Alright fit so how fucked am I ? Since the age of 16 (im 20) ive used some form of nicotine. 80% of the time it was vaping but with heavy nicotine. I smoke cigs now but not a ton maybe 6 to 10 a week.i just read articles that anyform of nicotine causes premature aging, wrinkles and shit skin. I didnt think vaping did jsut cigs but I realised i have some wrinkles already like laugh lines and small forehead ones.If i quit now, will I be able to look youthful for another 10 years or so atleast?i fucking love my face and It would be ashame to look 45 at 30.
Alright fit so how fucked am I ? Since the age of 16 (im 20) ive used some form of nicotine...
Quit all smoking related things, start eating right and working out and live with the mistakes of your past.
Fuckkkk its hard.its not bad but im sure I wouldnt have these lines if I never started
>that foot
She sexy
Let your worry be the strength needed to stop yourself from smoking further, but don't let the fear, of what is already to be, eat you alive.
>i just read articles that anyform of nicotine causes premature aging, wrinkles and shit skin
I fucking hate you for taking this long to figure this out.
I mean i didnt think vaping could do this. Im quitting all for fucked up. Glad i caught it early and didnt smoke another 10 years.
How fit do I have to be to have a girl like her spread her legs for me like this? That pussy looks tasty.
ANYone have a link to the set?
You can't have not started. All you can do is change your behavior for the better and if you ever think of going back, remember why you changed in the first place.
Take it from an overweight wizard, if you focus on the past it will hold you back from a brighter future.
you know how I know you're gay?
nicotine in and of itself is a carcinogen and bad for you, user
just quit
actually its not my bad
the damage is done, stop now and you might look better. of course smokers age quickly. there's a big difference between a 50 year old who doesn't smoke and drink and someone who does. Do you not know that many people in your life? Have you ever even paid attention?
Even 25 year old smokers look horrible
I want to lick her pusy!
I smoked for 10 years (since 14) and quit 5 years ago by switching to vaping. There's an upside to nicotine; like caffeine it promotes mental alertness and focus. It keeps your wits about you essentially and from what I've noticed it keeps men masculine. I'm almost 30 and people still tell me I look like I'm fucking 16, no lie.
t. everyone
I'm am literally drooling just thinking about it.
nigga at age 20 if you quit now and fix your fucking habits, your body will reverse a lot of the damage. The net health gains will override net health detriment over the past 4 years but you must fucking do everything right. Think about how you'll look at age 24 if you do EVERY tiny little thing you KNOW is good for your health, and NONE of the opposite! Don't be a fucking pussy! Wake up to yourself! Be a man!