>be me
>start lifting
>watch alpha destiny and use his methods unironically
>cant reach alphonse density's recommended intermediate weights within the time frame
>decide to change routines and start PHUL
>left biceps tendon injured with mixed grip
>cant isolate arms
>become the trex meme
Fuck you alejandro density
Be me
is his novice program good?
Can I get a pdf of his book?
It's same utter shit as SS/SL/ICF
Just modify it to fit your needs. I personally use 20 reps on triceps because of my shitty elbow. Guess what? It works better 4 me.
Christ, I know he's ripped under those clothes but he straight up looks like the pack leader of an old folks home coupon group
Just how gay can this guy get?
God knows I find you very attractive, alpha destiny person, but the shilling is getting me tired.
Please go find other methods to promote your channel.
Yours sincerely,
>mixed grip
you deserve it
You clearly didn't watch enough. There's a video on preventing/treating tendonitis.
Take a babyweight dumbell and curl it for 100x3. Bands are better if you have them. Hell, you don't even need any exercise equipment. Grab something that weighs 5-10lb and start curling it 100 times.
This unironically enabled me to bench heavy every other day and got my bench up 30lb in 1 month.
appearently very much
thank bro gotta try that out
>following the fitness advice of roidheads
There was your first mistake.
ya pretty sure he does small amount of gear. his insecurities are colossal, guy's a literal pressure cooker
I've been using the program for about 7 weeks, strength gains thru the roof
stop padding your height alex
>alphonse density
>change routines
>must be the old routine
lol not really following your logic there chief
his programs are designed for those 5'6 and under, if you are averaged height man its probably not well planned out for you
Thx m8
Do I do curls + extensions or just curls?
And BTW anything similar for the knees with babyweight dumbells?
And what frequency?
just hammer curls 2-3 times a week
not him but yeah ive been doing at the end of each "pushing" day 100+ band extensions and the end of each "pulling" day 100+ band curls, havent had any tendonitis problems ever since + added volume always helps
if he wasn't too pussy to inject himself e/ roids he'd be leaner and do non memelifts
I love alex's novice program
massive gains strength & look wise.
Rippetoe had had an article about this on his site for almost 10 years now i think. To think AD just read that article and told people to do that and takes credit for it.