I typically dont like waking up so eary but sometimes i like to get my morning cardio in and laugh at wage cucks sitting in traffic on their eay into slave away for jews. How do wagies have time to lift and eat right when you spend 16 hours of your day preparing, driving and being at work? Personally i have all the time in the world to cook delicious meals and get in an intense lift and my NEETbux allow me to live vwry comfortably. How do you wagies do it?
Good morning wagies, any other NEETS up early for a jog?
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god damn this place truly is the new /r9k/
fkoff proob
Wage cucks sure seem to get upset when you point out there’s a better way to spend your life than slaving away making someone else a bunch of money.
^NEET song i like to do cardio to
This is either a LARP, or you're a painfully edgy individual. Get help.
who will provide your neetbux when no one goes to work? I hope you die nigger leech
>slaving away
>be self-employed
>be living my dream
good try
Why not self-employ? After a few years you have way more money if you weren't lazy, and you can basically live like a NEET.
if smugposter shows up then this really is the new /r9k/
It’s as if you simple minded wagies can’t comprehend that neetbux arent the only way for neets to acquire income crypto currency, buying and selling things on ebay importing weed from legal states all of which allow you to be your own boss and set your own schedule.
First half of the day was always amazing when I wasn't working, second half was depressing as fuck due to having all this energy and nothing productive to do.
They get worse than that. And I'm pretty sure they're serious. Failure COPE.
You do a shitload of internet magic for maybe 15k/year profit. I boss myself around for 150k/year salary. Who wins there
Then again starting a business is much harder if you have autism so I understand why you have the sour grapes mentality
So you do work?
Awww poor guy fell for the jewish materialism meme, better bust your ass 70 hours a week to keep your business up and running! I myself and perfectly content with the 40k i can net for myself give or take. Here have a NEET tune on me!
I would hardly consider it work user, work to me is punching in a clock for mr.noseburg while he breathes down your neck and yells at you while you hide out in your cubicle.
Here's the thing OP, you are a man, correct? Or at least an excuse for one.
Most men have an intrinsic need to work towards something. If most men were to win the lottery without ever having done work for it, it would end in suicide.
This is why you see all these spoiled millennial "men" with depression and similar: They never worked towards anything. They are too comfortable
So, for most men, doing nothing would drive them crazy. Absolutely crazy.
Remember that when you're unemployed, sooner or later there will be a basic income. Even upper-class jobs aren't safe, for example entry-level law positions, banking, stocks
you are so mad lmfao, wagey's on suicide watch.
Wagies you all have gotten conpletely off topic vigoursly defending your serf status to the jews, I wasn’t asking why you defend running in the rat race I was asking how you find the time to lift and eat healthy? We should respect our boards topics of fitness and i just wanted to let others know this is a NEET friendly board as i know my lifts are better than 90% of yours.
>They never worked towards anything. They are too comfortable
This generation is the first to be poorer than their parents' generation. Jobs and careers are declining. Automotive industry is going out the window within the next decades. Education is no guarantee, and setting yourself up for tens of thousands of debt to jews, for nothing, is not encouraging. People also want and need meaning out of their work, if they invest over 70% of their lives to it.
>This is why you see all these spoiled millennial "men" with depression and similar
While quality of living and safety has increased steadily until this point, expectations have also grown at the same time. It's a race you must win, be the most strongest, richest, highest-achieving, all this while providing a house and having a big family and over-the-world trips and being glamorous as fuck. This generation does not know what disappointment, failure, and setting up for failure is, hey haven't been taught about that and have little skills to cope.
We are also taught to want more, never having enough, never being happy. This is all you focus on.
Depression is also more common because that there is little contact between people anymore. Many feel very isolated, find relationships shallow, even if they're active on social media. There's not that much struggle or need for survival anymore, so you are more focused on your own thoughts and the society around you.
I agree that most people should work and think that most want to work, but society has changed and is changing. You can't think in black-and-white and blame ie. unemployed people and generalise that they are lazy bastards pussies etc. That's just cheap and picking on a weak target.
Work is inherently masculine and inherently good for the soul. If you are content with having absolutely no effect on the world around you, you are passive. Even women have the intimate privilege of nurturing and raising the next generation. Men have the privilege of working, with hands and minds, to create greater futures for themselves and their offspring. Men can enact their view onto the world. Men can identify what is good and reproduce it.
The NEET has no fruits. He is carried along by the current and is powerless against it. He has no direction. His freedom is that of a woman in a harem. He is a parasite on the productivity of others and a slave to his own poverty. He has no future.
The NEET chooses the slavery of mediocrity over the freedom of greatness because he is afraid of failure.
>67 KB JPG
>Work is inherently masculine and inherently good for the soul
Is this what Mr. Noseburg told you?
Woke up at 5:00 for a workout and a run. Ran 3 miles in 28:00, felt pretty good.
>look mom I posted it again
I want r9k out.
I don't really have a problem with neets, if i could take advantage of the welfare system I would.
I work 15 hours 3 times a week
Got 4 free days every week and im able to work out and cook during my job
>prolly getting less than 1k a month
>thinking anything below 6 figures is living comfortably
>will die in a year after parents death
>accomplish nothing in life
>greatest accomplishment is shitposting level 80
Fuck off back to /r9k/ you utterly sad pathetic cunt.
Oh and neck yourself while you're at it. Tah!
Ask me how I know you're a friendless incel
Ask me how I know you'll always be a friendless incel
See, there are only two problems that I have with NEET's. One is that through welfare and whatnot we're stuck paying for their refusal to contribute to society or their own well-being. The other major problem I have with them is that they talk about all the things they could do with their time, but it's typically just them sitting around shitposting, watching anime, and playing video games. It's such a waste that they give themselves such free time and create nothing with it.
Did you do have your daily haircut yet?
Pls don't respond and fuck off to /r9k/
The only wagie in this thread to give me somewhat of an answer and if your a firefighter as i suspect I actually reapect the work that you do unlike the others who are cubicle dwelling mouth breathers or stupid tradefags.the rest of you are so angry and assblasted that someone would question why they would voluntarilly slave away in an office like a peasant for the elite that you forgot to answer how you guys manage to lift or eat healthy. Oh i forgot no one on Veeky Forums actually lifts. Pic related its most of you.
Neet masterrace here, I pity the poor wagies and their miserable hamster-wheel lives.
Don't know of a single neet that isn't miserable and lies to oneself.
Also, I was neet myself for two years - yeah granted, to start off with (first month maybe) it's fun, and you like having all the time in the world, but then the lack of money, watching all your friends progress and basic lack of respect for yourself starts to kick in. It's no way to fucking live.
I'd rather be wageslave with a purpose, financial security and a positive attitude that keeps me disciplined and fit rather than EVER be in that situation again. I mean, seriously, I'd rather sweep the fucking streets than sit on my arse again.
And yes, if I was smarter I'd work for myself, but I don't have the skills. Don't mind admitting my weaknesses to be fair.
A fellow patrician, welcome friend. You would think these wage cucks would use this thread as an opportunity to share experiences how they can use their minimal free time to accomplish things like staying up all night meal prepping once a week and using sips to stay awake at work the next day and routines that only require 30 minutes in the gym, shortcuts to avoud traffic or how to check email while at the gym instead of insulting thinking men such as ourselves. We are simply trying to break them free from their bonds but alas many have developed stockholm syndrome.
Fucking this. I was never more depressed than I was sitting on my ass for a year.
OP isn't a man though and he never will be
Good point, but I doubt that you would be so much happier sweeping the streets for shit pennies for 10 years, wondering what you maybe could have done meanwhile.
I don't think either extreme (NEET/wageslave) is optimal
Why do you faggots keep replying to shitty r9gay bait posts? Just report and move on.
more of these!
How can one man become this mad?
>mad because I want Veeky Forums to be Veeky Forumsrelated
You got me
OP is asking how wage cucks find the time to lift and eat right tho, but you all are so adamant about defending your way of wage slavery you ignore it.
We are finding the real issue on everyone's oppressed mind.