Veeky Forums YLYL
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>starting thread with one image
sorry man, here is a classic
the curlbro prophet
how do i avoid this mode??
Gay. Only /fat/fucks like this guy
Kill yourself twink. Wasted trips.
Starting strenght
this can't be real
Their idiotic dialogue about Rippletits Squat was even funnier.
he's right, you know
t. twink
What waste of trips. I’m probably leaner than you and grizzly is my only source of inspiration at the moment
>tfw you finally made it into a screencap on Veeky Forums
squat 2-3x a week
no amount of squats is going to make your calves big. If you are born with high calves insertions, its OVER. Go get some adidas track pants.
>tfw naturally big calves from just walking
I think it's the high arches and wide feet. Can't into runnan but at least calves are big
>tfw low insertions, love running, and was a fat kid who kept up with the other kids playing
Calves were the only solid muscle I had before lifting at 19" around.
>Actually giggled as his bestiality films were introduced as evidence in a trial.
Well fuck, I would too.
amazing form desu
lol this is Adam from the mind pump podcasts the other guys rip him for his tiny calves too, he used to be some sort of pro bodybuilder, good podcast though would recommend
That's actually how humans used to hunt, we just fast walked after animals until they passed out.
That's cute, funny and informative. Thank you.
>weight on heels
>cus dam
There's literally no evidence that this actually happened, and it doesn't even add up if you actually sit down and add up the calorie content vs. expenditure of what it takes to feed a group of humans. There are a couple tribes that occasionally do it for tourists as an exhibition, but nobody actually used persistence hunting as a primary way of obtaining nutrition.
suck cock
Wow, Veeky Forums is the most unfunny board ever
You cant even see his legs
fuck this is so old
Wait, is that legit the actor?
always makes me lose my sht
omg this is 100% myself wtf
yep, hits a bit too close to home..
Fucking depressing.
>people are reposting my picture :^)
>Faggot posts pic on user board
>gets upset when another user posts picture
>doesn't kill himself
>the absolute state of goys who criticise Starting Strenght
no i like it, it means other people enjoyed something i made
I see, I misinterpreted user. Carry on.
don't be homosexual
imagine being on all that gear and still failing to grow legs
anybody have more of this perfect woman
That's not funny man. Fuck you.
and here's the original
Head that weights 25% of total bodyweight and acts as counterbalance
thank u user i've been looking for these
B-but I saw it in an infographic meme and in a Ted talk
I'd still trust a ted talk over some anonymous brainlet on Veeky Forums
i found pedro, he's in one of the pictures behind
fuckin kek I never noticed
thanks user
Too close to home desu
Actually there’s still a tribe in Africa that does that. My former cross country coach made us watch the documentary and learn to run like they did.
are they levitating?
how do they float like that with no legs
really makes the protons pulsate
they say they want to get stabbed in the leg by a sword? sweet
dude i fucking squat all the time now
im fat as fuck but before it would wind me and hurt like a bitch but now I just squat every chance I can.
same bro
True wisdom
That has to be Rich Pianas shadow from his Mutant days
>tfw your head isnt the size of your torso anymore
Still pretty small