If they can declare that being born with a penis or vagina is irrelevant...

if they can declare that being born with a penis or vagina is irrelevant, they can also declare that being born with an eye or two legs is irrelevant. They can look to a baby and say that baby can become anything ''it'' wants. If humans are simply empty corpses waiting to be constructed by definitions to ''provoke'' society (to fight whatever new agenda there is) you can also become a tree, a pig or bird if a new situation requires defending a tree or a pig. If the the human organ can be replaced, sold or cut in the name of your own definition of self, which is not related to biological definition of the human as a being, biology automatically does not apply to humans anymore. If you cut your penis and you are now a woman or something sexless, you can also become something from other species, since there is no human identity in yourself because it's oppressive to let biology dictate nature of the human body

TL;DR: if the word gender is not related to your organ (penis or vagina) the word will be constructed by your own mind, therefore your biological body will be entirely constructed by your fantasies

Attached: Bill C-16 protest.jpg (1080x608, 242K)

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Just kill the west. Saudi Arabia, please, nuke us!

Gender is a grammatical term. What you're referring to is "sex".

Not a single attractive person there.

when they say gender they use the word as a combination of biological sex + personal identity

>implying they shouldnt be the same thing

Gender as a term shouldn't even exist at all, it's a fiction devised by a twisted pervert who sexually abused a pair of boys in their early teens.

I mean they shouldn't, one is your genitals the other one is grammar. Grammatical gender doesn't even exist in English IIRC.

>people still can’t differentiate between biological sex and the social expectations assigned to people based on their sex

Attached: 8FDE62F1-012B-4F36-8B3A-F87CB208E7A2.jpg (517x452, 39K)

Why dump this here? There's an LGBT board, there's a politics board. Veeky Forums shouldn't be /b/ for pseuds just because anything can be "dude & humanities lmao"

just nuke the west please. Kill all historian teachers first. Please

Gender theory is descriptive not prescriptive. Your own sexual insecurities hinder you from acknowledging basic facts.

Gender theory is bullshit and gender role are all mostly determined by biology.

>le make me a sandwich. feminism is the reason i'm still a virgin

>people who don't even cut their penis demand being called woman or else go to jail
>not prescriptive
The gender theorists are giving birth to a new man. A corpse who can be anything according to his own fantasies. Considering this is the reality in all western countries all I want is jews, chinese or arabs to nuke the west. We don't deserve to live anymore. We don't deserve to consume a single glass of water

I fuck trannies so I'm probably more "tolerant" than most people here. Gender theory is still leftist nonsense debunked by actual psychology, not to mention neuroscience.

You physically and spiritually abuse mentally ill men. How does that make you an authority in anything? It's even worse that you know better and still choose to do this to them.

>the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones).
>Rather than biological ones
That's the current stage of western society. Every day we spend not begging someone to nuke and destroy our countries is a day wasted. It's not even worth talking anymore just ask someone to spend a dozen nukes and kill everything

I'm not sure how it's abuse if both of us want it. It's not like I have them locked and chained in my rape dungeon.
>retard feminazi trying to deflect


Everyone should read about the origins of this sick agenda.

Gender as a term is not the same as the question of gender identity, user.

why are you wasting time?
Don't you realize it's pointless? we reached a point that talking is wasting even more time and energy. If we don't talk about how to convince other cultures and races to nuke the west we are wasting time and energy

The influence of the West it still strong enough for most peoples, even some that hate it, to want them to stick around.

What is more likely to happen is internal collapse in America once enough batshit policies are enacted to divide the people that a homegrown militarized cell is founded and gains traction.

After that, Russia will probably be the world military superpower, and China the economic superpower.

I don't even want to be ruled by China. I wanted to be ruled by arabs or chinese a few years ago. Now I want them to nuke us. It's an act of mercy we don't deserve but that's the only solution. Nuke and don't let anyone living here alive don't allow any teacher or peoeple in academia to evade the west before the nuke. Just launch the nuke a monday morning make sure most universities are giving tests that day to make sure no one survives or fly to the east

Go out and convince them then and stop shitting up Veeky Forums with off topic cancer

It falls under humanities

I want ""offtopic"" cancer to generate more people willing to ask other cultures and races to nuke us. It's more important than your snowflake wishes at this moment

Lets petition for the other specialist boards to be deleted then because you pseud brainlets never seem to use them anyway

I can't even imagine being this pathetic

go make mods delete chad vs virgin memes instead

Sodomy is violent by its very nature.

Consensual violence.

Why should they?