Past 0.5/1/2/3

>past 0.5/1/2/3
>still look the same

Other urls found in this thread:

Because your lifts are shit

You're still just training your tendons and nerves, they don't add anything to your looks.

>still look the same
do some good bicep curkls

literally anyone could do 0.5/1/2/3 on there first month of lifting

Strength training doesn't give you a lot of mass

y-yea right, fuckin dyels

how can you have a 140kg dl and a 40 kg bench man wtf

imagine OP walking up to the bench at his gym and loading up 1pl8
everyone suddently stops and watches in amazement

40kg ohp. But yeah op should not expect drastic change to appearance after a month of lifting.

Tfw I have 80kg bench nearly 1pl8 ohp but only just hit 2pl8 dead

thats not piccolo motherfucker

>still weakest in my gym
>still no mires


That's not even piccolo

Because it's only been your first day.

>falling for the strength meme
strength != aesthetics

t. autistic dyel


get ur shit right

.5 OHP, what does that even mean bro? You can do 22.5 lbs on a side for a total of a 90lb OHP?

Kek. That's 2 month in Rippletoad progress. Have you been lifting for more than.... weeks? Keep it up and get some time under the bar bro.

i have a 110kg bench and 100kg deadlift

meant for


for real, any adult male could do this

At what weights are you past this point?

>only do full body programs, SS then GSLP
>eat 3200kcal a day
>lifting for one year
>plateaud at 0.5/1/2/3 for months
I wasn’t meant for this

that does not make sense at all