/sip/ Thread

Where are my christmas /sip/ bois at?

Got this as one of my presents from my girlfriend

I alternate between sips and reverse sips to confuse my androgen receptors for more gains

whats a reverse sip?

>it's a purple sip episode

>tfw i love all flavors but red really sucks, purple is too sweet, orange too tart, black too red bull, but white, white is just perfect.

I kinda liked the yellow one.

>tfw it's gone now

Never had it, oh and blue is good too.


Anyone else here legitimately addicted to these?
I have caffeine pills, so that's not what I'm craving.
If I don't have a sip, my day feels like shit, all I think about are sips, even before bedtime, all I look forward to is waking up and having a sip.

Some dick bought all white sips from the convenice store and now im left with only red, yellow or orange sips

I'm genuinely curious how this monster shilling has caught on and became a regular thing

I fell for it, but they're 2 for $3, s delicious and zero calories and sugat with 140mg of caffeine.
Like where's the negative

Orange is the patrician choice though so there isn't a problem.

I started sipping when I worked 12 hour shifts and there was a sip machine in the break room. There weren't even any sip threads at the time.

>tfw on funemployment but still have cravings
It's too pricey so I cut down on sipping.

Friendly reminder

>"I-I'm not a shill, guys!"

The one in the picture I posted

Superior flavor reporting in

could someone shop a sip into the pic of trump drinking the water with 2 hands pls

Yellow is king

Haters don't know this man is /ourguy/

Pic extremely related famalamadingdong

Holy jesus that’s a top shelf sip shop. Come find us in the Veeky Forums sip general sometime. We could use those skills.

Idk, blue nos is my go-to sip. I'll try the other brands and flavors, but blue nos is what you'd finde sipping on the regular.

Although I've stopped sipping for a while now, shit's bad for you.

It’s not shilling. It never was. White sips as a pwo has been a thing for years. It’s “””shilling”””” like the mcchicken thing was shilling. It was sincere discussion about how good white sips are couched in transparently fake shilling because we knew fucking morons like you would think it was actual shilling if we just said like “wow this is good I use it as a pwo anybody else here do that too?” but holy shit man, you didn’t get the joke and still don’t. Grow a brain already.

>i was only pretending

Yeah i mean this is clearly the work of some very clever hebrews

That's a funny way to spell white

Have a (you) friend, And have a merry christmas

Good deal?

>tfw 24 for $32.99
That’s a good deal

Ooh yeah 2016, yeah that's totally oldfag territory we reddit


Make that on meme creator kid?


>butt blasted Red Bull shill detected

>red really sucks
dyel cuck spotted

got a 10 pack ,':^)

Fresh from Veeky Forums. Merry xmas sip boys.

S I P B O Y S 2 0 1 7

/Sips/ helped me finish a 36 hour shift on Christmas-eve it was the white one too, thanks bois.

does anyone one have the image of macho man with the / S i p s /?

i bought a can of this, gonna give it a shot sometime pre-workout this week

First day back on Veeky Forums after a year long absence.

What is this shit? the fuck am I looking at? Is this like the Veeky Forums version of chicken tendies or something?

What have you faggots been doing while I was gone?

Gotcha famalam

It's been around for well over a year bro

Everytime I drink a Java Monster, I'm farting all fucking day.

I'm not even lactose intolerant. I down 2 scoops with a lot of milk every day with no issues.

Don't get java and get a real man's drink paired with a black coffee
