Progress/transformation thread
Good shit
6'2, 160lbs on the left, 223lbs on the right (current) peak bulk and planning to start cut January first. 290 and 195 for bench and OHP. Squat and dead are indeterminate due to lower back being fucked up and taking forever to recover.
Tell me i'm a fat piece of shit for cutting motivation. Also, merry Christmas. We're all gonna make it
Forgot to attach image
looking good m8
even with the big nips
My nipple mane makes them appear more prominent but I don't worry about it too much. Thanks tho
You're a fat piece of shit. Get fucking shredded brah I'll see you on the other side
Was it natty?
about 340lbs on the left, around 240-250lbs on the right. 4 years time. lowest was around 220lbs i *think* (not sure about scale accuracy) but i've been recomping/slight unintentional bulk since then
wanna cut properly down to 190-200lbs and then figure it out from there
These threads always make my day, fucking good job guys you dudes aught to be proud of yourselves.
Gr8 job m80s
Do you feel lighter on your feet? I used to be chunky but never obese so I don't know that feel. good job
never something i really thought about but i do feel more coordinated and agile now than i used to, now that i think about it
was kind of clumsy before, i guess, since i didnt really grasp how much space i took up
now not so clumsy but still feel like i take up as much space as i used to
body dysmorphia is a real bitch
Looked better on the left, now you just look fat, especially considering those mediocre lifts and the fact that you don't even squat or deadlift, the fuck did you """bulk""" for?
decent bench and okay OHP
what the fuck is going on with your nipples though, man
don't listen to this fag but work on abs
You look dispraportionaly obese in the first pic, gratz of the loss thought. Can you stop doing psudeo-gay poses and just do normal or full on gay
how's that pseudo-gay? I just wanted a similar profile to the first pic lol
What is a good routine for semi beginner ? want to do at least 6 days a week with main emphasis on core
What was your gym routine man?
Also how long did that take, looking amazing bro
forgot to link them
user said he wanted to be called fat for cutting motivation
Good lighting improvement. Now we can see your shitty tattoos more clearly
cool you learning how to lean back
did you gain any muscle in that time?
I started out oly lifting, and the result can be seen on picture 2 and 3.
Than i started PPL with no focus on diet, picture 4.
Now - picture 5 - PPL with intermittent fasting and IIFYM.
It has taken a couple of years - not impressive by Veeky Forums-standards - but I've been doing this casually as I have both a child and a career :-)
Wish I could se a pic of your hands
Would you mind posting your PPL routine ?
I really like the same of your body, i know some of it is genetics but your lats and abs are amazing; most PPL routines i find tend to neglect to neglect these areas
Nips of truth
Bench 4x8
Ohp 4x8
Cable tricep extension 10x10 (German volume style)
Cable chest fly 4x8
Overhead tricep cable extension 4x8
Dumbbell side lateral raise 4xf (superset)
Dumbbell front lateral raise 4xf (superset)
Deadlift 4x8
Barbell bent over row 4x8
Chin-up 2xf
Pull-up 2xf
Cable curl 10x10
Straight arm pull down 4x8 (superset)
Face pull 4x15 (superset)
Barbell squats 4x8
Hamstring curl 5x12
Lying leg raise 5x20
Absolutely no cardio
i s-see your p-p-penis!!
>first pic
awman, I godda lose wieght.
>second panel
Im even less happy
>no gains
>faggy tattoos
loser of the day award
july -> december
135 lbs -> 161 lbs
(61.2 kg -> 73 kg)
on phraks greyskull + accessories
dirty bulking by eating pretty much whatever i want and just making sure i eat enough protein. putting on more bf than i want but don’t wanna count calories. looking forward to cutting but can’t start yet bc i haven’t left DYEL mode
p-p-please! Let me suck it!!!
I don't quite follow
you no longer look like a holocaust victim. nice job man.
so basically all the people who cover their faces are butt ugly?
just keeping this in mind for when I become the king of Veeky Forums
why his chest look like that bros?
now stop breathin from your mouth