How long would it take to go from scrawny DYEL lanklet to noticeable amounts of muscle and mires from chicks given that diet(lean bulk) and programming(SS) are on point?
How long would it take to go from scrawny DYEL lanklet to noticeable amounts of muscle and mires from chicks given that...
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man these girls would look great bouncing on a black cock
without steroids, never.
With steroids, five years.
Or my white cock.
Chick on the left is a transgender ‘male’ now
6 months if you did it perfectly but no one does it perfectly because everyone has to learn what their body reacts to.
Start today and if you have decent facial aesthetics you'll be slaying pussy in the summer if you don't you'll be slaying pussy next summer.
Nice. Thanks user. I start my lean bulk this coming Monday, basically doing starting strength with accessory work for problem muscles I have(arms, traps, neck etc) gonna be in a 200-400calorie surplus with plenty of carbs and protein. We're gonna make it bois.
>noticeable amounts of muscle
>mires from chicks
>programming on point
Kek'd heartily, thanks.
what the fuck I thought you were trolling but it's true
Why are you so fucking gay, boy?
As far as the set/rep scheme + adding 5lb or so each session, yeah. It's the most effective program there is, so it seems.
what the absolute fuck is that Instagram... What a fucking shame too.
ok m9, you believe that
I wish I was trolling mate. Tumblr is a hell of a drug.
Adding 5 lbs per session and squatting twice a week means that you will squat 580 lbs in a year.
You're a retarded beginner falling for internet memes.
Lmfao. Dude, it's been explained so many times. You're obv the one who doesn't lift. Any neanderthal could realize you won't be making consistent gainz like that forever. Novice -> Intermediate is when you stall out completely usually around 3pl8 squat. And it's 3x a week pleb. Go back to /b/
fuck everything
You shouldnt and almost certainly cant run ss for a year consistently. You will stall at ~6 months as a natty beginner.
It's an African mud hut for you degenerate scum.
I am sure SS is the optimal program for aesthetics results for beginner.
Just look how aesthetic a beginner trained by the program's creator himself got!
That's diet related you moron... What does being fat have to do with strength gainz. Remember you can't separate strength from size and vice versa as a natural lifter. So ilwith that being said (big bench / OHP = big chest /tris /front delts) (big squat = big legs/ glutes) what's the fastest way to get big numbers? Add 5lb every session until it slows down. Then do 2.5lb, then less, then switch off of SS to a more complex program for an Intermediate lifter which you now are. Fuck off from Veeky Forums if you're some random NEET.
hello wiktor
>programming on point
yes, a program that has you doing heavy 3x5 squats at the beginning of each workout is surely optimal for aesthetics
Hence; SS with accessories for problem muscles. It's a great program for strength, I'll add my accessories where they're needed to go for Aesthetics.
>I look like utter shit: the blogpost
Don't fucking do Starting Strength. The purpose of the program is to give you a base to become as strong as possible as fast as possible, with the idea of an aesthetic physique being completely discarded. It's purely about putting big numbers on core powerlifting lifts. The dietary advice given is also hilariously awful, although it's primarily meant for people in skelly mode that need to drastically up their calories.
SS will get you extremely good at doing deadlifts & squats, and you'll look like it too. You'll get massively overdeveloped legs and quads, and hilariously under-developed everything else.
How do I know this is true? Because I fucking fell for this meme back in 2012. I followed the book to the letter. I believed Rippetoe when he said "only vain assholes do direct bicep work" and I neglected upper body work in favor of the squats & deads. I ended up looking like the pic in but 20lbs fatter and with somehow smaller arms.
Anyone that says "well if you look like shit afterward, you're doing the program wrong!" is being willfully disingenuous. SS was created to get you good at doing the powerlifting lifts that are squats/deads/power-cleans. It was not created to get you a good looking body. Anyone that prescribes Starting Strength to a newbie that just wants to look good naked is doing that newbie a massive disservice. Read SS for the genuinely good material on lifting form, and disregard every other aspect - especially all workout guides and dietary advice.
tl;dr: fuck starting strength
i'm sure some accessories will make up for an average of 4.5 working sets of bench press a week, all of which are conducted after you have already been beaten into the ground by a near limit 3x5 squat
i'm glad you, as a beginner with no training experience, has it all figured out, go get em tiger
mental illness, the instagram
You westerners ruin everything. I pry to god that he strikes you degenerates all down. Inshallah.
I recommend starting with neck extensions.
Fuck m8. What do you spergs recommend then??
Also forgot to mention Im very interested in weightlifting. It's the most appealing sport to me and I'm considering getting into it. Can't do snatches and C&J without a nice squat, dead and OHP
Fucking internet """lifters""" you haven't even started lifting, but you're already so confident when it comes to programming.
>I'll just magically summon the energy to do a shit load of high quality reps of accessory work after I've already completed a strenuous squats-first strength routine
If you know so much about lifting, why even bother making this thread? Just follow your stupid plan, fail, look like shit after 6 months and start over again with a little humility.
fuck off
Also forgot to mention I've been lifting for a year on and off doing SS. I'm ending my cut this Monday and bulking. My diet was shit before(dirty bulking or see food diet) stuffing my face thinking I was getting jacked. 50lb later I found out I fucked up and was super fat. My squat was high and deadlift as well, Bench was lacking. The Rippetoe prescribed low bar squats kept fucking my lower back up. Tweaking my back multiple times during this "dirty bulk" and putting me out for atleast a week at a time. I know the effects of SS. This time around I'm doing high bar and also planning my diet appropriately. Just never actually saw the muscle under all the fat I gained the first time around. The reason I asked the original question was because I'm starting over as a skelly and this will be the first time I get to witness the muscle growth. Was curios to know if the hype was real. Pic related was my legs after the initial fulk. They're bad, I know. I noticed the first time around that I had no biceps and other muscles, hence adding accessories this time.
1-2 years
What the fuck, why would a hot as fuck woman opt to be a man?
Weimerica is real
Given you bulk up enough about 1 year
>he didn't do accessory work
Imo lean bulking is not Optimal for u
I'd do a moderate dirty bulk tot half a year and see where that gets u
U prolly have a hard time packing on mass so ull have An easier time losing the excess weight
jesus that insta is out of control wtf
Bump for this. I have the same question.
What program do you spergs recommend? Some sort of PPL? Full body? Greyskull? I have no clue.
Too small sry
They never recommended anything. All the autists know is if someone is popular and effective they have to be contrarians and hate it.
What programming would you recommend for a beginner?
go on a bigger surplus
SS bro.
>crosby has better ass/thighs than his sister
top fucking lel why hasn't she killed herself yet?
Biggest dick in the world belongs to a white man. Keep believing Hollywood memes, cuck.
I had black girls grabbing my ass after 5 months on SS. I also started eating a fuck ton after the first awful Dom week of lifting. If you stay with it and don't skip weeks you'll look good in no time.
325 is when I stalled at 5 months. 405 after 1.5 years.
Cuck outta here
Thanks bois. I think I might make it