I can't believe some people lift for this...
I can't believe some people lift for this
Fucking.... Hell....
Hits hard, hits hard right in the heart.
Never lift for girls brehs, only lift for pussy and ass, treat girls like shit, treat them like fucktoys.
Never get your emotions in it, even though it is hard, remind yourself every day not to.
sounds like bs
Women are frivolous creatures to have fun with. You're a fool if you take them too seriously or get too tied up over one.
Oh no how could she
Jon's babaroo
His jewbaby
Oh my
I call bullshit. Women are nowhere near this self-aware.
This reads like it was written by an incel to trigger other incels
I don't get it. If she is like that he deserve it. That's why you search for a good girl. Not just tits, ass and cute face. He dodged a bullet tbqh.
to add (samefagging here) - that's the problem with incels. They think women are just cold heartless bitches and they love it. This is mostly true, they are cold heartless bitches, but it's their nature. They can't help it. It's basic biology.
What the fuck is her problem
fake and gay
Jon deserves this lol. I mean you gotta get played by women to learn not to be a fucking cuck.
>Makes me hate myself for crying over my ex
>Can't stop thinking about her even tho it's been 8 months since she broke up with me
>Wake up every morning with a vision of her happier and more fulfilled than ever before. each. single. day.
>Seeing a psychiatrist for meds
>mfw I still feel terribly lonely, sad and pathetic
>mfw I've fucked 5 different girls in this time and dated 2 more than that.
>mfw the pain
She says a lot of things but..
I think shes trying to kill him o_o
Wtf is wrong with women.. bunny boiling twats.
Wtf! Seriously.. wtf did i just read?
Its always a trap!
Like initial D or some sht.
I lift for mai waifu only
Disregard THOTs, my nigga
Lift only for rich piana and leave humanity behind just as he wanted
He did well to fuck that for 2 years. Especially if he's the sort of little bitch who would hack her and post gay shit like that.
Fuck the worthless ho ofcourse but what a loser.
Honestly if she did that to him, he was probably treating her poorly enough she felt she had to do that. In that sense, I feel bad for her more than anything, she deserved a better guy. Someone who she would be happy with.
Make it subtler.
he was probably a pathetic sperg but she is pretty much a demon , nobody deserves that
>even my friends tell me it's ok to do what I'm doing
This is too far over the line to believe.
female friendships are nothing but enabling. Women can do literally anything and their female friends will tell them they are right
>I was his babaroo
>his jewbaby
stopped reading there, almost had me going
Why are females allowed in fraternities?
t. non-American
There are some co-ed fraternities, but these are usually meme fraternities for nerdy fags too lame for real fraternatites. Some frats have a "sweetheart" or something like that, which is a girl who hangs out with all the frat guys and commonly sleeps with a ton of them.
> jewbaby
He looks like a pathetic beta.
You should pass time with woman and hear what they say to each other. When I was a cute twelve year old I was adopted be a bunch of the equivalent of a chav group of girls (I never scored with them too), the stuff they talked and how they did... Even after having two sisters it really put in perspective how different men and woman think.
enlight us i'm interested
I never could figure this out, is this the chick in question writing this? Or did John, or whomeverthefuck, got access to the account and posted this for pity? Because it seems too self-aware for a woman to ever write in a million years, but also somewhat cringeworthy if written by the victim of the womans whoring himself.
>TFW this is really fucking close to what happened to you
>Am now a better person for it
This is a weird feel. My heart aches for this guy, but I'm also kinda happy for him.
Without going into too much detail:
>freshman year of college, 18 y/o kissless virgin, former christfag
>lived a pretty cold life so far, distant from most people, never opened up to anyone
>Meet this grill, first kiss, within a month lose virginity
>Fall hard for her, never cared for another human like this, share everything with her
>find out she kissed some other dickhead
>"work things out"
>she dumps me
>tries to kill herself
>get back together cuz cuck faggot
>guy i don't know comes and tells me she's been cheating on me with him and another guy
>dump her ass, this guy is my bro now, we're still friends 5 years after this
>tries to kill herself again, gets put in loony bin
>Keeps texting me saying how sorry she is and how she misses me
>Only makes me hate her more
I've never hated anyone more in my entire life, I'm a total moral fag and couldn't imagine cheating ever
>start lifting a year later
>after another year of lifting, gained ~25-30lbs(5'10")
>crazy bitch shows up in one of my classes
>mirrin the fuck out of me, directly catch her looking repeatedly, no subtlety
>Friend's of hers occasionally tell me what she's up to, she's still a sad whore who can't control her vagina
Her suffering honestly brought me so much joy, I can't seem to let go of my ill will towards her.
Getting mirred by women you hate is the absolute best feel and ultimate validation of progress.
The best revenge is living well, that stupid cunt made me a better man. Don't let shit people get you down guys, just become better than them.
Agreed. Women aren't smart enough or patient enough to type a novel like this. And if they were, it would be full of typos and spelling errors. Look at the way chicks post on Facebook.
This seems like something written by an incel faggot.
>The best revenge is living well, that stupid cunt made me a better man. Don't let shit people get you down guys, just become better than them.
good man, keep going
this is a very old story, if i remember correctly there is more to the story, she takes pictures fucking the Dor guy and sends them to John making fun of Johns small dick. guess which color Dor is. fuck this whore.
i have no sympathy, being that beta..... jesus, good thing he wont pass his beta genes on
>Even though it's hard
What did he mean by this?
>our fraternity
Since when do women join fraternities?
Secondly, women are vain and shallow creatures who care about what others think of them. While they do talk shit about exes none go so far to write a thesis about it on social media.
This is fake and gay.
Your friendly neighborhood Justice Guy here! Roll to get this bitch what she deserves.
>Dubs gives her the madcow disease and she eventually succumbs to the plague.
>Trips skins her and drains her of blood until she dies.
>Quads and Jon finds happiness.
>Quints and Jon finds happiness, the bitch gets both curses, but she doesn't die until she's 100 years old.
It means you’re supposed to 18+ to post here. Now GTFO.
honestly whats bad about his shit post. A beta is getting redpilled, anne frankley i believe that it was a good learning experience even if it got his kicked out of college, he just saved loads of money
With jews you lose, even tho its probably a fat neckbeard larping as a woman
TL;DR: Don´t waste your time thinking about others, do what you believe will make you a better man for yourself.
here I go:
>be me
>fuck greentext stories narrative
I grew up not knowing my mother very well but I was well raised by my father, thing is, I always believed he was a mysoginistic fuck when it came to women, as I grew up watching him get one woman after another.
He has always been quite narcissitic and ironically good at PR, as well as being the old school kind of man that feminist talk in their meet ups.
When I got in my teens, he always tried to give me advice regarding women, but I never liked the way he treated them. And often, 2 of his ex-wifes would use me as a crying shoulder and talk crap about him (I was 6 and 8 years old at that time).
I tried being "normal", and by that I mean, acting like my friends when it came to meeting up girls.
just to sum up my sex life:
-I got my first kiss at age 13.
-Made out with another girl at age 14 that my dad "invited" to our apartment. (another story). And had my first sexual experience with her too, she gave me a handjob in the kitchen.
-Lost my virginity at age 15 with the daughter of one of my dads co-workers.
-16, fucked a friends sister at a party.
-18-21, kept meeting up girls at parties and sometimes fucking them.
- 21 decided I wanted to try gf mode after meeting a christian girl
-22 broke up with her, but in good terms.
at this point, I realized that my dad, as much of an asshole he is with people he deems inferior to him, was right about many great deal of things when it came to women.
-25 got into college (my dad 7 years before that: want to go to college? start saving money, dont have money? get a job),at this point in my life:
-I started a FWB relationship with a classmate.
- I had a FWB relationship with another girl from my salsa school.
- sometimes fucked my ex-gf.
I don't really care what happens to the cunt—people like this are their own worst enemy in the long run—but check 'em anyway.
...part 2
I started to focus more on studying and my work. Stopped partying and even told myself I had no time for social events in general.
My worked consumed me, I wanted to excel in every professional aspect, and one by one, I started loosing my FWBs.
In the end, only the girl from the salsa school remained, but only because even if she had agreed to the terms of our relationship, she wanted something more serious. So fuck it, I said: well its not like I have time to meet new girls.
I was lonely, had no time to meet up new people and went into my comfort zone of just being with this girl.
Now, that was a big fucking mistake. Why? because i started to stop doing things in order to "make time" to be with her (school and work things), or went to do some other things I did not like because she wanted to go somewhere, etc.
The problem wasn´t her, it was me being a lazy fuck and playing it the way she wanted.
eventually she got bored of me and "got pretty busy with some works from school" (dumped me) everytime I called her.
So I had only my job and school left. At first I thought: ooh well, I guess I lost my touch, maybe its for the best.
truth is, up to that point, I had switched priorities in my life and obviously it had a price. Even if she said she understood all the pressure I was dealing, however supportive she acted when she was around, that all went to hell because I just went with the flow, instead of forcing myself to go out and meet people.
I finished college, still have a job, but now I have spare time, and again, I use it to meet people and fuck once in a while.
the difference now is, I learned the hard way that people only care for themselves, even if they say the will be there for you, just think that´s the "politically correct" thing to say.
assume you´re by your own and try to make the best out of it. don´t waste your time thinking to much about how women this and women that.
This is very old.
dor is the guy in the picture
What a shitty story. Fuck off Reddit and go blog somewhere else
Nigger this better be pasta, because if it ain't you just wasted all those internet letters. Ain't nobody's gonna read that shit.
Found your problem
It's probably true, my ex called me on the phone 3 days after dumping me so I could hear her screaming a guy's name as she came. Not every woman is evil or vapid or whatever /r9k/ thinks all women are, but don't think that women like the one in OP don't exist. One of the guys who was friends with my dad lost almost everything in the divorce, never got to see any of his three kids and had to sell of his company to pay for everything. Ended up killing himself 3 years later.