Would you a fat girl?


someone post the hurricane vid

oh my god what happened to her

I am presently banging a fatty. Mostly because of her GG tits though.

feels good man

>Taco Belle

that's old and i think she went back to normal already

>happened to her
literally veganism, this is what you get when you fell for "you can eat as much vegetables as you want" meme

also, reporting for not fitness related topic


Wasn't she called Taco Belle while being a hambeast?
Supposedly she only did lesbian and camwhoring stuff during those days.

Who is the left?
Has she been blacked?
Plz respond

i exclusively fat girls if you consider that fat

Did I just land up in /gif?

It's because some chicks are dumb as hell and will go vegan and then chow on mcdonald's french fries all the time.


only as fat as my 3dpd waifu desu

My gf is fat. I hate her gut but love her. I'm getting swol as fuck so she'll have to up her ante.

Literally me. She’s like 185 at 5’4. It’s tiring to try to get women to stop eating junk, workout, stop sitting so muh, etc.

If thats fat anytime

I've had fat chicks. The downside is: they're fat. The upside: big tits and low self esteem, two character traits I deeply admire.

Is my fwb fat or thicc by Veeky Forums standards? Pic related


Here I was annoyed my gf is 125 at 5' 2"

I have a bunch of times.

A good portion sits in her tits, but yeah. She’s the kind of girl that knows she has a problem, but hates change. It’s a struggle for sure



>stop sitting so much


What? I’m confused as to why you’re confused