my business degree. All this is implying Trump doesn’t get us blown back to the Stone Age and I end up getting drafted regardless as I’ve already applied for the SS.


lol, dad got deported, mom gave us up. Saw sis and bro die, saw a few friends get shot and killed in Los Angeles where in from, it's kinda been downhill from there.

Well I was a conscript for a year and it definetely set my shit more on track. Would never consider military career tho

>Army service in my country is mandatory
>Drafted in the Infantry
>we did absolutely nothing
>family asked a politician to move me in a desk 6-3 job in the pentagon
>I volunteered to be transfered to Special Forces instead
>Radio operator in Amphibious Commandos
>one month savage training
>at least 1 loaf of bread a day and came back with a six pack
>still moved back to home town near pentagon but in a special forces communications camp
>learned a lot about discipline, guerrila warfare and communications

I had a lot of problems with my family because they always tried to had their way and always tried to keep me from anything remotely hard. I don't know if I would go as a professional but being in that island changed me. I learned to be a man and not get belittled. I wouldn't stay a day more though.

This more you guys talk about it the more I want to join. Am I falling fit the propaganda meme?

Real shit though considering doing atleast 3/4 years once I turn 21, need to get my shit together first. I’ll read up on the branches and read some old war books to see what interest me. I’ll finally be living Call of Duty.

Chair Force here.

I did the ROTC meme, and it's a bretty sweet deal if you're single. Do NOT do it if you have a girlfriend or a wife because it will fail. The military is a divorce machine.

I get to do cool fucking shit every single day that makes normies mire hard (pilot), and you're going to meet some solid bros. Financially, it'll get you pretty set up.

Pros: Adventure, friendship, money
Cons: Your relationship will most likely fail (i've had 3 of them), you can be stationed in some absolute shitholes (look at Cannon or Minot AFB for example), and you will have to deal with a LOT of menial bullshit.

What Pentagon are you talking about, here?

>Join Air National Guard doing cyber security
>Get TS clearance
>Went to work for Amazon in DC because Pajeet can't get TS for cloud work
>Making 140K at 24 with no debt

Sometimes you gotta play the game

>fighting for jews

It's not a terrible gig, if you're 20, put in a 20 year career, retire at 40 with a pension and then you're still young enough to start a new career doing whatever the fuck you want. If I had it to do all over again, I probably would have gone this route DESU.

you'll fit right in in basic infantry OP

>c u c k autofills to kek

Talk about your expectations and we'll tell you whether they're realistic or not.

>finally living call of duty
this is what armycucks actually believe
enjoy having your wife cheat on you
enjoy being 360 no scoped noob

Dropped out of college (0.6 GPA kek) at 19 and enlisted at 20 after 9/11. Infantry. Become Airborne. Become Ranger. Two deployments. Get out after 10 years. Use GI Bill. Totally new person. Smash two degrees in three years. Apply to grad schools. Get Fulbright Scholarship. Come home. Sick job in finance waiting for me. Now working on MBA to get that corner office.

The Army turned a fuck-up do-nothing assclown NEET like me into a world class killer and a guy who makes 175k a year base salary. 10/10 would recommend.

The military will not help you. It will only increase your insecurities and your contract will become your prison. If you went to college you must have atleast half a brain, the military is for brain-dead wannabe Chads. Don't forget this. Everyone will tell you about their great military experiences so that you can hear how hardcore they are that they had to drop basic due to tinnitus. It's the people who don't talk want to talk about it that you should listen to. The ones entered with the ability to think for themselves and who left completely disillusioned by the state and disenchanted by life, in a worse position than when they started. They are not uncommon.

The military will chew you up and spit you out a broken man, don't give them the opportunity.

>> t. Tired, serving /f/itizen

Spotted the 33 year old E-4. You get out what you put in, Sally. Ranger the fuck up.

spotted the future mass shooter

Good work.

No one is saying guys are deserving of a thank you but to compare them to a handout recipient is blowing it out of proportion. You think US global presence would be respected without our military?

You will never be a better person, you disgusting foot loving miscreant.

Considering the opposite. About to FIRE before 32, thinking of doing it for a new experience

>be me
>join chair force
>literally drive around all day doing nothing except asking people how they are
>maybe some crime
>shift is easy, not tired after work, hit up massive on base gym
>get good gains
>can hit macros and do meal prep easily
>bigger than those army boys who just run around and bitch all day

Best decision I've made.

3 years down, 3 years left navy nuke reporting in is spot on. being in the navy won't get you killed but it might make you kill yourself. infantry won't get you any job experience points when you get out but if they break you enough you can get a disability payout for the rest of your life.
enlisting was fool me once, shame on you. reenlistment bonus is 100k usd but no way am i taking that

the gyms are free and amazing though

Tried to join the Army but my eyesight was too shit and they told me to fuck off.

Regret not having been in the Navy more now.

Might take a civilian shipping job.

Did you get in as an officer? I plan to and want to know how to go about it.

>did nothing to deserve your rank

Other than, you know, getting a university degree.

Educated men are leaders. The brutes do all the fighting and dying.

>the brutes do all the dying
Spoken like someone truly unfit to lead.

>Veeky Forums king of gains and manliness

>everyone suggesting Air Force



You can be a habitual reader of the yellow press, or you can be a MORNING LEADER.

>field grade officer pretending to be on an actual patrol

Fucking PR pictures GTFO

If you have not confidence then the army will force confidence on you. I joined and was really self conscious and during boot camp we were practising a fighting withdrawal and while everyone was in 360 degree protecting you had to call or your name as you ran past so everyone knew who had gone and I didn't call or my name and I got absolutely raped by the instructor for it.
By the end you will be more scared of the instructors and not doing what is expected than you will be of anything.

> Tries to rip off Starship Troopers.
> Fails.
Please become one of the Daily 22.

About to graduate college. Gpa is pretty shit. Can I still get a comfy officer job in navy/Air Force somewhere? Or do I gotta go army/marines. I hear they're less strict with their requirements


sorry user.

I'm thinking of doing rotc in college for the chair-force because ive heard the pay is good, should I do rotc or should I go straight to boot camp? Also thoughts on best branch to join?

Joining the Royal Marines next year don't know how you Americans have it but the training is 32 weeks. I feel a lot of gains will be lost, kek

Oh course rotc can create shitty leaders. But some of the greatest have done rotc. Mattis did rotc and Patton went to west point. Enlisting, getting hazed and getting drunk doesn't make you a good leader.

Just finished BCT at Benning, doing state OCS (NG). I'm pretty happy with my decision so far, looking forward to seeing if I can make it and become an officer. All my buddies from basic are doing RASP and are at AITs right now. Good motivation knowing that I better stay in shape and get better because otherwise those fucks will put me to shame.

It depends on what you want to do but make sure you look into what you have. I'm a leaf but here joining infantry is the least desirable, since you'll work harder than anyone else and still earn less. Strength is less important than cardio so run like fuck and be aware that you'll never have to bench 200 pounds but you will have to crank 200 push ups so being less heavy is an advantage.

Also consider your contract length, I'm on year 2 of a 12 year contract which works for me but other people might die on it. Negotiate that bitch and get everything in writing.

Unless you've got shittons of debt and/or some plea deal involving military service, don't do it.
It's a valid career path for degreed people with high stress tolerances but you'd be better off working in a trade or something similar.

Imagine the shittiest retail or food service job with the brattiest, most obnoxious swollen-headed shift superviser you possibly can. Imagine your workplace packed with deadbeats and mentally deficient losers. Then imagine that instead of just having to keep your head down for 8 hours per day and being able to quit if things really get to you, that's your life 24/7 for the next several years and you can't quit or you'll be jailed.

Anons will correct me with "man my experience wasn't that bad..." or "it's nothing like that just make sure you don't sign up for x role like a moron..." but the truth is that environments like this are plentiful among the unskilled military ranks and you can get plopped in one with no hope of escape in the foreseeable future. Comes down to luck and you don't want to take that risk, OP.

Like this user says the unskilled ranks are shit, especially marine infantry who are known for being dumb. If you're doing officer things don't be an infantry officer or you'll have to heard cats for several years

>US military
AKA Shlomo's private mercenary army. Why, oh why would any sane person ever join the military in US, or tbqh, live in the US?

t. iraqi


>Get paid to kill people and play with guns

Why wouldn’t you?

fixed that for you, broseph

>muh guns
In the US you can play with guns without fighting someone else's useless war. If you want to kill people just shoot up a chruch, as is American tradition. It's even more ethical than killing people in Afghanistan where there's at least some white people left unlike in the US.

We could cut our military in half and still have the most powerful war machine of all time. The military is like the TSA, a meaningless federal jobs program masquerading as "security".

Air Force - least physical but hardest to get in, best career and educational opportunities, poor history

Navy - great history, not physical, good career opportunities, work frequently with marines

Army - good career opportunities, physical but not like Marines, highest percentage of retards, great history

Marines - great history, very physical, hardest and longest boot camp, poor career opportunities due to small number of jobs available

>Army - highest percentage of retards

t. retarded marine

But I go to jail if I shoot up a church, idiot

This is true though, our military is a big waste of money


I'm not saying the Corps doesn't have its retards, the Army just has more

Mattis was enlisted before commissioning. Thats a whole world of difference right there.

I'm Asian 5'4,102lb. Taking Asvab next week and thinking of military police. Though, I would prefer Combat arm, any suggestion what mos would be best for me? What I have in mind. Calvary scout, combat engineer, infantryman and M1 Crew man. Not too worry about job prospect, have a good knowledge with ecomerce and Stock already. Thinking of base in Japan or Korea. Saudi would be nice but wifey aren't too happy with what going over there.

Yeah I'm 25 and thinking of enlisting as 91F ultrapog

>5'4 102lbs
>combat arms

You can't do both

Tanker my man or motor T

I'm sure my nationalist value would help me to achieve the body I need in other to support my country.