>yeah I count my calories
Yeah I count my calories
i'm starting to get the feeling that the majority of Veeky Forums posters don't actually lift
>actually expecting anything other then shitposting on some anime imageboard
do you know where you are?
Dude I never go a week and a half without lifting.
And I hit 80% of where my newbie gainz topped out when I actually did SS like 2 years ago.
I'm pretty much perfect
i'll lift my dick into your mouth
>i'd rather be home planning my next day in myfitnesspal...
>lift once every ten days
W...well done?
>yeah i count the bar
>I avoid 6-7 rep range since they do absolutely nothing for gains
wait.. you're supposed to do that?
> I powerlift
Do I need to break out the graph?
brake out the graph satan
so is this legit or what? come on what's with the ambiguity
You laugh but this is the truth.
>tfw forgot about the graph and have been doing sets of 7 the last month
Hello darkness my old friend.
No, it's just shitposting. You've never heard of progressive overload?
so what does the real graph look like?
I love this shit. So much effort went into it
This one looks believable, holy shit!
This is true, it is literally impossible to count calories and not be an autistic virgin
>Relative Muscle Gain Index
my sides are in orbit
10 reps = 1 muscle
this is the kind of shit why I come here
This is common knowledge dude
fucking kek, well done
it is known
looking forward to 2018 when this will be common bro knowledge
>he doesn't use cronometer to track his micros
oh shit
i actually couldn'st stop laughing at this one
where do you think we are
I know this is a shitpost but this is the actual reaction I get whenever the subject comes up in my office and I explain that I measure and log all my food.
its your fault for ever telling anyone that.
or do you secretly like the attention?
did i waste my 1 1/2 hour ppl sesh last night?
I’d love to see a fire break out and death everyone of them. That would be cool.
>I’d love to see a fire break out and death everyone of them. That would be cool.
9 is optimum lifting apparently, I’m laughing now, but on the other hand, tomorrow on the bench.
Why does it plummet at 6/7 reps? But rise at 4 and 8?
Why don't you trust science?
Yeah dipshit I bring the subject up unbidden daily and make everyone listen to me.
I work with a gaggle of middle aged women who constantly complain about their weight and ask me how I can lose weight "so easily"
How is this news?