/plg/ Powerlifting General
rooting feet into floor
engaging lats
frontal oblique sling
closed scissor
joint centration
2nd for crippling lower back pain
anyone here in ot?
every post is offtopic
disgusting pedophile
someone make another thread
y-you guys are the only people i can talk to
same here
only other people i meet outside of 4chin are some coworkers
Thers this one cutie coworker, but she will never be my gf
feels fucking sad man
why wont she be your gf
Yet the Westside guys themselves have wear and tear injuries fucked joints and get the usual shit injuries.
If you want injury free just don't try for 1rms or compete and act like a low test cautious beta like the guy that keeps bitching about his hurt back after people spoonfed him.
because when you go hard enough you will get eventually injured
she gave me hints that she likes me, but i didnt ask her out or make moves, so she moved on to fuck chad or something
feels badman
>using westside as an example
Yeah a bunch of guys who would rather tear muscle from bone than let their training partner outlift them isnt a great example
Having people around you who know when you should call it a day stops all that
You should have gone hard in love lad.
i know
now all that is left is going hard on deadlifts
It's not just Westside I can bet if we sent out a survey to the top 100 current powerlifters they'll tell you about injuries that they had to work around.
5 RM at bench should be somewhere around 90% for bench right?
I was never talking about any lifters other than ones on a conjugate style of programming employing rotation of exercises
Proper utilisation of exercise rotation will reduce injury risk. Matt Wenning is a prime example of successfully implementing conjugate for raw powerlifting, not been injured requiring any length of time off in 25 years
Either way i cant be bothered to argue with you, all im going to get back is “but xyz which fits my argument...”
85%, 90% is about 3 rm
Go take a standing jump.
If it is less than 20 inches, stop lifting.
Go watch anime, collect minerals, and enjoy your life. You can't fix your muscle fiber type. Quit slipping discs on 4 plate deadlifts and get a new hobby that you can succeed at.
>"but xyz which fits my argument"
>but Matt Wenning
>25 inches vertical
>still slipped a disch on less than 4pl8
how do i measure it
t brainlet
Google it.
How do you not know that you're that lifting with your spine? Lmao nigga just use your muscles.
tfw didnt get the mindset gene
how much is that wooden box you can see in gyms ?
or is that not good enough to measure vertical
Not good enough. Box jump is not vertical jump. As illustrated.
ok i was wondering that
ill measure tomorrow maybe
>he shitposts everday about this and still doesn't post his squat
Lmaooooooooo sub4pl8 confirmed
I posted the illustration, I don't shitpost about the vertical jump stuff. I just made the illustration some time ago to help explain it.
A child squating nearly 400kg.
WTF? I can outdeadlift you but your squat is so far ahead.
>313 wilks
thats one big baby
You mean a grown man squatting less than 400kg?
How impressive!
what a garbage ass deadlift for such strong squat
neck yourself
I squat 5.5 plate.
Handled my GF at her first meet today lads, was a lot of fun. She went 8/9.
why do people get this fat?
Yes, and?
It is normal, come on. Not everyone diddlidoodles more than they squat.
It's not normal at your level desu. If your arms are that short your bench shouldn't be as weak either.
i wish i had GF to manhandle
youre dropped
I'm cutting and have over eaten every day so far
Should I have this muffin then kill myself
>Yes, and?
its all going to be ok
I'm 183cm and my wingspan in 181-2cm. So it's not particularly short. Deadlift is just hard as fuck, and bench I have just not tried hard enough for. Making solid diddly gains now that I switched to sumo about 2 months ago.
>i got stronger the moment I started bending rules
really makes you think
this is a very shitty graph you know that right?
>no vid
Really makes you think
Thats fucking impressive
This is one of my training partners squatting 375x2 @110
i had two muffins and didn't kill myself
That's two broken promises
just start bulking on top of already bulked body
I can't imagine living my life without some sense of discipline and willpower.
Make your own decision, but you probably won't follow through with it anyways
4 muffins. I ate 4 muffins and a full pizza and side.
I have video not of 180 for 3, but I have many videos of me squatting.
yeah yeah, whatever, the point is to show you don't know how high you jump with box because it won't measure correctly
the team
fuck it man
go 8 m8
Is it a problem for my strength gains if I do SS->PHUL for 2 months->TM or any other intermediate strength routine? Would it be better to do TM straight out of SS?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Do the program that you like, and lift heavy and consistent. It's not fucking rocket science.
Off to shop, what's an easy grand I can inhale with dinner? Thinking box of choclate flapjacks.
Are you the same guy that post about how depressed he is all the time and how much he misses that transexual child molester?
Has he or will he do 400 raw?
Yes that's exactly me I'm so depressed and miss trappy boo hoo
Shit, you're right. Thanks m8, I gotta stop bitching.
If that's the case then you should probably eat a muffin made out of shotgun.
This is not a homosexual support forum
God you're autistic, glad I'm not you
And I'm glad that I'm not a homosexual complaining about how he can't stop eating muffins on a Japanese cartoon forum
>strained hip flexor 2.5 weeks ago
>tried going into the hole with 1 pl8 on the bar today
>pain hit me in the face like a truck, 0.0 chance
Pff, fuck this retarded shit ill just be bench only, what a stupid retarded muscle fuck you
God you're autistic. Glad I'm not you.
None today but been doing memeburn for last 11 weeks does that count?
Neither would normal jumping, if you want true accuracy I.e one used in the initial image you need a vertec with an experienced operator.
Nice divebombs btw.
Nothing. Today is a rest day for me. Monday I'll be squatting, benching, and probably doing chinups though.
resting like a bitch today
tomorrow imma hit some heavy bent over rows probably and glutes, then some meme weighted dips and thats pretty much it
t. not powerlifter
is this better than regular rdl and how should i do it % wise?
should I join a gym whose owner squats more than he deadlifts?
300kg and 290kg.
t. squats more than he dls too
Right, this is my gym owners stats...
I like how the biggest squatters all squat pretty upright
You need to ask him about his bench, since only gdes and beta soyboys have low bench
reading /berserk/ lads
Sean has a higher chance of hitting 500 Wilks than berserk finishing before author kicks the bucket
I think people over exaggerate horizontal lean e.g this noice hip dhrave but he doesn't go crazy with forward lean.
Places more focus on upper back and increases rom. High sets, high reps. Maybe 60-70% 1rm.
will wreck your lats my dude
delete both of these
Sean. Neck urself m8.
fuark, sounds great
3x8 for my dl variation day on c6w with 60-70% of my regular dl then?
i am new to this
Lel I like that I piss you off enough you think I'm Sean
How did you manage to pick both of my posts.
Thanks for yous, btw I bet Gutts has a good binch
it was my destiny to pick them both
t. butthurt soy boy griffith with a shit bench
Where you at now btw in berserk?
maybe half way, I'd say
volume 20, when they are all in that tower trying to save Casca