What does Veeky Forums think of this physique?
What does Veeky Forums think of this physique?
weird elbow
it would attract a lot of women (and men)
this picture shows that attractiveness is about face and muscle inserts
but go ahead and keep deadlifting, that'll definitely get you that girlfriend
Men maybe (gay men love twinks) but not most women unless you have a good face.
Jacked guy with an average face>>>>>>>>>>> good looking guy with an average body
That's so beyond wrong except in rare scenarios like the beach.
please don't tell me you are calling that an average body
>that guy
>average body
Holy shit Veeky Forums has full blown body dysmorphia. He has a better body than the majority of the general populace and Veeky Forums for that matter.
Fucking hot
a jacked beast like rich piana would get turned away for the guy in op’s pic but if thats what you want to believe then sure
I mean he looks really good no homo. If you want to bang thots it's literally the perfect body, anything bigger and you're doing it for yourself and your bros, again no homo.
When will they learn?
Ha, no. I work at a coffee shop and theres this regular who comes in, extremely good looking guy, around 5'10, skinny as all hell and narrow shoulders. Literally the body of a 12 year old boy with an adults head attached. EVERY FUCKING GIRL I work with fawns over how handsome he is and how they would date him in a second. I do mention how skinny he is, and they agree that he is really skinny, and he would be more attractive if he gained some muscle.
But the thing is, being skinny doesn't DETRACT from his attractiveness. He's already getting near peak attention from his face alone, regardless of his body.
This is the opposite for a meh face with a great body. A guy with a meh face can definitely increase his attractiveness with a great body, BUT, he can also lower his attractiveness with a shit body, unlike the guy with the great face.
This is because girls know he can always get a nice body later on. He has the face already, the part that you CANT get by working out. Whatever else he's lacking, it can be worked on (except dick or height I guess).
Just face it, guys with attractive faces are MUCH more attractive to girls. A great looking face with an average body will ALWAYS beat out an average face with a jacked body.
Pretty gay for some reason
The truth is that as long as you're not a fatass you can get most women (and guys). Personality and face go a long way and being super jacked only appeals to some people.
Phyisical attraction for men and women only differ on intensity.
We like a girl with a beautiful face and we would fuck her regardless if she has an average body. We only like a girl with a shitty face if she has a nice body.
explained the rest of it.
>being this delusional
That's not an average body. The average body is now overweight in western countries.
also you aren't thinking ahead
yerh maybe this body can get you a girlfriend
what it can't do is stop someone walking up to you and taking her off you
like what could this twink actually do against anyone 100kg+
no point having a gf if you can't defend her
when did moot get so jacked?
This, can anyone tell me why face is so much more important than body? Evolutionarily speaking
I'm a girl and like, you could be 6'3 and jacked but if your face is ugly you just ugly. Men seem to perceive women similarly. You'd just think your body would have a greater impact on your chances of survival and success or whatever, but men (anecdotally speaking of course) will lose their shit over a girl with a 10/10 face and a 6/10 body as well
>stooping to this level of cope
This NEVER HAPPENS. People don't go around stealing other people's gfs, particularly not by force. The only context I can imagine this happening is if you are from an extremely impoverished society (Liberia, South Sudan, American shitholes). Nowhere else this would be a thing. If it is your case, please get a better job instead of spending your time lifting. Women who don't fear for their lives are happier and fuck better.
I'm 6' 1 and less than 130 pounds and I have to agree. I get attention just based on my face and everyone says sure you'd look better with more weight, but my bone structure is perfect.
do girls ever compliment your bone structure? I'm a fag, so I don't even really care... but face is everything. that said, I'm really insecure because of my size, so being big means you must be more confident and manly and stuff
Looks like a slightly bigger me, pretty much ideal for aesthics besides the fucked up elbow.
it's obviously related to good genetic fitness. anyone can work out and be built, but it takes hundreds of years of good mating to lead to a 10/10 face
pic related, think he is gonna have women turning him down because he's skinny?
Yeah... Totally...
I often wonder if some of you guys ever leave the work-gym-home circuit. I mean, you can't be this wrong on purpose.
I see, so does that mean that people with beautiful faces tend to be healthier?
>All these faggots convincing themselves that all women like them big.
Niggas you gay as fuck and like them daddies
studies have shown that attractive people are less likely to get asthma, diabetes, all sorts of diseases. having good bone structure and proportions is sort of the indicator that your combination of genes is worth propagating. which is why everyone wants a handsome man, so their offspring are genetically fit.
Very interesting, thanks!
what do I do to get this body. 5"10 145 pounds
He's aesthetic as fuck even if he's not built. He's decent-tier ottermode. But there's probably a lot of stronger Veeky Forumsizens. It doesn't matter though.
>"shut up DYELS, girls love muscle! You need to browse bodybuilding websites to get a good idea on what the average women wants! I improve myself everyday since women love confidence!"
plz be my lanklet, attractive-faced, good-bone-structure-having, insecure bf
It's an incredibly attractive body type to have, and most young girls would be DTF immediately if you took off your shirt with this.
I bet he has a six pack on his dick.
I'm too insecure for a relationship. I can turn down hundreds of guys on grindr just because of how ashamed I am of being skinny. I even have a 9 inch cock along with my pretty face, so it's not like I should worry... but I hate my body. I'm GOMAD as we speak
>has a grindr
You're obviously not that insecure, my fellow fag.
Try being a skeleton AND having pectus. I literally won't even take my shirt off around family.
contact and better hair and he'd steal your girl lardass
I have slightly concave pecs which is my entire insecurity. I know that feel. It's like the opposite of pecs, hence why I won't take my shirt off. brb rolling for push ups, I see guys with huge pecs on here and my mouth waters.
I have a grindr just to tell myself at least I'm looking. But I don't reply to anyone and just have thousands of messages sitting there.
how do i get this
99 PUSHUPS what is god telling me..
Found the prehistoric hominid here
skinny twink. would look dyel in clothes. looks dyel shirtless in fact
nah his arms look fine. you should see my dainty fucking wrists and biceps in a shirt. you would just think I had plain anorexia or was a tranny or some shit
his arms look "fine" because he's small with low bodyfat. definition =/=size
this is how deluded /fraud/ is
kek, sure thing buddy
now I feel like a fraud for not getting big. I thought people just tend to look better when they're built. but if I'm already handsome in auschwitz-mode, I better fucking buy some weights
I'm such a newfag, fuck.
all those squats must have paid off
post pic
What do I do if I want this body? I'd be content with that.
I did that once years ago and it was pretty funny actually, many memes were made. I wonder if any caught on? I'm not ashamed of my body since I'm very healthy and climb mountains and do shit most normal-sized people don't even do. But I don't really care to fuel the uggos here.
this. 6'2" and use to be 140. girls liked me and even approached. got fit and didn't really see that much of a difference among girls. guys respect you more but other than that it's truly
>brags about height, dick size, and face/bone structure
>went though with even making a grindr
>allegedly fit enough to partake in mountain climbing and other things most normal-sized people don't
>doesn't want to fuel the uggos here
>too insecure for a relationship
Something isn't quite adding up here
lol, the only picture I have is from back when I was smoking more weed than Chong and had a diet as unhealthy as a lardass. I've got good bone structure even when it comes to my shoulders, so in clothing, I don't look half as skinny as I am. Of course, short-sleeves are another story.
This is 6' 1 and 120 pounds, laugh it up, but this will make for a great before picture in 6 months time. definitely too insecure to take off my shirt in a relationship, which is why posting it online is even more awkward. but seeing as I'm trying to change things, maybe you guys will just fuel me. Have at it.
you can kinda make out the concave pecs in the side mirror. this is what I'm most hoping to fix. any tips lads
yeah my face looks bad in this lighting, I was also smoking an eighth a day for months, so that sure didn't help. I'm gonna post another face pic just so I don't get mocked for lying over 20 posts
All I can say is interesting hair choice.
Other than that, I suppose you have a decent frame. Can't really tell if your hips are bigger than your waist or not because of the angle.
>its this narcissist fag from Veeky Forums
Hey, man. I started at 115lbs 6ft. Now I'm 170lbs, about a year and a half later.
You'll get there. My best advice is to eat really well (high carb), get to sleep (at least 8hrs a night), and lift heavier. Seriously, my guy, I was an ayyy lmao lanklet as well, you'll escape the hell. You can make it. And it will absolutely be worth it.
How do you achieve and maintain this level of leanness?
Xtc you dumb ass.
I have a couple questions
What is the purpose of getting a sigma tattoo
Why is another guy poking his 8 pack
yerh people never get jumped in the street, nor women raped
the dude pressed me for a photo, and I just cried reading a fucking sob story on /trv/, so I dunno what sorta narcissist has to deal with that. I'm a faggot, we're all sort of self-involved. Doesn't make me a psycho.
also that was one thread I don't fucking go on Veeky Forums hahaha they're delusional and dress hideously
hair is only up because I was shaving, I don't keep it like that
that makes me smile, hoping it's true. Right now I'm just GOMAD and push ups, gonna try pull ups at the steel girder outside my house... but I don't feel comfortable going to a gym lol I'm pretty lame like that
How do I get a body like this without going to the gym?
>roughly 120 lbs
>kind of built like a woman
>tfw guys slap my ass when I go to the gym
>elbows too sharp 0/10
> I'm just GOMAD and push ups, gonna try pull ups
That will work quite a bit. I did only bodyweight calisthenics for a year, and it forms a good base. But don't forget to do squats and other leg exercises. My only regret is not training legs starting off.
holy shit you got huge! nice job, that's something to be well proud of. I'm gonna save your pic to my inspo folder, sorry... I dunno why I do this, but it gives me a bit of hope and stuff. I'm not nervous about going to the gym more than I am nervous about not knowing what to do and the proper form. I know youtube can help me there, I just would feel like a fish out of water.
I've got some weights, guess I should incorporate squats into my workout until I find a place. I really think bulking is my biggest problem. forcing down 3.5k calories a day is pretty hard for me.
and I say that ridiculous figure because 2.5k did nothing for me, though I tried that diet without working out, so my body just probably pooped it all out.
Is this moot?
You'll make it, man. Just be consistent.
>not knowing what to do and the proper form
Most lifts are pretty intuitive. Squat and deadlift are a bit more complicated. When you're a noob, you're not going to be using weights heavy enough to seriously hurt yourself. If anything does hurt, just stop the movement for the day and find a possible fix for next session.
I too, knew nothing about lifting. I just asked my most experienced/biggest friends to teach me. I remember not being able to squat or bench the bar. I remember my friend holding my feet for pull ups and dips. We all have to start somewhere. Before you know it, you'll be the guy people are asking for form checks and how-tos.
>incorporate squats
Either do bodyweight squats or goblet squats if you have weight. Trust me, you'll regret it heavily if you don't.
>forcing down 3.5k calories a day
You don't need to eat that much, most preople who lift don't eat that much. For you 2000-2500 is plenty. And I am 100% sure you don't eat 3.5k anyway. Every lanklet I know, including my past self, convinces themselves they're eating 3000+ cals a day. You're not. If you were, you'd weigh 150 in a month. Just because you're full, it doesn't mean you're eating a lot. Track your marcos on myfitnesspal and you'll see. People think they eat 3000, and they're really eating around 800.
I've never done GOMAD, but just find mroe calorically dense clean food. Rice and beans, lentils, and nuts are a good start.
thanks for the thought-out reply, I don't want to sound like I'm lying, but I've counted calories for weeks multiple times and was averaging 2100 with maybe 2 pounds of weight gain in that time, some days eating 2800. most guys in my family are/were 99th percentile skinny... I don't have a thyroid issue either, so I'm just chalking it up to not working out while eating. and also not being consistent and giving up because I don't see immediate gains. plus just cardio in my day to day life that I should cut out like biking and hiking (which its now winter so it isn't a problem)
But I'm trying it again. Might be 11pm but I suppose I should cook another dinner.
as for form and lifting, yeah none of my friends care about their body, so I'm outta luck there. hence going solo, and hence my nerves about not knowing what I'm doing. Anyone I do know who trains (my cousin is a strongman competitor, and my others are just big) lives far from me. But I've figured out machines before, so I doubt I'm too retarded to do so again. Would be much easier if I could find a bench/bar on craigslist, haha.
thanks again, I'm drinking organic grassmilk so it's probably a lot safer than typical juiced up pesticide milk. But I'm a nutfiend so that should work too. also gonna admit that you got handsome as hell after all is said and done, so that's an added bonus.
Low body fat with a lot of lat work.
Sort of look that no one can see unless you are in a really tight tshirt or topless.
he's got bretty nice forearms too. may just be genetic
He looks great for sure. But most people do if they do just the bare minimum compounds + ab work and have low bodyfat
That being said this image is deceptive because it has no frame of reference to other people.
God I hate posts like this.
>duhh you aren't eating as many calories as you think
>you actually eating 800 instead of the 3000 you are saying
I'm a 6'4 lanklet and I've been eating between 2700-3000 calories per day for 2 weeks and I haven't gained any weight.
I've calculated every single meal I've eaten in this time, every single meal weighed by electronic scales.
i can easily show you a photo of meal planner.
Not him but calories are unreliable as fuck. Its a nice guideline in an extremely broad sense.
I believe you, man. I know the struggle. I used to chug THICC ass 1500cal oatmeal shakes, and it didn't do shit.
When that stuff happens, switch up your diet a bit and see where it takes you. You'll find basics like, 400cal of rice will help you more than 800cal of skittles. It's strange, but true. For me, 100cal of bananas is better than 100cal oats. Try switching around your marcos as well. For me, I don't gain much weight unless I eat high carbs and moderate fats. Everyone is different, you'll find what works best for you with a bit of experiementation.
>none of my friends
Gotcha. Yeah so youtube is your best bet. Which certianly isn't bad. Stick with calisthenics for now, and you should be well off. You don't need a gym or heavy weights to build muscles as a novice. Save the bench/bar money for food. At most, a $15 over-the-door pull up bar and some 10-20lb weights will do the trick. Hell, I've even lifted bags of clay or water jugs when I didn't have the money for new weights lol.
>you got handsome as hell after all is said and done
Thank you, my man. That's why I said it's well worth it. You'll be way more confident and way better around people and start tweaking your self image a bit more. Even little things like having your clothes fit right, or finally filling out a "medium" shirt, feels so fucking good. I was never an autist and was good with girls, but having a good decent body and being strong is just... it's just good.
I've started counting grams of fat and protein, too. I think I might just start eating tubs of organic peanut butter like some people suggest, but I hear it's pretty unhealthy. trying to find the perfect food is tough for some of us...
I'm Pretty jelous of that face, luckily you have a shit body so i don't feel like shit.
See what I said It's not just about your calories, it's about what you eat.
But in some sense, I don't know. Unless you do a lot of physical activity, that seems unlikely. Your TDEE would have to be over 3000, which is highly abnormal. But maybe you are abnormal, I don't know.
I eat at least 4 tablespoons of natual peanutbutter most nights with a glass of soy/almond milk. Mostly for the fats. Some nights, if my bf is lower than usual, I'll eat a third to a half of a jar of peanut butter. t's really tough, honestly, and my gf hates it.
It doesn't uaully affect my bf%, in I'm probably around 17% in the third pic, which is pretty thicc. But just don't buy the peanutbutters with a lot of added sugar.
nice, I'll trade in my bedside clif bars for a jar of peanut butter
or just eat both.
just wait
That's proabbly a good trade off. Watch your sugar, Insulin response is important.
And get your 8+ hours. It's just as important as eating - when you sleep, you grow. Your diet means nothing if you don't sleep. And I'm going to take my own advice, right now.
Good night to you guys. Hope to see you all in the ex-lanklet club soon.
I'll keep an eye out for that sculpted jawline