Post your gym stories, cucks

Post your gym stories, cucks

>be me
>go to gym
>lift stuff up
>put stuff down
>do a 360 and walk out

>fat, lonely retard
>starts going to the gym
>muscular, lonely retard

>go to my regular gym
>see blacks and indians everywhere
>contemplate leaving gym due to disgust.

>go to gym
>see this low effort thread
>go home

>go to gym
>dyel, first day
>working on form, can't really tell the difference in form without resistance
>work way up to 52kg, heavy as fuck for me. Knees bowing inward
>thiccness in squat rack next to me works up to 2pl8
> everybody starts somewhere, try again Wednesday

>go to gym
>move stuff around in the hopes of moving heavier stuff around in the future
>rinse and repeat

>Go to the gym close to midnight
>Empty, just as I like it
>Do stretches for 20 minutes
>Some cardio
>Load up a barbell for some squats
>Do one working set and then need to bust a shit (DNP)
>Leave my weights, belt and towel at the rack while I shitpost on Veeky Forums from the toilet
>Lose track of time meme-ing
>20-30 minutes later I come out
>Do 2nd set, start meme-ing again while resting, lose track of time again
>10-15 minutes later
>3rd set
>Move on to accessory lifts
>Need to do another shit
>Before I even know it 3 hours have passed
>Repeat several times a week

I must look like such a fuckhead to the people who review the gym camera footage (they watch EVERYTHING)

Gonna make it brah with that attitude

>gyms in the basement of a thrift shop
>fingerprint scanner on door is fucked so it takes a couple of tries
>basement smells like bloody rust, b/o, and piss
>some dude did 7pl8 deadlifts and then sprinkled the entire platform with chalk in celebration
>bar still loaded but gym is empty
>roll that bitch into the corner of the gym and grab an empty bar
>lose motivation and go to take a shit I the newly renovated bathroom
>open the door
>new wood floor
>everybody walk the dino--FUCK YOUR MOM

>gym chain has more than one gym in my city
>visit the larger one on a saturday because they have nicer equipment
>see girl with the nicest ass
>she does my routine and basically follows me

>trainer bro tells me she is an ifbb athlete
>recommends her instagram profile
>there is a video of her working out that day

>I'm in the background
>looking at her ass
>commenters noticed

So that was the story of why I'm only at the older, smaller gym in my city.

sucks to be british

Post video bro

Please ask for my permission before you post about my life


InstaG sauce please kind sir


What a guy

>go to gym
>apparently it's nigger day
>air fills with hoots as the pack approaches
>hollers at all the wite bitchez
>partial reps with way too much weight
>yelling while lifting
>also just yelling
>street clothes
>slamming weights on floor
>gym staff also niggers
>everyone's friends here
what the fuck I thought this was the suburbs

There goes the neighborhood.
Posting from cali?

post vid faggot


this is Veeky Forums so obviously I'm in Maryland

>street clothes
Everything else is pretty much accurate, but they tend to be all geared out in my experience. Lots of compression shit, sometimes high socks, and usually trainers if not jordans. Rarely see any in just a tee shirt and shorts, and I've never seen street clothes.

>rayshon talked to his gym crush one time

True, most were in flashy Veeky Forumsgear, that's just not an annoying part

You too, huh?
lmao. I'm glad I'm not the only fuccboi who spends far too long doing a single compound exercise.

OK so you live in fucking Maryland and you're still complaining about black people? Isn't that the blackest state in the western hemisphere? Try moving.

One time, I was doing a lift, and I decided to put more weight on the bar than I had ever lifted before.

To make a long story short, I was successful in lifting the weight.

Go to gym
Do 300lbs on leg press 3 x 12 get light headed.

Do calves 190 lbs 3 x 20 get light headed.

Decide for next time less reps more sets.

>doing my workout as usual
>some dyel teenagers come in and stare me down even though I'm barely out of dyel mode myself
>I had some elbow tendonitis at the time so I was doing tricep pushdowns with babby weight
>one of them come next to me and does full body tricep pushdowns with "heavy" weight
>later as I go to pick up an unused bench another one of them puts his foot up on the bench to assert dominance or some shit I guess
>I just ignore him and take it
>20 minutes later I hear a bang and a yelp
>the same faggot who put his foot on the bench dropped a 20kg pl8 on his foot
>he had to limp out of the gym with his crew

>break up with gf
>go to gym
>it doesn't fill the void but I still go. Momentary accomplishments bring relief for a time: the ephemerality of new personal records give no lasting satisfaction
>I look at the floor. Not for lack of confidence, but to avoid my reflection. It's a reminder that she will never be by my side again in a photograph.
>nobody corrects my form. You could think I have it right, but I sense that others would rather avoid interaction with me. There are occasional attempts around January from the fresh meat. The regulars don't bother, not since gymbro tried. Something about the most 'senior' gym member failing to curtail my grief puts others off.
>That was two years ago. I have never had a fitter body.
>I still miss her

>autistic dyel and me in the locker room
>tells me how he will compete next year
>"yeah brah 3900 cals a day"
>"6 times a week breh"
>tells me the same story a year later
>still 125 pounds
>"gotta up my calories bro"


get a job hippy

I think you mean 180 360 is a whole circle retard. Dont post things you dont kniw anything about anymore retard

I do evening shifts

wow ur so new


wow new summerfag. Do you even understand how bait even works? I bet you just came from reddit with your reddit spacing.

Calm down your autism flared up there for a second

I see right through your bait.

>Grognaw do rocklifts
>Grognaw bend over to pick up rock
>rock heavy
>Grognaw let out cavefart
>Flok and Goggo hear
>they laugh
>Grognaw embarrassed
>unga bunga

It's gotten to the point that I can't even tell anymore if the responses are also part of the meme.

Life is just a big, 360ยบ meme, my friend.


Oh no shit, I just moved to MD. Blown away by how many stinkers there are.
What gym you at?

In between sets. I see a guy incline a bench. He asks some dude to record him doing a concentration curl with a 70lb dumbell. He leans over the bench and starts to curl... I watch as his bicep SNAPS and slingshots right up his arm. He instantly drops the weight and runs outside.


>be me
>unimportant nobody
>anonymously shitposting
>not even on /pol/
>still imagining Jewish gumshoes in every thread trying to find thought criminals
No more details for you, friendo

>go to the gym at 11 or 12
>do my compound for the day, OHP or bench
>gym is empty so spend 5 minutes giggling to myself over Veeky Forums posts between sets
>do my reverse bench press for rear delt and lat action
>same long gaps of time between sets
>sip my water and munch my protein bar
>45 mins later I've done 6 sets of 2 lifts in total
>drive back home, drink milk and go to bed

Im in greenbelt and the gym is full of horse flys

> be me
> one arm rowing on the bench
> some pajeets are nearby being twats
> they are trying squats with 30kg fixed barbells by the mirrors and grunting
> one gets an olympic barbell from the racks and brings it over
> I go back to my set
> Here some commotion behind me then I feel a massive whack on the back of my head
> seeing stars, confusion, go dizzy
> by my friends account the pajeet took the bar, put too much weight on for him and tried clean and jerks with no locks
> stumbles around with it and the weight at the end fell off hitting me right in the nasty spot on the back of the head
> I have a concussion for weeks

>Start at new gym
>great atmosphere, great equipment, power racks, oly pads, etc
>signed portraits of all the lifting greats that used to lift there cover every wall
>three weeks or so in
>go at a different time than normal
>see half a dozen guys wearing thick chains with padlocks around their necks
>turns out it's a gay bdsm thing
>see them all the time now, at least a dozen, probably more

TL;DR New gym is awesome but homo as fuck

May he spend eternity in a vat of curry shit

Mate I was so pissed off. Concussions are no fucking joke I couldn't make gains or even enjoy sitting around bingewatching because I could barely follow anything. All I could do was sit around and be miserable it sucked. My friend yelled at them and of course they made out they spoke no English and had no idea what the problem was.

>be me
>autistic as fuck
>bench day
>go to bench
>see all the weights everywhere because dyels dont know how to put shit away
> rearrange them because that's how autistic I am
> finished with my sets
>turns around to find it all fucked up again


>go to school gym in junior high with class
>10 of us surround the bench testing our maxes
>Portuguese immigrant kid is up
>90lbs soaking wet
>loads up 1plate
>before unracking he screams SEAGULLS
>He's never seen Seagulls before and has explained he aspires to be as beautiful as them one day
>bottom of the rep shits his pants
>drops weight on his face
>runs to the bathroom with shit spilling out his shorts holding his bloody nose

MY FUCKING SIDES. Love a good shit yourself in public story.

Bet ya of the kid was really fucking embarrassed, brings a whole new meaning to you can't squat word shit

>go to gym at earliest point in the morning so o can lift before work
>only other person who attends at that time is this fatass
>he gets changed in the actual gym, not the changing room
>leaves all his bags in the corner
>make a point to look at him in disgust but he still does it, idk why
>despite being big and fat he is weak and does retarded meme workouts
>Romanian deadlifts on one leg
>squats while holding the weight above his head like he's just done a power clean
>benches with his legs in the air
>crawls really fast around the gym on his hands and feet
What leads people to do this stupid shit?

>reverse bench press

I sometimes rearrange the weights for symmetry. Normies look at me like
>wtf is he doing

>go to gym
>giggle to myself between sets thinking about that meme with rippetoe dressed as the devil saying "lower"

Im moving to maryland soon.This is bad news

Imho its the most frustrating thing ever when its not symetrical im like,

Get em kicked out pal, fuck


I mean, it's a surprisingly big state with a lot of rural areas. Still 1/3 Trump voters and the Bethesda area is one of the richest in the US. But DC is a shithole and Baltimore is far worse. It is an Africa-tier warzone. The habitable areas are tiny and have to be surrounded by security guards around the clock, 0% joking

Yes, Sir! You called me a cuck and showed your dominace over me, I am going to obey now.
>have rest day and try to find something interesting on the internet
>see this worst of all threads
>see only threads that are equally bad
>be sad, but happy that I can work out tomorrow

Grognaw is a berryboy

I'm pretty sure they did. Those barbells weren't meant to be in that area in the first place and they got arsey with the gym owner when he came over acted like the guy did nothing wrong. It annoys me so fucking much thinking about it because the concussion was so bad and put a big strain on my life then and I didn't even get as much as an apology for it.

>bench day
>dyel goes onto bench next to me
>bored in between sets so I look over to see how much this guy is benching
>he's wearing deadlift wrist straps
>he wraps them around the bar and starts his sub lmao1pl8 set
I don't understand. What does he know that we don't?

I probably would have made a bigger issue of it at the time if I wasn't dizzy, confused and dryheaving. I heard one person keep saying it was a tiny weight (it was a 5kg plate) and I was faking, should have fucking whacked him.

1pl8. How much does that weigh? 60kgs including an olympic bar?

What are you doing here? It's not January yet


I'm not a yank so not sure of your measurements, have been meaning to ask

>was fat but no mental illness
>get Veeky Forums
>body dysmorphia
If It weren't for manlet threads this wouldn't be happening

the funniest thing that ever happened was a 9 PM photo shoot at Gold's where two 8/10 tatoo'd thots with amazing curves and flat stomachs came in with a fat philipino and took photos in front of the machines for an hour. The manager of the gym, i believe, was banging them. Which was funny as fuck, didn't even mind. Never seen anything that pathetic in my life, it significantly lowered my opinion of women and Veeky Forums chicks
