Give me a quick rundown on Craig Golias
Give me a quick rundown on Craig Golias
dude looks like he's dying of organ failure in all of his pictures. also his proportions are shit. can't say his arms aren't fucking huge, though.
Disgusting, both of them.
Sure dyel, sure. She put those mountains in your face you’d cum in your pants.
Never heard of this faggot before, are people trying to push him as the next Rich or something? Seems in that tier of insecure bodybuilder willing to ruin his body
Lmao this guy is a synthol freak and has chicken legs.
mirin 12 inch wrists
I mean, they look amazing from here, but they're probably harder than his synthol-inflamed fakeceps.
Also not that user, also not claiming I wouldn't spray cum in and on her in a heartbeat, but just saying, those mountains are closer to stone than you think.
Pic for gigantic natural titties with a pretty not-cake face
wtf is wrong with his lats lmao
>he insists he doesn't use roids
>those milkers
he doesnt use synthol
you are just clueless hes been famous for a long time
he doesnt say that
>Give me a quick rundown on Craig Golias
He uses myostatin inhibitors.
>myostatin inhibitors
is there such a thing?
who is this semen demon?
Do real myostatin inhibitors even exist?
No i fucking wouldnt. My wife is a sporty natural titcow and im spoiled. That american bimbostyle look isnt attractive at all. I also dont get why 90% of hookers look like that.
That guy is beyond ridicoulous. He looks like a single heavy breathing heartattack
>myostatin inhibitors.
how is he not dead of heart failure?
it s kinda cringy how he tries to out-angle every pic, he s freakishly large though easily over 300. not much of a personality to follow nowhere close to a Big Rich. also another balding guy married to his baseball cap. that s about it.
>he doesnt use synthol
are you really this stupid ?
>I also dont get why 90% of hookers look like that.
Because 90% of hookers and pornstars have severe mental issues and low self worth. Since they derive all their worth as a human being from being objectified they obsess over it and develop an unhealhty view of their body. just like a lot of lifters have body dysmorphia and think they are always too smalll so their start roiding. a hooker/pornstar has the same issues but she always thinks her tits/ass is too small or whatever other part of her body not ideal so just like roiders they go overboard. at first the modifications might make them look better and they get compliments so they think it's working but then they go overboard - get less compliments as a result - and become freaks because they cant stop "improving" their body. It's not like a bodybuilder starts out pumping synthol in his body, just like a hooker doesnt start out getting XXL breast implants that look like she is about to explode. they all start small and keep going and going because they have mental problems.
hope I answered your question user.
>you are just clueless
Wow I don't know random insecure roider #540111 what a N00Blet!!!
his wife or gf or whatever is actually my friend's sister
my buddy says he gets exhausted just walking around the mall
he doesnt use it.
Lol you all jelly. 1-2 years TOPS of hard work and proper diet to get this mode
massive dude, cringe posing trying to outangle himself in every picture
I didnt expect a answer of that quality! Thank you based user.
The Brazzersgirls almost made me fell for the nofap meme but then i found Remy and others of that healthier 10% for example like those dirty Eurogirls from Legalporno who dont give a shit about that.
Its just sad though what really beautiful girls do to themselfes with silicone and all that shit all the time.
Flaws are far more erotic and attractive but most people dont have the self esteem
Craig Golias
Craig Golias is a cautionary tale.
He had god-tier aesthetics. Better than Zyzz. This guy wasn't a 10/10, he was a 15/10. Women couldn't look directly at him without squirting out of their panties.
Body dysmorphia got to him and he wrecked his body with synthol and way too much gear to become something that looks like the Michelin Man. He'll likely die alone, next to a plate of chicken and broccoli.
Pic related. Craig pre-synthol days and the goofy "I'm gonna get destroyed!" look every girl within a mile had while he was around.
holy fuck, he actually looked so good
wtf those are godly aesthetics. why would you go full pianoman and ruin that?
he's never DONE SYNTHOL
how long can a body sustain that size before it is irreparably fucked?
I'm pretty sure he claimed natty here He did look really Now he went overboard with eating and insulin He's not using synthol though
If dubs he's natty
He’s natty
Exaggerated masculinity and exaggerated femininity, side by side.
I can't believe some faggot reported my pic.
he's clearly done something, he claims that he hasn't and has only specifically responded to a claim of synthol which he deflected (not denied)
>when you're so aesthetic, strippers put money in YOUR underwear
This is kinda sad. He looked perfect
>6'3" 350 lbs
jesus christ he's huge
but yeah, body dysmorphia not even once, total freakmode
Once you look like that where do you go?
I'll tell you where
You leave humanity behind
tiny penis bitch cruising for a heart related death in his late 30s who pumps more roids, insulin and myostatin blockers up his ass than you can shake a needle at.