Running general

>Be 2 years ago
>Be skeleton mode couch potato
>Start running a 2.4 km 3 times a week
>Take me about 20 minutes, not even close to doing it continuously
>Basically a fast walk
>Decide if I can bring my time down to below 15 minutes I'll be happy
>Run like fuck in first year of university, bring my time from 20 minutes to around 11 by the end of the first semester
>Tell myself if I break 10 I'll be happy
>Break 10, new goal is 8
>Break 8, new goal is to get below 7
>Never get feel good about achieving my goals

Why can't I be happy with my achievements?

Other urls found in this thread:

I just run casually, I dont give af about it really. 20 minutes on the treadmill at 7.5 mph 2x a week.

I'm running because I need to be fast for work but I get no joy from reaching my goals and I was hoping someone could tell me what's wrong with me.

I enjoy the hell out of running but never set goals for time. I run a trail by my work everyday on my lunch breaks for about 40 minutes to an hour, and sometimes run until my calves force me to walk on the weekend, current best is around 30 miles. Set the goal of enjoying your run and you can always feel happy about your achievement.

Look at Emelie, she is happy, she doesn't know how long 2.4km takes her, she is enjoying the sunshine and the mountain.

>tfw haven't run for years
>tfw got a job opportunity that requires running test and regular PT runs
>welp guess I better start running
>forefoot pain out of nowhere
>podiatrist says arthritis

this shit gay

(I mean, running's great. But the injuries blow.).

Anyone else have overpronation?

I have severe overpronation while my cardiovascular is fairly decent, the side of my ankles would hurt after like 2km of running

Im wearing motion control shoes and been doing stretches to improve but to no avail.

Where do you work aonn

I have a question lads, I'm used to running in temperatures like pic related (temperatures in celsius and humidity between 70% and 100%). If i go somewhere where the temperature is 0°C to 10°C, will my run times instantly improve?

at the moment it feels like running in a sauna while being waterboarded.

Less than you might think but yes

I havent run for years but started again.

How long would it take to a 1.5M run from 14 Minutes to 10 Minute. I keep trying to improve but i run out of breath so fucking fast

If you run 3 times a week no more than 3 months

Is there any possible way I could get to Sub 11 Minutes within 6 weeks

I mean there's nothing to stop you from trying. Remember your body can only handle running 10% this week then it did last week so don't do something dumb like run 2 times a day 7 days a week.

>your body can only handle running 10% this week then it did last week


Sorry, 10% more this week than last week. A 10% week over week increase.

>always hated running unless it was while playing soccer
>soccer season at my uni was literally 3 30 minute games
>try to run with doggo around campus but hard to get myself to up an do it
>do it anyways because I enjoy a smoke or drinking after a run combined with the runner high
Anyone else like a smoke or drink after running?

Oh alright, thanks then.

One more thing, I know this is probably more down to personal performance but say if i'm able to run a sub 10 Minute 1.5 Mile. If I had a minutes rest Could i run another 1.5 Miles in under 12 Minutes this time.

Holy shit thats freezing bruh

wildland fire

>you will never live in that norwegian cottege with emelie forsberg and ida nilsson

Because you aren't happy with yourself

I need some help. Now that cold has come, running feels like I'm always going uphill and my heart rate doesn't go higher than 140. A month ago everything was better.

It's celcius you mongoloid

well I mean 0 degrees Celcius is technically freezing...

>Picked up an injury in late September
>Haven't run a single meter since then
>First test-run today on soft grass
>Pain came back after 50 meters


I have overpronation on my right foot ( dominant foot) and underpronation on my left foot

I wish I was you, during the runs my heart rate doesn't go below 140.

>realize I was a fat lard and needed exercise
>for about 2 months I walked my neighborhood consistently for an hour every day
>planned on doing Ct5K to start jogging and then running
>flew home for Thanksgiving break and didn't go even one day
>haven't gone since

I ran a marathon while untrained, did 4:45
Now I don't get satisfaction from running 15km
Have to raise my speed, because raising distance would take up a lot of time
I really struggle with high speed

Stop running or you will become skinny fat soyboy. Get some barbell exercises from Rip.

Is that true?

No its not. He's just salty about the fact whenever he runs he breathes like hes having a heart attack.

Go now user

>wanted to run saturday
>got the possibility to run with family
>spend the week-end with them
>in the end we don't run because muh weather
>want to run today
>already dark, ground slippy af, app to measure time and distance troll me
>give up

>have fatty friend
>not really fatty but chubby
>we're drinking beers
>confide in him that I hate running
>but that I want to start running
>challenge him around the block
>just a friendly jog around
>he wants to give up halfway around
>give a pep talk
>we finish it
>drink more beers
>ask him if he wants to go another lap

whatever man

>get dressed in my running clothes
>step outside into the cold
>mfw ankle is exposed by the 2mm distance between socks and joggers

>drinking beer and running

Used to be incredibly fit training 3x a week for 4 hours with sport and gym

Since season stopped I've barely exercised and now live in a city so can't go running without getting shin splints

Ok guys questions here, I completed C25k and now I can do a 5k in about 26:00.
I want to begin 5k210k but I can't figure out the differents pace.
Let's says I run at about 6:00 min/km when I jog, what pace is a steady run ? A tempo run ?
Now I'm just confused.

You obviously have the discipline to do it, you have proven it TO YOURSELF that you have what it takes. We all fall off our path but what matters is if you PICK YOURSELF BACK UP and KEEP GOING. If it was easy everyone would be doing it, but they are not, be someone special.

I fail to see the problem.

The absolute fucking worst. I tried running the other week when it was between 0 and 1, and my fucking ankle slit was frozen all to fuck

Went through the same thing, travelling for work. My times went to shit at first, adjusting to breathing cold air, getting my gear right and learning to warm up for colder temps, but it's been improving.

I kick my ankles every so often while running, what do?