If I switch to oly lifting what can I expect to gain as far as aesthetics?
If I switch to oly lifting what can I expect to gain as far as aesthetics?
At least five.
Nothing. That guy is roiding like hell and looks barely above ottermode
I love how you fucks simultaneously call him too small, and too big to be natty.
Did he admit to using gear or is it just a claim from Veeky Forums users? Has he really done anything beyond natty limits?
no he didn't admit it, he's probably not even roiding
>Has he really done anything beyond natty limits?
>he's probably not even roiding
Have you even see him lift? He benches fucking 4.5pl8 for REPS. He's fucking insane, obviously he has godking genetics as well, but he is by no means natty
have you seen his old vids? he had very very strong lifts even when he was a kid and looked dyel as fuck. dude is a wizard
minimal gains, look at amateur olympic lifters that actually put up big numbers, in clothes they just have a slightly bigger butt
He's been jokingly admitting it.
Dbol-z was one of his answers on youtube when some weeb asked him which anime he was looking at
Depends on what specific lifts you focus on. I'd say you'd probably develope more trap, shoulder, lumbar gains from oly lifting since those are big parts of technical lifting.
if you watched his older videos, you would notice that his musculature exploded in a very short period of time in the middle of his lifting career
In comment sections of videos, he'll make puns about it. Someone asked what anime it was, and he replied "d-bol Z"
there are people on this board that still think he isn't roiding? have you ever seen him lift?
If you're good at oly lifting, you'll definitely have a very specifically proportioned body that looks fucking great. You will get there a lot more slowly, though, than if you just lifted weights normally.
Also Clarence roids.
Not much, but it largely depends on your coaching and way of programming, remember that numbers are the goal, not aesthetics, they're just a nice by product that may or may not come, compare Ilya Ilyn, Tian Tao, and Klokov
On cycle he was too big for a natty
Nowadays he is even smaller than vaginagains
>oly lifting
>gain aesthetics
u wish
I have a way better sense of what's achievable natty in bodybuilding. I don't really know what the natty limits for lifting are.
No one is smaller than vaginagains.
Joint issues