What is the consensus on taking zinc supplements?

what is the consensus on taking zinc supplements?

do it

Do it

Why? If it can be absorbed from seeds and nuts I can get my RDI anyway. Thought I suppose I could add supplement on to that.
How much zinc is too much zink?

do It

good fucking luck consistently getting enough zinc without supplementing it. by enough I mean 20-50mg, that's the amount that makes a difference

It zinc-redible

Do it.
As someone who suffered from severe insomnia/depression, ZMA has fixed my sleeping schedule overnight, something fucking benzos never achieved to do (protip: benzos WILL fuck you up too).
Just watch out for the crazy dreams though.

What are the advantages with ZMA compared to just zinc?


>"I'm too much of a pussy to pin"

>Not getting 2 grams a day

2 more letters bro.

does zinc fuck up the sleep of anyone else?

It makes me wake up in the middle of the night and not being able to fall back to sleep

Yeah happened to me.
You're dehidrated. Drink at least half a liter of water before going to sleep.

Magnesium and aspartate.
But there's some 5-Hydroxytryptophan in certain mixtures.

Yes but not in that way. I get crazy dreams.

>zinc, ZMA
ZMA is almost as dangerous as DNP
and next thing you know you'll be injecting BCAA
stay natty

Eat pumpkin seeds senpai, no need for supplements

FYI you'd better not take it on an empty stomach unless you enjoy doubling over 45 minutes later and feeling like you drank bleach

and dont take it with milk

>three weeks ago, skinny fuck with insomnia.
>Decide to fall for the mass gainer meme as well as purchased some ZMA tablets.
>Get home with 12ib pound of gainer, reach in
>Where the fuck is the scoop
>Spend 10 minutes doing some archeology for this fucking scoop until I finally found it
>Holy shit
>Ludacris sized scoop, wants me to put "two heaping scoops" in a cup.
>Manage one scoop and put it down with some difficulty

Later that night.

>Take ZMA and melatonin and pass out faster than ever before.
>Suddenly in my kitchen, with the mass gainer in front of me
>I need to find the scoop
>Reach in, find little scoop. Relieved.
>Go to scoop some power when I hear a clink.
>Unearth an even bigger scoop that the real one.
>Keep digging, finding various sizes and shapes of scoops until
>I pull a fucking excavator shovel out of the powder, on it's sides it says "heaping scoop"
>I need to get big
>Only cup big enough for the power is trashcan
>Fill it up with my garden hose and mix like a witches brew
>Lift it up and begin drinking sludge thicker than my sisters ass
>I can't stop drinking
>I start to suffocate
>I wake up in cold sweats without finishing the drink

ZMAs are weird.


does zinc improve skin?

>tfw take 25mg zinc with milk every morning on an empty stomach
>have never felt anything like that
D-does that mean it's not working?

>t. small balled fag

he's here lads

Avoid, zinc in doesage in ZMA is considerably lower than what you need a day and has a higher ratio of zinc to cobalt than zinc gluconate. It's better (and cheaper) to supplement zinc and magnesium from pic related than to get ZMA
