his programs are designed for those 5'6 and under, if you are averaged height man its probably not well planned out for you
Be me
Thx m8
Do I do curls + extensions or just curls?
And BTW anything similar for the knees with babyweight dumbells?
And what frequency?
just hammer curls 2-3 times a week
not him but yeah ive been doing at the end of each "pushing" day 100+ band extensions and the end of each "pulling" day 100+ band curls, havent had any tendonitis problems ever since + added volume always helps
if he wasn't too pussy to inject himself e/ roids he'd be leaner and do non memelifts
I love alex's novice program
massive gains strength & look wise.
Rippetoe had had an article about this on his site for almost 10 years now i think. To think AD just read that article and told people to do that and takes credit for it.