You guys have one more chance to fully follow the foot steps of zyzz, to be a fitness god. Once you miss launch it game over, please don't think you're too cool for it that what sad cunts think. He gonna be watching from mt olympus as you level up from elewyn forest all the way to the plaguelands.
Come home boys
I'm not going back to that shit. I leveled up IRL
When is it being released?
Zyzz was a clicking, keyboard turning beta warrior in blues.
Meanwhile I am a respected raid team 1 raider in full epics from BWL and AQ40. The whole server knows me by name and knows I have mastered the game in both PVE and PVP.
He is out of his league.
Hes a nobody.
An off tank.
A 60% mount riding scrub.
A benched team 2 MC raiding bitch.
Get the fuck out of here.
You are out of your element.
Don't think you could even be worthy of a slot in my raid you UBRS no key'd bitch.
Under a year they said, most likely summer 2018.
leveled a 60 on elysium, dunno if i wanna do it again since it got wiped
Wait I am out of the loop, what the fuck is this? Are they doing some kind of 2018 reboot of vanilla?
where did they say that?
If this is true I'll probably jump on, I have a feeling I'll be happy enough with my life by then to ruin it again.
what's everyone rolling as?
Larping black jew priest
God fucking dammit.
I want to top the dps meters and steamroll bg's, what should I play?
Not really. They say 2 years minimum. The development hasnt even started yet
well, first you gotta get to lvl 60... easiest clas is hunter
I never played wow and I never will
>top dps meters
unless you play the class perfectly which barely anyone does, no, and even then, maybe top5
Underage spotted
Nah it’s just that I’ll get addicted to it and I don’t need that
Ah yes, another 5 years of my life down the toilet. Why not.
why not, all that lifting is not that important anyway.
Everyone is in for a big disappointment. Vanilla was shit, the nostagia is all an illusion
>modern video games are so shit they need to keep rebuilding old ones since anything new they come up with is trash
>Veeky Forums Chads play Alliance.
>DYEL, socially awkward weirdos play Horde
Every time.
>grinding weapon skill
haha wut
Just face it, it won't be the same. The game you played 10 years ago is gone. All the friends you played with have moved on. We will all get sick of classic after a week and be depressed that we can't get that feeling back
>ywn race home after grade school, grab snacks and log in to level with friends
it literally takes minutes to train a new weapon. stop exaggerating.
why not enjoy it as an adult? you're better at time management now, hopefully. as long as you're not racing to realm first kills, just chill and enjoy the game with friends. a couple of hours a day is no different to someone 'wasting' hours on tv shows.
Are they atleast updating the graphics?
not that important imo. the style of graphics means it's aged quite well. and if people demand it, it will only delay the release date. if they add it in, it'll probably be a toggle option.
So their plan is to charge people for a service that is already available for free with private servers?
Private servers are crap full of bugs and corrupt game masters. You obviously havent played.
we don't know yet. probably given their previous record with subbing. people want it over private servers because private servers have never lasted longer than a year or 2. also private servers are never a perfect replication of original vanilla. some are pretty close, but with a few comprimises and bugs.
false alarm.
there is no official release date yet. they're still in very rudimentary stages of working on it.
answer me
mage/rogue. possibly warlock/hunter.
>what should I play?
Current WoW.
>clicking turning keyboard warrior
>world first Oceanic High Warlord
First post the best.
>November 8th of the 2017th year of our lord
>playing world of warcraft
It's time to grow up.
Been playing since vanilla, gonna pass. Vanilla feels like absolute dogshit and over half the playerbase will quit in the first month when they realize how tedious this shit is.
this is blatant disinfo. they have only said it would be a while and after the next xpac, which is after summer 2018
you're looking at late 2019, 2020 for release
may end of playing if they actually manage to capture some of the old vanilla feel (which will be very hard since a giant aspect of that was the mystery and discovery feel of the game pre thotbot)
I would rather pay for vanilla than play it on some shady eastern european private server, I made that mistake with elysium.
Except Nostalrius servers and other private servers were fuller than most of Blizzard's retail servers?
Except the server population was continuously growing?
Except this was on a shitty private server, let alone official Blizzard servers?
>fuller than most of retail servers
lul you're fucking delusional
t. never played Nostalrius