Why can’t I fill in my chest Veeky Forums? I’m 195 and bench well over 2pl8, but my between the nip zone is devoid of mass. Am I doomed to be a chestlet forever?
Why can’t I fill in my chest Veeky Forums? I’m 195 and bench well over 2pl8...
It sure seems that way, my chest is bigger and I only bench 170 for my 1RM. Good luck bro.
Lose weight
yeah, get your weight to like 180 or so and then see if still no visible chest.
You have some shitty lips.
You're really fucking fat. Cut a bit
use dumbbells dumbass
Stop using weights and do close-grip pushups.
Maybe, but not really. Most of the weight is in my thighs from 4pl8 squat
>I’m 195 and bench well over 2pl8
That's not even close to 2xBW m8.
For reference, this man benched 550.
>visible abs
>really fucking fat
We can see your upper body and it's fucking fat. If you have more fat hidden away, that's not helping your case
Welcome to the clown world that is Veeky Forums
Whats your ab routine?
t. facebook dyel
you need to focus on workouts that target the center part of the pecs. That means dumbell flys, the fly machine, and the cable machine.
make sure to drink out of only plastic containers and consume large quantities of microwaved food. Also eat large quantities of tofu and drink hop filled drinks
Decline bench, although it makes you think you are going to die from lack of oxygen or a bar falling on you, defines and grows the lower part of the boobius maximus
Ah yes, the much coveted soyboy tits
1. Im going to be honest, you're a but of a chubster. You should slow down your bulk if you're doing one. A lot of what you think is mass everywhere else is fat/water retention. You are probably genetically pre disposed to not store fat on your chest as much compared to other parts of you.
2. Strength doesn't gaurentee aesthetics. Good job benching 2pl8 but can you rep that out for 15-20 explosive reps? That should be your goal. You need to get stronger still and also work on repetition method bench.
3. Assosstance bench work should be chucked in too. DB incline at various angles. Flys. Weighted dips.
4. Lastly add frequency method press ups everyday. Look up greyskull lp and add frequency method pressups to your existing program. This isn't assistance work and is non negotiable. This will blow your chest up
45 degree incline sit-ups 5x12, good posture ∞/∞
>dumb niggers on Veeky Forums bodybuild exclusively with freeweights
If you're benching like a powerlifter don't expect chest growth. Do it like a bodybuilder
Also if this. If you don't grow doing this then you're never going to
Fucking lifting noob giving out stupid info. Fibres run across the whole pec from left to right and you can't target half a fibre more than other half. That's like saying do a specific type of curl to target the front of bicep more than back.
That shiy is physiologically impossible.
Good exercises none the less
Have you tried weighted dips?
I wasn't getting any chest growth from bench either. Switched to weighted dips and it started growing immediately. Do it with some forward lean.
If you want to practice at home before trying in the gym, go to a Goodwill store and buy a walker (like for old people). They have 300lb weight capacity. That's how I started.
Your shoulders and traps are equally as depressing. You must powershitter bench.
Assuming you are doing full range of motion and actually training chest properly with correct form it is going to be genetics.
Everyone has something they don't like. I'd prefer to have less of a chest and have smaller hips
2 words - Gymnastics Rings
Devote 2 sessions per week in addition to your norm solely to ring sessions. These sessions are: dips, pullups, muscle ups if possible - literally just alternate doing them over and over until you can't any more for 30mins.
Flexibility, strength and size will follow. If it gets easy, add on some weight.
Such terrible advice
Shouls just say do high volume ring drips often.
OP would end up looking like me. I have a similar chest, his is just bigger.
Not OP, but I'm a poorfag with a noobish home gym. How do I simulate an incline db press with just a regular bench?
> offers basic version of same 'terrible' advice
sometimes your muscle mass will lag behind your strength.
Put books/plates/wtfvr the fuxk you want under one side of the bench. Make sure its stable. And there you go... Incline bench.
no he didnt
Use a wider grip on your bench/pushups. Its likely you are griping too close to the center of the bar and your pectorals aren't doing much of the work.
was going to say this, forearms perpendicular, right angle bend. Squeeze your arms towards each other.
Hmm.. never thought of that. Sounds dangerous, but wth. Thanks.
Are you all fucking retarded?
You need more chest hypertrophy...
DB bench
Cable flyes
DB flyes
Actually whatever besides flat bb bench
stop half-repping your bench idiot
>he fell for the abs means low bodyfat meme
That red mark on your right pec is the mark of the gains succubus. Some entity is sucking out your chest gains from that spot every night while you sleep.
the guy has a fucking double chin retard
>he ignored the image saying "you must reply with to send the gains succubus away"