Short-term Goals thread. Share yours and give advice

Ok Veeky Forums, here is my list of short term goals.
I'm currently 145 lbs, skinny-muscular (I lifted in the past but fell off of the wagon for a while) and I want to hit 160 lbs by Christmas by eating a shit ton of clean food.
>Chicken, Rice, Veggies, Garlic Oil all mixed together. lmao4pl8s of this meal a day.
>lmao2pl8s of eggs in the morning with bagels

(My GPA fell last year due to some personal issues but I'm on track to recover.)

>inb4 "you can't bench 200 in 7 weeks"
As I said before, I've lifted in the past and I'm stronger than a dyel.

What advice do you have for me?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Pic related is what I plan to (clean) bulk on.

Can anyone /estimate/ the amount of calories? I have no idea how to figure that stuff out.

My college has an all you can eat buffet style cafeteria so I can eat as many plates of this as it takes.

>2.0 GPA as a goal
what the fuck. Why are you doing so poorly? What's your major?

>boost GPA to a 2.0
Just drop out bro

I went through some shit last year. Tanked my GPA. And I'm going to major in business, probably leaning more towards management.

t. Someone who gives up when things don't go their way.

Its 300-400 kcal on that plate, do gomad and eat half jar of penaut butter daily. You can also drink shots from olive Oil for easy calories.

Use MyFitnessPal/Cronometer/FatSecret/AlphaWolphram for info.
No guesstimating.

I'm not questioning your logic, but can you explain why it would be that number? It's a pretty good amount of chicken desu. I ask for 2 scoops (they grab it with tongs) instead of the usual 1.

Yeah so did I. I OD'd on opiates October 2016 (was doing drugs so heavily up until then), was in a 3 day coma, spent a week in the hospital, went to rehab, just got back to school for the final review, and landed a 3.5 GPA. And this was my senior year for accounting.
I'm not trying to brag or sound cool or anything but my point is how can your GPA be so low after something that happened last year. You may need to consider a major change if you aren't getting the material to be honest, no offense

Also business management is a bullshit major like marketing or HR. Get into a "hard science" business major like finance, tax, accounting, or logistics. It's worth the extra effort, trust me

>t. retard who can't accept the reality that if you ever have less than a 2.0 then school is not your forte

You don't even have to fucking try to maintain a 2.5. There is no justification for ever having below a 2.0

Im at 99kg now

Rice is low caloric, only 350-400 calories for 100 g, on this plate you don't even have 100g of Rice. Chicken breast is almost only protein so its low calorie dense

OP did you rage quit or what? I wanna find out why you're such a retard for having a sub 2.0 GPA. Come back to the thread

Yeah I pretty much rage quit and I stopped going to classes, took Fs in everything.
However, when you repeat classes, they take the old grade away and use the latest grade for your GPA. So I can still make it academically.

>Ok Veeky Forums, here is my list of short term goals.
you're going to fail. you've done absolutely nothing apart from writing some words on a paper. there's even research that shows that people who publicly state their goals are less likely to achieve them.

What "shit" did you go through last year?

I rage quit for like a semester and a half pretty much. As much as I hate the word, I got depressed. Didn't want to do anything, and my shame kinda snowballed to the point where I said "fuck it, I'll fix it next year." and that's where I'm at. I wish I would've just pushed through though.

However, hitting rock bottom really gave me a new perspective on things. My mood has changed and my entire outlook on life has changed as well.

"It's always darkest before dawn."

formulate goal 4 and 5 SMART lad

>there's even research
Would be interested in source. It's funny that daddy Peterson says to do just that.

I didn't do this for attention, dipshit.
I wrote these as a promise to myself and to get organized.
As an afterthought I decided to post here and ask for advice, but everyone is just jumping down my throat because of my academic standings.

not that user but here is a TED talk, maybe you can find related sources. since it is not TEDx it is most likely legit

>they were asked to write towards their goal for 45 minutes

That's the "shit" you went through? Goddamn you're a wimp. You're not going to make it, sry

depends on what oils or sauces they used, but could be around 500cals, I think there would only be around 20g protein in there tho

>there's even research that shows that people who publicly state their goals are less likely to achieve them
Exact opposite of this. Writing your goals, especially with a deadline increases the chances 10x

I didn't even get into it you moron lmao. I just said I got into a depression (because of it.)