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Health #440
Should I cut more? how is my belly looking?
So are you gay if you find pic related attractive or gay if you don't?
Powerhobbying General -/PLG/
Tfw chad
Why no love for the overhead press?
Daily reminder that all you need to do to get a gf/fwb(s)/female friends is to just be yourself and act normal
The new year is almost upon us...
Vitamin D
Is BDSM for soyboys?
That post workout heroin
How bad is your gym when it comes to NYR fags?
What's the best routine with the optimal frequency to get a curvy body? I want a simple and effective routine
After working out for 8 months i fell off the wagon and went on a 4 month weed and heroin bender
What should I work on?
It's literally less than 0 degrees outside right now
Can we have a thread for skinnyfags/hardgainers?
There are people posting on this board right now who don't work out a home gym
/ghg/ - Grain Hate General
Huge quads pumps after OHP
Relatable Veeky Forums characters
Reverse Progress Thread
Trap doms
"You don't have a GF, bro? Neither do we!"
Who is this Kyriakos Grizzly guy AlphaDestiny was on about in his latest Q&A?
Do you do BB Row with the bar on the ground or in the air?
Is there any point of lifting if you’re pajeet?
Wheres the CBT ?
Women at the gym hate thread
How do you make oats with water, and what do you add?
Sets of 3 for strength
Why go on anons? What's the point? I'm gonna kill myself
Mirrin storys
Will you lift to slay the dragon of chaos in 2018, user?
Can you actually achieve ottermode with just swimming and dieting?
Tfw can do these with ease with 45lb (20kg) dumbbells on arms day
Hair Care Thread
Is there a guide to social networks and shit? I've been living under a rock for a while...
Diary has lots of estrogen
Stop working on legs
Before Veeky Forums
Kissed a girl my fellow Veeky Forumsizens,have you guys lost your virginities yet?
How much can you double overhand Veeky Forums? (Dirty hook grips will be kicked to the curb
Sup Veeky Forums
/pick/ - The Pick-Up Line General
What is the most patrician DOMS and why is it traps DOMS?
Dad 5'10"
As a Manlet how do i get girls?
ITT: How tall are you? From which country are you the average height?
ITT: Height, salary, amount of girls fucked
Fuck i love doing dips
Why lift when gains and your physical self is fleeting? Why not give up your gains in search for enlightenment?
Hey Veeky Forums I'm gonna go to the doctor tomorrow, gonna ask her questions about onions and milk...
Tfw your parents found a qt Orthodox Christian wife for you at the church they go
Do I have to turn in my natty card if I get laser skin resurfacing? I have some pretty bad acne scars
He's back in the hospital again with heart problems
Why even lift?
Okay lads, /g/ here looking for advice, halfway through reading your sticky as i post this
Who do you lift for?
Is it better to shower in the morning or before bed?
Is this possible natty? 11 months, 260 lbs to 210 lbs
Dieting doesn’t work
Is my ass too big? How many squats is too many?
This is the ideal white male body you may not like it but it's what peak performance looks like
Could you take this guy in a fight, /fit?
Is lifting weights still cool...
Fictional Goal Bodies
*blocks your arteries*
Is SS a good workout for skinnyfags or just a meme?
Why do people recommend this?
How would you fix him?
Jaw and tongue positioning thread
ITT: Albums to lift weights to
Motivation and overcoming it
/GOG/ The Golden One General
Dream about cuddling with a girl I haven’t seen in two years
Hamil drinking milk
Obviously, the genes of women are flawed...
There aren’t actually people that think Arnie was more aesthetic than Ronnie, r-right?
Let's solve this once and for all
Squatting Every Day
What are the little things you notice after getting Veeky Forums
New Year's Goal: An Hour A Day In The Gym
ITT: Jacked musicians
How do I work up the courage to actually go to the gym?
Never forget to always have water on you. You see the homie in the background staring at me like a snack...
If i can benchpress 120kg 5x5, can i do 140 1x1?
I watch ten episodes of anime every day
If I want to lose weight and gain muscle at the same time, and I’m currently 5’8 230lbs...
Was your grandfather a man?
Progressive overload
[Deadlift] Rounded upper back
Should I get a boob job?
So this is Christmas... and what have you done... another year over
Weight loss
How to get a back like this
Money > body
Daily reminder that this is the state of modern "women"...
"Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn user I haven't seen you since middle school"
What did you guys cook for xmas dinner?
Could lifting bring a soul back from those dead eyes and that open mouth?
Would you bang a 4'8" 101 lb girl
Its this easy
Look at pic related
Hi Veeky Forums, I fucked up
GF says
A failed fitness experiment
Objectively THE best choice of faction in New Vegas, prove me wrong
You need to be an adonis to get girls
Mom wants me to show all my muscles after i work out
Only ever get mired by dorky teenage girls
Why is equipped powerlifting literally the worst thing ever?
Routines General
Tfw weakest shoulders in the world
Quick user!
Why is low bar squat so vastly superior to high bar squat?
How can anyone not atg squat? My form looks like pic related and If I ever try to stop it midway a.k...
/fat/ - The Nightmare After Christmas Edition
Going to the gym when you’re sick should you?
Tfw gf leaves you and you see her cuddling with another dude on insta on xmas eve
What is the natty limit for women?
Only ever get mired by teenage girls
Start lifting
/plg/ powerlifting general
Stay natural guys...
Be browsing Veeky Forums
He doesn't sleep nude
Is black guys being more muscular than other races a meme?
I've been taking a multi...
Who here /lifts for Hitler/?
/r9k/ here, looking to turn my life around in 2018
Jeff Seid vs David Laid
NoFap thread to end all faps
Tfw wristlet
Girls like big noses, right?
Girl touches me
Anything for the gains, r-right guys?
Tfw you're a dicklet
Getting over heavy feels
ITT: Veeky Forums artists
Unironically being religious in 2018
Where's the /fitchick/ threat?
In gym for like 5 months
Omg user it's just one meal! Can't you cheat a it it is the holidays after all!
What's the quickest and easiest fighting skill I can learn so I can knock someone out in a bar fight?
I like Alpha destiny
Do you use one of these?
Hey Veeky Forums, today I failed a 3rep max attempt at the gym. I didn't lift it up 2 times, or 1 time...
Best beginners workout for aesthetics? Want to avoid T-Rex mode. Looking at either ICF 5x5, PPL routine or Ivysaur 4-4-8
The great debate
So apart from going to the gym, what else do you do user?
Chad Majors
How affective is a water diet?
Do Americans really do this at the gym?
I thought the primary goal of veganism is to not torture animals
What is the meaning of life?
What's the fastest way to make your legs grow?
Be /fit
Why are you so insecure Veeky Forums?
Why do people fall for the Stronglifts meme?
How does Veeky Forums like their cawfee?
Not rolling in a push-up thread
Redpill me on deadlift straps Veeky Forums
New Years Resolution
Is it true? Is 2018 the Year of Getting a GF?
GOAL body thread
Convincing someone to lift
Love is just a chemical reaction in our brains designed/selected over time to best enhance our odds of survival?
/OG/ Onion General
Am I the only one that absolutely hates running with headphones or distractions...
Gym ferrets got loose
Should fat girl cut or continue making gains?
Why have places like reddit suddenly turned against programs like SS and SL as good entry-level strength training tools?
So user what is your passion?
Why are powerlifters so weid?
What do I do to fill out t shirts like this?
What do you mean don't eat the fucking yolk? There are like only 17 calories in egg whites...
Girl asked me to spot her while she squats
How are you supposed to approach girls and get a gf in the era of #MeToo?
Does Veeky Forums eat their steak well done?
Anyone on Veeky Forums do yoga? is it worth the time and money ($15-20 for one hour of class seems excessive)
Tfw ex that cheated on me 2 years ago and i went completely no contact with wished me a merry christmas today
Can i get non meme answers on what pre workout works and is the best to use?
I need help!
Why the fuck is there such a lack of R&D done one acne? Seriously why is it still such a fucking problem to cure acne...
I just turned down sex so i can go workout
Fat mum with health issues from being unhealthy
Guys, just ate my first fucking raw purple onion. Straight upwith a pinch of pink salt. I hope this shit works
I (really) want to look like these guys. (4th one is the ideal)
Do people make gains in heaven?
How do I into Übermensch mode?
Failed 170 bench x3 on Christmas day
This guy comes down your chimney and slaps your ass
Should women be banned from gyms?
/SIG/ - Self Improvement General
Another Christmas spent with no gifts
Just ate nearly 8000 calories worth of chocolate and sweets I got for christmas, how do I undo this?
Wow user you are big now
Rate 1-10 how bad my squat form is. My legs are so unflexible that I can't go deeper than this when I'm squatting...
My gf told me recently that she is interested in a threesome. When I asked her with a girl or guy, she said with a girl...
You get his muscles, speed, strength and fighting skills, but you have to take his IQ too. Do you agree?
How did Sandow develop such a strong thick core if heavy deadlifts and squats weren't a thing back in his day?
What's the ultimate lifting red pill?
How strong and fast were the top tier black slaves black then ? like how much they could curl/bench/squat/deadlift
Good feels thread
Meanwhile in Veeky Forums sauna
Just found out my ex has fucked one of my friends...
Losing fat without moving? Hypothesis
Do you ever feel like you wife/gf only has sex with you because you like it...
I like Asian food but I don't want to turn into a soyboy
For me, it's the Behind the Neck Press
Is my ass too big? Should I continue squating?
Reminder that this is the average standard that women want + being Veeky Forums. Still think it fair Veeky Forums?
Go to gym
Christmas push ups
Merry Christmas faggots. What are your goals for 2018?
How to get an ass like this?
Veeky Forumsness related gifts you got
Help me become that weird guy at the gym. Right now I'm a normie
So what memes are going to be in SIR's comic this year or has Veeky Forums fallen so far that it doesn't warrant SIR's...
You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch
Feels Thread
Tfw no gf
Gf wants a threesome
What if I like being skinny
Is prime Batista mode achievable natural through hard work and a good diet?
My ohp is my weakest lift and it's not progressing at all
The Wall
Are you going to start cutting tomorrow or after New Year's Day?
ITT: Dumbest/Most absurd stuff you hear on Veeky Forums
How do you get cheeks like this?
be me
Looks like becoming Veeky Forums is already paying off for boogie
If calves are all genetic and you can't grow them, as many people believe...
Onion General /OG/
/AUSFIT/: Gallon of Vegemite A Day
Former smokers, how'd you do it?
Merry christmas guys!
Gym receptionist "Merry Christmas, user!"
On the first day of Veeky Forumsmas my trap gf gave to me
Who else lifting for god and Ulster this Christmas?
Why do people on Veeky Forums lie about how much they lift?
When you have large hips, big butt, small waist, round perky tits, nice pus...
/RUN/: Cardio boys unite
Why aren't you eating the ultimate Veeky Forums Christmas meal, cabbage rolls?
Progress/transformation thread
My mum is going to kill herself
Introducing the 3 month Manlet to Lanklet program
Spend hours in the gym a week
Apologies, comrade. this is a Vlad-only gym
Sex Doll Workout
Why are online fitness communities so cunty and dogmatic? Especially /r/fitness
Be honest, how many of you guys are losers, or NEETs
What does Veeky Forums think of tofu? 42g of protons and no saturated fat at 373 calories
Legit have ((depression)) and almost 90% sure I have sleep apnea (don't get to sleep lab til mid Jan)
Keep getting more attractive
Friendly reminder this was the highlight of Arnold's career
Did you achieve the fitness goals you wanted to in 2017?
How Veeky Forums is your frat?
Crossfit claims another victim
Where to find good sports bras?
Thoughts on my legs?
Veeky Forums writes a letter to Under Armour
It's almost 2018
How may cals did you eat
Why do people shill this amorphous blob's program (ICF 5x5) to noobs?
Christmas Eve Meal
Bro-split vs Push/Pull-Split
Who do you lift for Veeky Forums?
When the feels hit me hard because it's xmas and everyone is happy today except me so i go to the gym to feel better...
Now the fun is over give me back my 7 years fit
Any of you bros wanna like.... meet up, and lift and stuff
"Why the FUCK is this whiteboi on MY machine?"
Why am I like this?
Sad penis?
Tfw you will never have that "naturally high test" look no matter how much you lift or how much test you inject
I want a athletic gf
Wow user you are so big and strong
Being a man
How much could a gorilla deadlift?
Be 15 friendless virgin
Charactetistics of a cuck
Is the cuck cart to soy boys what the man basket is to onion men?
Tfw carbs can't be stored as fat
Target or walmart when it comes to gains?
How do I get rid of that tired look and get better skin? Im drinking 3L water per day, 1000 iu of vit D...
Feels REALLY good, man. Just reached 2 pl8 bench for the first time ever
You enjoying that last week at the gym Veeky Forums?
What do you think you owe your parents?
Finasteride worth it?
Why do women cling so desperately to the “I am who I am meme”?
/PLG/ Powerlifting General
I know Veeky Forums isn't one person and we always disagree on everything...
/SIG/ Self Improvement General
/Fit Humor Thread, Media Misconceptions Edition
Uglyfags btfo
Veeky Forums feels thread; Holiday loneliness edition
This guy slaps your ass in the gym locker room
Please don't tell me you are a Gay Alien
Been a while since I've been on Veeky Forums. Been grinding away for about 8 years now...
Any femanons here?
How to work these muscles?
Reminder that if your weight in pounds isn't higher than your height in centimeters, you are a manlet
Functional strength
Healthier breakfast
Why the fuck do you lift? What's the point?
Not eating fenalår
My new year resolution is to start to learn how to fight and i am starting even a bit before, my question is...
Tfw gf dumps you right before christmas
How do you think they're spending christmas?
If i replace red coke with coke zero would i see any significant weight loss over a period of time like people that cut...
Day 6 of nofap
Lifting while transgender woman
Why does Veeky Forums down play the hugh difference muscle makes in attracting women?
I hate my nipples any downside to getting then removed?
I'm trying so hard but my gyno keeps getting worse and I'm still dyel! wtf am I doing wrong?
Nigger hate thread
Why must vegans shitpost everywhere?
Whos doing nofap 2018?
This good for a 34 year old?
Veeky Forums, is Ribcage Expansion a myth?
Reminder that meatcuck degenerates are ruining the earth
*blocks your path*
Anyone from Greece? I cant find how many calories a full pork Gyros meal is
Why do men fall for retarded ass fake tits but women don't fall for retarded ass fake abs?
I finally caught one guys. When will they learn?
How do i cope with being a glutelet
Tfw she will never love you
How important is ohp for shoulder development from bodybuilding point?
What shoes do you guys lift in?
/fast/ #66 - Read the fucking links edition
Weed General
/Ottermode/ General
I want to get my skinny ass to the gym and lift weights but the gym is a 40 minute walk from where I live and I can't...
I'm alone for Christmas because I'm so fat that no guy wants to date me...
Twas the Night before Christmas Edition
How do i turn from a 6'1 128 pounds nerd into this?
/fat/ - Alone on Christmas Edition
U mad i was natty here?
How do I fight a drug addiction without spending any money on treatment?
American here...
How the fuck do people get eating disorders? Shit's hard man
Why can't men get away with this bodytype and women do?
You may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like
/sip/ Thread
Wow user have you been working out you're a big guy
What would be the potential drawbacks of drinking pure olive oil? With 100 calories/table spoon...
How long do you stay in the gym?
Do you legitimately enjoy lifting and look forward to going to the gym or is it a chore for you?
I maybe a nut or something
Alright fit so how fucked am I ? Since the age of 16 (im 20) ive used some form of nicotine...
Is it true that once you hit 1/2/3/4, you get a free gf?
Male with a bubble butt here
Whos lifting on christmas day?
The absolute COPE. When will hairlets learn?
Does this look like a kanker sore or an STD? I get kanker sores fairly often but they don't usually look like this
What physique and level of facial aesthetics would I need to get this girl?
Better Butt
Push-up thread. Let's roll, faggots
Natty or nah?
There was a fairly cute girl at my gym today wearing leggings that were clearly not designed with the intent of being...
Can a beginner do pplpplx? Why/why not?
Which protein powder is your fav?
Should I do Boxing or Kickboxing?
OK, How much FUCKING protein do I take per pound of body weight...
Skipped leg day for 2 years
Ideals Thread
Always flirt with the qt receptionist at gym
At dinner table
Onion Recipes
*sips tea*
Is it weird to use photos of yourself pre/fit/ on tinder?
I literally havent been to the gym in over a month
The Chad's proffesion
I have a pretty mild case of pectus excavatum...
Turning a disability into a gift
If i want aesthetics do i really need to train shit like legs and back
Left or right?
How do we feel about sweet potatoes?
Does Veeky Forums have a skincare routine?
It hurts when doing squats and diddlys, mild discomfort is a better word actually but its definitely not healthy...
How much should a girl be lifting after 6 months?
Diet Spec for libido/ejaculation frequency?
How socially autistic is Veeky Forums?
Veeky Forums Infographics thread
ITT : People you thought were jacked as fuck
Charles Bronson
You wake up as Potatoman. What do you do to improve yourself?
Is lifting for girls a path to failure and disappointment?
Just cooking up my breakfast, Veeky Forums
Thoughts on kinobody and reverse pyramid training. Is it superior to straight sets during a cut /recomp?
Vancouver General
Manlets who've learned
How do i get a jaw like this Veeky Forums?
Tfw you cum inside a BBW
Alcoholic fitizens
Being Vegetarian
Gym Music
So, we all agree SS is utter trash, right? I mean you can't be THAT stupid to fall for this meme... right?
Why continue destroying your body Ronnie?
My balls kinda hurt and ache right now anybody been through this to convince me i don't have to go to a doctor?
How the fuck am I supposed to squat?
Wim Hof Thread
Is there a way to become fast like anime characters? I mean much faster than the average brute...
Road to Recovery
Enter gym
Is my math correct?
Wrestling is GOAT motivations for aesthetic and alpha goals
Muscle grills sex
Tfw have zero friends
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Just benched 70 kgs for 3x5s 6 months after running alpha destinys novice program. Is this good progress?
"user are you serious? Why would you want to weigh 200kg. That is not a healthy weight
That one guy at the gym that never showers before his workout
This guy on T-Nation says that the best routine for natty lifters is
People here are way too bulky and toned. This is what a guy should look like
Is it even possible to eat 120+ grams of protein per day without using powders or becoming repulsively fat...
Current Body Thread /cbt/
How can I achieve Kylo Ren mode, Veeky Forums?
14-Year Old Wunderkind
How does it feel knowing that this DYEL manlet could beat you to death if he wanted
Second puberty
You can do one exercise for the rest of your life
Only a 6 incher, will i ever make it?
Oh no, I don't really go to the gym, I'm just a pretty muscular guy naturally
He doesn't sprint for major lower body gains
Fit btfo?
Veeky Forums self improvement discord
You lied to me Veeky Forums. Explain how can this numale beta cuck have such a qt fit sponsored gf...
A study shows that i have 1300 ng/dl
I'm one of those very fat people who will start going to your gym in January
/fast/ #65 - informative meme edition
Chest and shoulder day
Mfw I’m the gym’s necromancer
Dumbbell exercises for beginners
Is IFFYM bullshit?
Find a flaw
Okay guys, I hit 1/2/3/4. Which association will be assigning me my new gf and where do I pick her up
Delusional "athletes"
How do you guys eat your onions?
So guys. I just finished smolov squat and my 1rm went from 137.5kg to 170kg
ITT: Fictional goal bodies
/bloat/ general
Tell me Veeky Forums, what do you do besides working out?
How do we solve the nu-male """problem"""?
Been working out for 3 weeks now and want to start incorporating pullups and dips into my routine. The problem is...
What's that comrade? Do you feel dehydrated and tired from those heavy squats? No problem, here have some of this...
Push-up thread
Doing bench press
Making breakfast this morning
He hasn't taken the avocado pill yet
Realistically is there any way Big Lenny can come back from these health issues?
Can someone critique my deadlift
/a fatties green-text/
*blocks your path*
Another Christmas all alone
Hey, Veeky Forums. /a/ here...
How do I get a defined jawline?
Veeky Forums in one image:
What's your girlfriend like?
I think lifting is making me gay?
What’s the most Alpha body-type for a female to strive for?
Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day
Why the fuck doesn't Vyvanse or Adderall do anything for me? I don't feel more awake, motivated, or focused...
Butt wink
Reverse bench grip
How do you cut? I want to lose weight after my 1 year bulk/balance but how do you do it...
Real talk, why do black men have considerably higher test than white guys?
How do i go into Roman mode?
MFW the gym tard keeps following me
Why don't young manlets just take HGH?
What does Veeky Forums lift for?
Goal Body?
ONION GENERAL /OG/ the big onion edition
Opinions on her legs?
Veeky Forums YLYL
What is her name Veeky Forums?
How’s this body?
Gym necromancer is doing deadlifts again
No Fap redpill
/wheyfu/ bread
I will NEVER EVER be alpha enough to get girls like picrelated
63 year old raw vegan for 27 years
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Routine thread
How long did it take you to realize that Veeky Forums knows absolutely nothing about fitness?
Can I gain muscle eating a lot of protein, low fat and low carb without working out
Fit, what if Trump is right about exercise draining your finite battery? Thoughts?
What motivated Veeky Forums to start lifting in the first place? Has your motivation changed at all?
How many times a day do you take a shit? For me it's usually 3-5
What is truly the best protein powder flavour?
Why do guys who don't compete or otherwise make their living from their body take steroids...
Okay, so i am a healthy male. Im 10% bodyfat, practics sports & weightlifting regularly...
Progress Thread
What other supplements should I incorporate into my regimen?
Should I give up completely on my body? I am 25 and I weigh 110 pounds (50 kg)
In the vain society we live in where people judge you on your appearence instantly...
Will I be ridiculed if I watched anime while on a treadmill? At a public gym obviously
Let's be honest, Veeky Forums
Salmon and sausage... gonna be cooking salmon and sausage... and um... we're gonna be cooking sausage...
How does this shit even happen?
ITT: dyel detectors
Veeky Forums let's talk about Jawzrsize, meme or worth it?
*blocks your path*
Training for hypertrophy
Destroying your joints with heavy compound meme lifts when flywheel training is the superior method
Guy I work with
Why does Veeky Forums shit on CrossFit so much?
/fast/ #64 - idiot proof version
I'm in love with a Veeky Forums teacher
*hits vape*
Lets do pushups
Test results in... Very disappointing normal. Strongly considering illegal steroids
Depressed af because I don't do anything
I cant believe some of you faggots actually are falling for the ONION MEME
Achievable naturally?
Daily reminder to eat yo oats
Veeky Forums greentext thread
What are examples of "bad" genetics?
Talk to this girl for a while
If you're below 15% BF you're not a man
Mire Thread - Sophisticated Milf Edition
If you get annoyed at new years resolutioners trying to improve themselves then youre an asshole
Lanklet problems
I’m currently LOL’ing at this manlet I went to high school with who’s currently in medical school...
Find one flaw with this routine
Why did you start lifting?
Instagra bros
Girl group spying on me in cafetaria for weeks
Are chads better than us?
Am I overweight
Tfw fit spend all day argueing like retards about bro routines and bro knowledge
At what point do you switch to mixed grip on deadlifts? And are there any benefits to doing double overhand...
Who else going today?
Did lifting give you a gf, Veeky Forums?
I want to write this for all you amazing people out there
Why is that everytime I see a documentary about bodybuilders lifes they never seem to be drinking protein shake at all?
Eternal reminder that YOU HAVE TO LIVE IT
Name a better bodybuilder
/fph/ Twas the Night Before Christmas Edition
Veeky Forums Grills thread
/PLG/ Powerlifting General
/Lateral Raises/
Post the best natty body ever
What is the single best fitness decision you have made that improved your gains?
Alright, Veeky Forums
Looking to expand my recipes Veeky Forums, I cannot take another day of plain old chicken and vegetables
Finish hard workout
How do i stop eating?
What's the point of lifting when girls only care about checking these digits
Get ripped at home
Do asian girls like muscles?
How to avoid bitchtits
Start doing neck curls NOW or you'll never fucking make it
I Caved
What body fat percentage is too high...
Why the fuck are you doing suicide rescue if you don't even fucking lift? Jesus
If you had to choose just 5 exercises to get this jacked, what would you pick?
There's an entire subculture on fit that thinks that not eating for an entire week is not only healthy...
What the most Veeky Forums related way to kill yourself?
What mode is this?
What's the best full body routine for beginners?
Send thots in my WhatsApp harem a video of me benching my bodyweight
/SIG/ - Self Improvement General
Choose Your Own Adventure
I might have food poisoning. just ate bad chicken. help
Why do people use dumbbells...
Give me one good reason why this is unacceptable compared to the modern female
How do girls with tits like this do cardio?
ITT: How much of an autist are you?
Femfit gym feels
'An adult man should weigh at least 200 pounds'
Asian chads don't exi-
Walking down the street
Old fag here, and I need a music playlist to workout too. I don't know what you kids are listening too these days...
What does Veeky Forums think of this physique?
What is the single fastest way to lose weight regardless of health concerns
Do anorexic girls like muscles? Or are they into skinny numales?
The most difficult question on Veeky Forums right now
Jelqing... does it actually work?
Have you ever been 'mired by women?
Vitamin d
Post rare pianos
You have exactly 11.4 seconds to explain why your grandma isn't squatting 800 pounds right now
ITT: DYEL giveaways
Have you guys heard of
Tall dude trying to run injury-free
Swimming as exercise
Has anyone here tried Juggernaut Method or any other program from JTS? If so, how was it?
Look at my fucking bulge Veeky Forums
How you guys holding up?
Does lifting make up for being black?
Militant Manlet General
Day after good squat session
Conor makes a soyboy Youtuber seeth
Can i get a good workout just by doing push-ups, pull-ups and body weight squats?
Whats the best exercise for good pecs that doesn't require equipment?
2007-2012: Era of Zyzz
Daily High Test thread
Would you rather weight 75lb or 300 lb?
Eric bugenhagen ONE EXERCISE
Rate my body thread
How do I make weight gain shakes without protein powder?
R8 my form
Well, looks like you guys called each other faggot so hard it made the news
What are some Veeky Forums things you make with your Foreman grill?
Would you guys say Im im fat?
Bags under Eyes
Defending the SS Squat
Tfw Gf
Watch BetaDestiny's response to Jason Blaha
FUCK nofap
Symmetric Strength
Ideals Thread
/fast/ #63 - Just fast FFS
CHAD here
What board did you browse before you came to fit?
Alright Veeky Forums lets get this party started, what do i say?
What kind of haircut do you guys have ?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Females you lift for
/PLG/ Powerlifting General
Just found out my little brother drinks soy milk
Mental Health General
Failed nofap again, this time only on day 2
Brendan Fraser spotted in the wild, December 2017
How do you guys program weighted dips?
One chance at life
Can't cum through human contact
Hotel Gym Hell
Animal goal bodies
Real Motivation
Is this achievable natty?
Do you feel you're now more likely to cheat since you lift?
What did Veeky Forums eat for breakfast
What is 1/2/3/4 of /bodyweight/?
I've been lifting for two years and i'm still a virgin, clearly i'm approaching this from the wrong way. I was thinking...
Is the joke that he’s a delusional fatass?
How well does the Plan B pill work bros?
Why did you buy for your girlfriend for Christmas, Veeky Forums?
Veeky Forums ideal thread:
What is the secret to eternal youth? I want to be as healthy and good looking as possible for as long as possible
Am I still alpha if I fuck escorts?
Tfw finally hit 1pl8 bench
And this is our son's room
Do fitness 5 days a week
All i ever do is count calories, masturbate, sleep, gym and play video games
Lifts that make you feel ridiculous
On Tinder
Soy in Korean Food
He still uses protein powder
Are the different rep ranges for different outcomes just a meme? I really think it's all bullshit...
Hey Veeky Forums any swingers out there? I just tried /b/ but no responses because they're a bunch of neck beards...
Post weight lifting shoes. i use these fuckers and im looking for new ones
Who works out in an empty gym here?
What does Veeky Forums think of him?
One year later pure running and good diet
Why are female ""lifters"' attention whores?
/fat/ - John McClane the Pain Away
Hey Veeky Forums. Can't think of any other board to post this. I want to dance like pic related...
Is sweating on a girl hot?
When performed properly, the front squat is the single most satisfying lift of them all
tfw also 5'5 like this guy
Tfw huge wave of nyrs incoming
Sexual Health Thread
Tell me you guys didn't fall for the running meme too
I'm sick of women being able to modify everything they want easily and we have to stay cucked with what we have
Whats the deal with milk?
What’s your favorite bulk meals and snacks?
Could I beat a bear in a fight?
Women exercising
Go to see doctor for routine checkup
The fitness motivation thread where everyone is really nice and supportive! :)
Is lotus natty? what is his routine
Veeky Forums, how do I get more energy...
Iv never caused any trouble
he doesn't have ass testicles
Testosterone for mood and overall health
This is what lifting gets you
Stop saying strength = aesthetics or size you fucking retarded ass brainlets...
Post workout rage
Is it too late for me?
What BF% am I at, what can I do to fix this
If I shadow box for hours like an autist will I gain muscle like in Holyland?
What motivates Veeky Forums to lift when they're feeling ill?
Girl who was the reason you became Veeky Forums is now a weed-smoking drunkard tattooed feminist
Before I lifted I used to be such a degenerate. Gross porn...
/fast/ #62 - Answers for lazy fucks edition
/PLG/ Powerlifting General
Onions are gonna ruin your life
WHICH one is better? Several sets of pushups with even reps that don’t get us exhausted...
Hey Veeky Forums how do I get less ugly?
Veeky Forums recipes thread
What are some underrated Veeky Forums channels?
Is anyone else here resistant to stimulants?
Anyone here have inverted nipples? I’ve had this shit since childhood so it’s not gyno, just genetic I guess...
Lifting isn't essential to masculinity and the only people who think so are brainlets, manlets, dicklets, esteemlets...
Pure B L O A T I V A T I O N
Single leg deadlifts
Post your favorite exercise
One of these
Is he no longer the king of Veeky Forums?
Newbie help
Songs that destroy PRs
Take the aspie quiz
I can bench 135 for 12 reps
Rate my dinner fit
Thicker forearms
Fitness music
weight: full
Hey guys im having a real hard time landing a qt22/7 any ideas on what girls like in mens physique
How to not look like this?
In the middle of the set
Anime body goals thread???
Name an important lift that is less enjoyable than this one
Do you ever see disabled people in your gym?
H-how you guys holding up?
Do you have a fictional dream body to work towards?
/mfit/ - Military Fit
Ffs im am so fed up with stalling on the press
Guys how can I add more fats to my diet? I can get the protein in no problem, it's the fats that are cucking me hard
Any update on this?
Would you trade in all your gains for a gf right here right now?
What's the point of lifting if we are all going to eventually die?
What's the bare minimal you need to actually make it?
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games