>tfw she will never love you
How are you guys?
Tfw she will never love you
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw i used to care
>tfw i don't anymore
fuck the thoties we dont need em
I realized that I will die alone so I took the hedonism route.
About to lose my job because of anger issues, wish my friend didn't kill himself, and I hate both political parties in my country to the point that I actually want to kill them. Ive already bewn locked up once for death threats and I think I should just do it rather bark like a tiny dog.
Other than that, I still have no gf. I feel you op.
It's ok.
fucking kikes, it's their fault why we can't get an Asian gf
>tfw she used to be all i could think of
>tfw slowly getting over her
>tfw you will never love anyone again
its called not giving a fuck and its the first step into becoming a player
>tfw didn't care
>met a girl I clicked with like I have never clicked before
>we have really similar personalities, interests etc
>she iniciates touch and we hang out a lot
>she started texting me when we left on holidays even though she is abroad with her family
>mfw I know that anything nice will never happen and I'm just going to get hurt
There are many, user.
Also, women are not sentimental like you, be warned
How about you stop being a retard?
>it's a "guy with made up problems tries to garner sympathy from people with real problems for attention" thread again
>women are not sentimental like you
What do you mean
they are heartless thots
Sometimes I just wish I could lift myself off to a faraway place f.a.m
Honestly have no desire for a female companion. I've been in LTRs for most of my teens and early twenties and while those were good times I just have no interest in spending time with women anymore.
You will get over it.
I know, I try to not get emotionally attached to women but damn it's hard with this one.
i hope this is true
atleast that's what I do to cope with never having had a gf while being in my early 20s
internet hugs to all my lifting lads, no homo
>What happened on Saturday was nothing
>She just needs contact sometimes apparently and felt comfortable with me
>She still wants me as a friend though :^)
fuck this gay life tbqhwy
You sound like you need to be fucking locked up.
atleast you have female friends
I've never even had a female friend, I'm sure I'm just being perceived as a "muscular douche". It's probably what happens when you have a top tier physique but a mediocre face
>tfw too in love with myself and focused on improving my life and setting myself up for the future to care
>>What happened on Saturday was nothing
Fuck, you too? This hurts the most. At least if she didn't do anything I wouldn't get my hopes up.
That's not at all what he meant you absolute brainlet
This is some virgin ass beta shit.
Make her love you, conquer her heart, not by beta orbiting, but by RADICAL ACTION.
SIEGE her heart and she will love you.
she just went for chad, that will fuck her ass and dump her once he gets bored
guys, dont repeat my mistakes
if you see hints, act on them right away and dont play waiting game, she has hundreds of other guys waiting at her backdoor
What is a female worth?
But rape is illegal
You don't need gf, you need to be awesome and reach your goals. Are you in a position to get married and raise children? No? Then it's all fun and games. Wanting a gf for your own emotional reasons is mama's boy stuff
The only girl I loved treated me like shit, perhaps that's why I loved her.
I've pushed away any other girl that has genuinely and honestly loved me.
That's how I know I'm stupid or have some kind of issue.
What is she worth to you?
Only if you get caught **:^)** **Stockholm syndrome works bro**
Have you ever considered that you're just too much of a dork for anyone to care about and it just so happens that girls fit into the category of "anyone"? Have you ever tried to improve yourself to a point where people actually like you or do you just whine when things don't effortlessly go your own way?
It's normal push-and-pull. Love is war, partners kind of have to be assholes to each other to keep signaling high status. Otherwise you look pathetic.
Sex is pretty much a chaos god that destroys all social harmony. I suppose it should be tightly locked up in marriage. When in doubt ask the Pope
That's a sad smile, my friend.
>nobody else will understand you like she did
>you can't be fully yourself around anyone else
We just have to learn how to connect with people and share love around.
Different women are with different amounts. You give as much as you're willing to give. If you don't have enough or you aren't willing to give enough then you won't get the girl you're looking for and you'll have to either become more valuable or look for someone of less value.
Basing your happiness and well being on some random slut.
Who fucking cares man, swallow the redpill and move on.
And im doing alright thanks.
Damn old people for ruining Facebook. Now I'll never see again that cute girl I danced with.
Women's love is fickle and unstable.
Only God's love is deserving of devotion.
tfw been in the club yeday and watching the girls parade themselves like empty vessels, complete products of facebook, buzzshit, media..
There is nothing in there I can love.
Im happy with my tulpa.
hugs received and returned. I fucked in my 27th, before that, I was khv.
Gf was nice,sex was nice... BUT all in all, not worth the stress and pain of singlehood in my teens and early 20's. You better not obsess over it, onceu do it its nothing THAT special. Its wonderful on many levels but JUST dont stress over it. Everything related to woman is EASY. Dont give it another thought and ull be fine.
i want braces or invisalign but poor an no insurance i dont know where my tongue goes for proper posture is it right benhind the teeth on the soft smooth part of right inbetween the ditch in betwrrn the first two ridges
About as much as any human life.
Very little.
>get bullied hard in elementary school and middle school by guy and girls
>7 years later don't feel emotionally attracted to women at all anymore
D..do I win?
>tfw care again
See a therapist if you haven't dude.
>saw her in the store earlier
>anger starts building up but stay polite
>reminded of how i fucked up and almost ruined my life for her
>walk out of the store completely dazed and bump into shit
>tfw you realize you are still not free
What a fucking sperg. Can't wait to see you post on /r9k/ when this girl gets tired of you dodging her and cucks you.
But it's ok, it's her fault for not being dedicated enough despite her being the one that has done everything so far.
I was happy with my gf until this new girl started working at my job. We started fucking two months ago, and now I'm falling for her.
I hate I'm gonna break my gf's heart when I break up with her after new year, and I'm sure I'm gonna regret it.
Two camels here in sweden
but she does love me
I received a blowjob as I woke up, now I'm drinking beer while she's cooking me a christmas dinner
Starting smoking weed. I lost all anger issues doing it
I feel the same way. Even if I find a girl that is like that at a a party or some thing I know that when I go home and ask her out a day later she'll say no. It never changes
Are you retarded?
He's literally saying how it's hard for him NOT to become attached to her.
>tfw been in the club yeday and watching the girls parade themselves like empty vessels, complete products of facebook, buzzshit, media..
Fuck I thought I was the only one. This really hurts to see.
You're scum.
>Greek PhD student abroad
>first Christmas completely alone
>literally sitting in my office right now (pic related)
>listening to this: youtube.com
>will go to the gym today to lift my feels away
a-at least I have you guys
love you all!
Is this what it feels like to be bloatmogged?
What did they mean with this scene
Jerusalem is some shitty city in the middle of some stupid desert that isnt worth a shit, but its also the most important center of the faith for christians, muslims and jews
>tfw i look in the mirror and hate myself
How do you get over self loathing. i know i dont have a reason to think im hideous or that im a bad person but i always think i look ugly and hate everything about me.
>tfw just want to be completely content with where i am for one day
T-thanks for the explanation
She loved me once...
Is it true that its better to love once than to never have loved?
guy looks like Sting, comfy song.
I love you too man. Dont sweat it. Many social occasions are filled with fake, at least we are real here.
>tfw she will never love me
I'm good actually. Going to celebrate christmas together with four girls who are my roommates .
Nevertheless in love with a girl that told me that she fucks a lot of men (niggers and whites only) and that she doesn't want a relationyship because she doesn't believe in love after she split up with her ex three months ago
>tfw in love with a bitch even thogh I have a lot of other better women who want something from me
>tfw she is actually very cute
> tfw realize that we'll never be together
> fuck me, this part of my life feels terrible
>tfw she left me
This is my biggest fear.
similar happened to me
Had a crush into a girl who is bisexual, has a fwb and doesnt even live here, studies abroad.
My best friend tried to cockblock me with her when he was in relationship himself because she is gamer girl and he apparently has a fetish for them.
>tfw she actually likes him
>tfw he aint my bro anymore though we hang out but things arent the same
he actually broke up with his gf recently.
He is one psycho motherfucker ill tell u dat, a lot of mind games with him.
Recently was a get together with her and another gal, but yours truly bailed out like a boss.
I dont want to be around the two of them, since all he does is try to provoke me but wont actually date the girl or admit he likes her.
COme to think of it I should really stop hanging out with him.
Nigga was never like this be4 tho, we would wing man each other and always keep it 100%, but she came and years of friendship down the drain.
>tfw got "the one" already
>tfw we our just "friends"
>tfw couldn't stand to lose her
>tfw she wants no one but me
>tfw I'm just being a hoe and fucking females
>hopfully this hoe gets out my system before she finds out I'm not only fucking her
I love you too user. We're all gonna make it, keep working hard in school and in the gym. In a few short years, you'll have gained so much.
>tfw love a girl, and she really likes me too. >she lives in an Orthodox Community. Her and I could be really fucked with (((they))) find out.
>"the only one is closer than you think" - fortune cookie
Where and who is it? What do you mean by this, cookie?
alone and empty inside, but i wanted it this way
>qt Indian girl is into me
>we have the same interests
>tfw spent too much time on here and now worry about diluting my white, blue eyed genes
Too bad white women are all whores and have no sense of values
>meet girl at uni
>kinda shy,cute,loves going to the gym
>we hit it off from the start
>ask her out,we schedule a date
>some days before the date she tells me that she wants to only be friend
How could this happen to me?
Go cocoon mode brah.
I'm sorry to her that user. If there are mindgames involved then look for better friends, no one needs that shit.
I think I'll tell her tomorrow that it's better if we don't see each other for a while so I can get over my feelings for her.
>tfw I feel like shit because I probably won't see her again
>she makes the calls
you deserve this
You're probably moving like a freight train. She probably met you this semester, you are moving too fast. Just relax, she still thinks your cute. Text a bit more and do public things together like working out (cardio)
She maybe found someone else or is just confused. Friendzoning her might help
you will get over it user Im sure, just takes time and realization it couldnt work out. Sometimes feels hit us because we have savior complex.
This girl I liked is smart, very funny, sexual and brave. She is also very fragile you can feel it underneath. I feel that hidden fragileness of girls and it makes me want to protect her and take care of her. Its a trap though.
She will continue to fuck random people and live the 2017 life style. I wish her happiness but I know the path she takes is different to mine.
And I gotta remind myself that I am not responsible for her.
Yeah I choose my friends carefully thats why I was surprised he took hos over bros. Never expected it from him. Honeslty that hurt more than her rejection, since I did confess my feels then (like a child).
Grew up since then. Though to be honest, it was fresh after break up, maybe I was in part also needing someone to get over breaking up.
That's because you focus on the things that you don't like about youself. Looking for things you like about youself or you body might help. Also look for things you enjoy and people who you feel good with. It's only a phase
god is dead
reading this thread made me realize not to even read personal advice on Veeky Forums because I don't want to be corrupted by such terrible advice and behavior
>self fulfilling prophecy: the thread