Be me at gym

>be me at gym
>put my max on the bar
>forget that the bar also weighs
>try to squat and fall down with resistance and almost break my spine

You did it right though, the bar doesn't count.

The bar does count you fucking retard

so can u lift 100 bars with 0 problems?

The bar doesn't count when it has weight on it because the weights on the end of the bar pulling down due to gravity cause the bar to flex upwards in the centre, negating it's weight.
20kg on each side of a 20kg bar will completely counter the weight of the bar, anything above that actually causes the bar to have negative weight so you need to account for that when claiming 3pl8 squats etc

Were you using a safety bar to catch if you failed, dumdum?


this is truly an excellent post

I have been enlightened
I´ll now start countering all the weight on the bars and get mires that shouldnt be possible for a DYEL

I hope someone falls for this.

Woke af

Off [activated]

The final fit meme


But what if the bar is made of Osmium? 20kg of Osmium weights 200kg.

You wouldn't use an osmium bar with non-osmium plates so it's irrelevant.

>oh boy, time to DL
>I weigh 100 kg
>lifting platform max weight says 400 kg here we go
>load up lmao7.5plaet
>here we go
>suddenly platform collapses
>fined 3,000 € and banned from the gym for life because exceeded max weight on platform by 20 kg

>20kg of Osmium weighs 200kg

>being this new

I'm fucking dying, my sides have left orbit.
Great work-out for my serratus anterior, finally gonna get those striations.




the master stroke of this troll

Based. Preach it bro.


Where is pepe silvio??

I'm a mechanical engineer and this post gave me an aneurysm.

Yeah but when you push against the center of the bar, the equal reaction force is applied downwards which means you actually need to add your bodyweight to the weight you're squatting.
