old Sticky:
How are you all doing today? What are you:
old Sticky:
How are you all doing today? What are you:
Other urls found in this thread:
I ain’t doing great
>American psycho
> dicking around but also training to be navy seal
> hoping to not get kicked out of my house
I failed the first semester of college so I’m hoping my parents don’t give me the boot
i lift for hitler
i read mein kampf. haha.
my religion is old norse pagan shit. because it my white heritage and shit.
stupid libruls runing my country. i alos eat 1 onion a day because it increase test hehe
Is trigun good?
But it’s really annoying how he has a huge magnum but won’t kill anyone
How to Win Friends & Influence People
Mad Men
Finding seasonal job during break from school
Nothing till classes Jan. 29, Business Management Major, Economics minor
To have a purpose/goal for the next month to avoid laying around being a NEET.
>tfw found new job
I'm gonna make it lads
Heil Hitler brother, I'm glad we have such a strong community of proud white men here.
I just got a job offer at McKinsey
I can’t even process it
Yes you are my man. Yes you are.
Kill it in the next job! Anyone can be a star performer through sheer will.
bro i'm torn between business admin and straight up economics. kinda liking economics, it's an actual study and it's fun to analyze graphs. god bless u based gordon gecko
go for economics, business administration is pretty useless and for dumbasses.
signed, economics ba, business administration mba.
that's a happy croc
>business administration mba
You don't say.
Ur not training to be a SEAL. UR TRAININ FOR BUDS.
nice one, go get it
So I hope this is the right place to post this.
I wanted to shape up my legs and hips (Im a guy btw, my legs are just the only part of me I dont like) and so I thought Id start working them out.
Anyway so I start off with some squats, no weights 30 reps 3 sets. After 4 reps my knees start really hurting a lot, I try correct my form and continue but its still there. I quit doing excercising for the day because I thought I obvioulsy havent done enough research.
Even now hours later I cant walk properly, they dont hurt anymore but they feel weak and shaky. I used to be pretty fit and Im not fat, never really had this problem before when I used to squat and shit.
Is this something seriously wrong or am I missing something?
>I just want a nice arse not bulked knees man
>defeat yourself every day
Anyone else really excited for the new year? I've been slowly improving for the last few months and am really getting into a routine. I can feel myself becoming better. 2018 is going to be THE year. I'm going to smooth out the little bumps on my road to full improvement and am gonna take complete control. Currently setting the groundwork but I'm excited.
Punch yourself until you pass out
Is watching Fight Club mandatory for this general then?
To clarify they are shaking and weak wayyy more than usuall after workout.
Going great man, Lost 110 pounds, gained some muscle, future looking bright.
I am going to be having surgery soon tho, and I'm going to be unable to work out for 6 weeks after, any advice on not losing a lot of gains?
Be sure not to squat insanely deep or dive bomb down. Make sure to sit back, not sit straight down. Before you squat from now on, you might want to get on the leg press, and do a couple sets of 15 controlled reps with very light or no weight to warm up the knees.
Don't worry about it. Take as long as you need, muscular strength fades slowly and returns rapidly.
Thanks, I'll try it.
Surprisingly feeling great after my ex dumped me. I grieved for two weeks but I immediately forced myself to get my shit together. Right now I have a weird mix of feelings, she hasnt done anything bad to me yet I feel disgusted by her. Im not angry but if I think about her I cringe, this has never happened to me before, ever happened to any of you guys?
Ad urbe condita, by Titus Livius.
Very pleasant to read, I expected a convoluted pompous shit but 10/10
Ur sister taking a shower lmoa
Eating a little because ill have lunch really late today
Will graduate as a doctor in 1.5 years, if I dont crash and burn
Starting to lose the drive tbdesu
She changes her mind, but it aint happening and it hurts a little.
Fuck it all we dont care we freaks bby
History of English Poetry
A Christmas Carol (the one with Jim Carrey)
Looking for a good gym to join around me for a cheap price
Trying to keep up with my worst subject, math.
That I get accepted for spring semester, I was a tad late getting my paperwork in, they said it wasn't a problem...but I haven't heard back from them yet so i'm not sure.
How are you all doing today? What are you:
Youtube videos of Bodybuilders making disgusting shakes
Fucking around in my home gym doing bench press, triceps work and abs
Only waiting...
I have no idea on what I want to do with my life. I've switched majors multiple times and I'm still lost. I don't really want to get a trade and I don't want to go into the military. I feel like I will be stuck in my shitty minimum wage job for the rest of my life.
Go back to selling soy latte’s schlomo
David Hume Inquiry on Human Understanding
After this, I am taking a history class about Hitler in January. So I am thinking about reading Mein Kampf
Music videos
Trying to get inspired to workout, got work at 1pm
Nothing - Philosophy
I hope I can graduate with a 3.8 in the fall. I want to try and get a MS after. I've had qt gf's, it's nothing compared to self-improvement.
Just understand your place on the big "chessboard of life" know how you move. Then just start making moves to win small battles.
As a whole, yes. That being said, i, personally, don't like the main character. He has his moments, but when it's not getting super serious, which is only about 1/3 the time, he is infuriatingly annoying. Like holy shit.
When it is serious though, the show is phenomenal. Great setting, good story progression, excellent side characters. If you dig sci-fi/western, it's absolutely worth watching.
Thinking of contacting my physician to try and get anti-depressants
Anyone have an experiences with them? Negative or positive
I just started taking meds, myself. I was always against them, but I sat down and really thought about it, and I realized self-medicating with whiskey and hotdogs dogs for 15 years wasn't any healthier than the possible side-effects.
Just be completely honest and open with your doctor, and ask questions. Remember that you're in charge and you make the decisions. The important thing is figuring out what is right for you. There are dozens of different meds out there, and no one's body works exactly the same, so it's going to be trial and error for a while.
Here’s the thing with those types of meds. If your depressive symptoms are because your life is shit and it can be improved it isn’t going to help. But if your life IS going well and you’re still depressed then that’s exactly what they should be used for.
That is a woman-tier solution imo. Men have to overcome depression through self-improvement. And/or church
I have an issue when i lift. Im always way to aware of my form. Like i cant deadlift because im always looking around in the mirror to see my form because i really dont want to break my back. (My dad broke his when he was younger than me, and now at like 60 he is still in agony)
How do you make sure your form is good? Does a belt help? Ive tried watching all the videos, and i feel my form is okay, but not good. Pls help.
Bismarck. Mostly for school but hes a really interesting guy. Other than that just general history books.
Finished applying to uni last week. Just got an offer with a scholarship so im pretty excited
Man, don't shit on someone trying to get better. If you're low-test, you get steroids. If your brain won't make enough "things aren't all shit" chemicals, get meds. It's a chemical imbalance, a medical issue like any other, and some people need help.
Dune by Frank Herbert
Nothing recently
Making lunch soon
To get gf because KHV
>Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
>Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
>Digital Art
>Digital Art
>That i survive two family christmas dinners.
Do I pop this quarter left of addy and try to get something done? Or will I just jerk off and smoke cigarettes all day when it kicks in?
the movie is fucking normie trash compared to the book.
Just some random history/military books i found interesting
maybe mad men
hanging out with some friends who are home from uni for christmas
Well its break now but i aced my stats test which was pretty sweet
For 2018, find a girl i like (whos not crazy) and have a relationship for longer than 2 weeks.
Bench 2pl8 (almost at 1)
Be a better person
My lifes on the upswing now boys. Im not as depressed anymore, still anxious as fuck but dealing with it a bit better. Just gotta fix my diet lmao
At least he's reading the book too and not just tauting the movie as some mind-blowing experience like normies after their first viewing of Fight Club
I prefer the book, the movie seems too tame compared to the book. Plus the attorney is too quiet in the movie.
I'm re-reading Confederacy of Dunces. It's hilarious.
I might watch Ghost in the Shell later tonight. I have never watched anime in my life and I heard this movie is pretty good.
I'm taking a shit right now. Afterwords I will be practicing guitar
I'm feeling pretty good right now lads. My first semester grades came in today and my GPA was just high enough to keep my scholarship. I didn't take school serious enough and almost lost a full ride.
keep going. we're all gonna make it bros
Reflections on european mythology and polytheism by Varg
Actually first book in a while that keeps me reading. I ordered two more from amazon but those won't make it before christmas/yule.
Nothing at the moment.
Enjoying winter vacation chilling and planning my physical training schedule for next year.
Also I plan on stopping playing vidya after I finish Getting Over It. Most of them seem to be timesinks to me. Starting driving school next January so that is nice to finally have a license. I have a good reason to get one now that I started trade school and my field's work places are scarce in my current living area.
Started studying welding and machinery in trade school this autumn. The side gains are pretty nice from moving equipment and materials.
To have a good christmas/yule and better new year with gains. I also hope I can finally do a proper one-hand pull-up next year with both left and right hand to keep muscle balance.
tbf even in his later works Thompson had a riveting style. A personal favourite of mine is The Great Shark Hunt, it gives you plenty of useful information and the chapter about racism is golden
I'm doing well today. I stretched for a good half hour immediately after waking, which is a step in the right direction.
>Reading a collection of Carl Yungs essays and lectures.
>Watching my thoughts, actions, feels, and just people in my life.
>Training for strength, trying to be a better person, and working on getting a job before the spring, which is when I move back into my camper.
>Not in college, but I've been soaking up philosophy.
>Hoping to accomplish most of the goals I wrote down a few months back. Also hoping to spend meaningful time with a few friends that I've been far away from for a few years.
The Grand Chessboard
Mad Men
Learning a Chopin nocturne on piano
Bacterias and antibiotics
To feel happiness again in my life
Post your new years resolutions, then save the post as your desktop background, that's what I did last year and almost all of my resolutions came true, and I'm doing the same this year.
Here are my 2018 resolutions:
>keep going to the gym MWF and getting stronger
>continue to cut to my goal weight of 175 (I'm 204 now)
>eat more natty, clean, and frugally, and cook more. Experiment in the kitchen.
>meditate and do yoga regularly
>more abs and running
>continue to be awesome to my loved ones, friends and family
>do drawing and art fundamentals, animation, rpg work, and music
>read, a lot
>focus at work and put in extra effort, learn to speak my mind better
>strive for greatness, radicalness, and excellence
>be a real human being
Any hobbies I could pick up to not be boring?
I look into his other works then, thanks.
Whatever you enjoy, man. Woodworking, some kind of art, bird-watching, there's a million things you can do. I crochet, myself. Put a movie on, sit down, and bust out a fucking quilt.
Just found out my friend has gone full SJW
>straight A student
>pretty nice
>very smart
why the fuck do they keep taking them away?
what film am i watching tonight
I want to join a yoga place. Will people look weird at me if i do so since that's a girl thing? I am thicc mode but yoga interests me since i want to be more flexible and i like calm atmospheres, and i also need to go outside desu.
lol who cares how people look at you, are you doing it for them or yourself?
Yea you're right. Ok.
What trades are wurth it
Economics is made up nonsense.
Don't worry about bumping, if people dont want to use the thread now it'll be archived and a new one can take its place when it's needed. No need to prolong the inevitable
I bought a guitar and I'm trying to do the lessons justinguitar but I just stop after 10 minutes of noodling around and then don't practice for like a week or two. Any tips? The material isn't engaging and I'm a lazy fuck who hasn't an ounce of musical skill or dexterity.
Change to an open G tuning and get a slide.
Both are about as dumb. Business majors are for people born into family businesses, they need to learn how to manage that shit.
Finance and to some extent MIS are the only somewhat business related majors that have some value in the real industries and the only two I kind of respect outside of STEM.
Not saying you won't find jobs with business admin/econ majors either though, I know people who have. But you can do a lot better.
Ate well today
Chest day at the gym
Practiced music
Cleaned my guns
Shortly going to go throw it all away by getting hammer and dancing with sloots dt
This happened to my ex. Don't even feel like looking at her now even though was a qt. Ugly people on the inside even if they manage to look pretty on the outside.
Socializing and Exercising is more effective than anti-depressants. Also try a talk therapist before pills.
learn to read tab. pick a song you like that isnt too hard. learn the key the song is in and practice the scales used to develop a solo. Also spend time learning chord shapes and triads. Guitar is fun but it is a hard instrument to get into if it is your first.
Song - Black Dog - Led Zeppelin
Keys - A major, F# Minor (you can use pentatonic and blues scales). Build you solo off of those
I mean for some people yeah, that may be all they need, but if there's a chemical imbalance socializing and lifting doesn't help.
Take it from someone that bikes 15km to and from work every day, lifts 4 times a week, and has a great social group of amazing people. When off antidepressants I would think about killing myself daily, ended up in the psych ward after I took a handful of sleeping pills, and the cops pulled me off a bridge.
I tried a few antidepressants and finally found one that let's me enjoy life.
fasted today somewhat proud, but broke fast with eggs and 4 sugar cookies now im fucking hella full cant even lift
>something bad happens
>something good happens
>for 5 minutes
>depressed again
The ride never ends fit. Losing motivation to keep improving. Been “improving” for 2 years now. Nothing has changed.
I started learning about 8 months ago and get complimented a lot on how quickly I learned (self-taught). Just focus on learning some basic (Em, C, G, D) chords then go to ulimate-guitar and pick some easy songs that you know and practice strumming through them and singing along and you'll pick it up eventually. Takes time.
>Something bad happens
Been there brother. For me it was any minor inconvenience in life sending me down a downward spiral of self critique and depression.
Took some time to get to this but I would:
>Pinch myself whenever I noticed the initial bad thought
>Would challenge that thought constructively
Don't know much about your life though user so I don't how much of this applies.
Legit fucking this
I would get crazy jealous with my old gf, it started to become a problem so in order to stop myself I would either pinch myself of punch myself in my clenched abdomen.
Shit worked like a charm, I stopped being so jealous and realized how silly I was being.
Really pathetic blog post incoming.
I'm 26 and unfortunately I've been a loser for basically my entire life. Like basically no friends since middle school or even elementary school which led me to be a shut in for pretty much the whole time since then. Even attended college, lived on campus for a year, still made basically no friends besides roommates. Obviously kissless virgin, auschwitz mode.
And as sad as it is, at this point in my "life" I'm actually afraid and don't even want to improve myself. I see stories on here about guys who have "made it" and I do have dreams about being a normal person, but at this point I am so broken, so weird/autistic, so long without friends, without any romantic experience, without any experiences at all that I know any experience I get into, even something as simple as hanging out with people, I would just completely blow it.
Being a normal person is such a foreign concept to me that it literally scares me to think about what being normal is like, and I think I intentionally sabotage myself just to avoid it. I don't really have any hobbies, and the few things I do I don't join groups to meet more people or hang out with those who do. I do talk to coworkers, but I don't go to the few events they do or ask to hang out with them and sometimes actively avoid them. I live with my parents (parents are also pretty shitty people) and work a shit job, but have no motivation to improve it. Got my driver's license but have no motivation to get a car, insurance, etc so I still ride my bike places. I get so annoyed/angry/frustrated and everything and everyone.
And then to top it off I come on places like Veeky Forums and and feel like everyone is always humblebragging or lying just from posting a normal experience they had.
Seems like suicide was made for people like me but I'm not suicidal I just don't care about anything, just go thorough the motions
Sorry to ruin peoples time with this bullshit but I cant talk about it anywhere else.
Recovering fatty here. I tend to notice when things are going good, I find the compulsion to self sabotage, consciously. What could be causing this?
Fucking porn, I have the willpower to resist, but every time I get the urge it's like I can't activate it and fight back. I'll stay like this, and porn blockers don't really help. Any advice on this?
Well you weren't lying about it being pathetic.
You don't have to leap out of your shell and start embracing normie life, it's best to ease into it like getting into a cold pool, try to go out every once and awhile, even just for a walk or to get some air, get out of your routine if you can, try to find out what kind of person you are and build off of that.
REMEMBER: no one cares how you look when you pass them on the street they might glance at you but more often than not they're not going to go home and post about some fag they saw on the road today.
Get a car and insurance if you can afford it, trust me I was hesitant to get a car but being able to actually GO wherever and whenever the hell I want is cathartic, especially with shitty people at home.
Social Interaction: If you've ever played skyrim then you know how odd it can be to talk to people, so honestly the best thing you can do is listen more than talk, everyone wants to be heard so just listening to people is already a massive point in your favor. As for what to say, that takes practice, hell I have a couple great friends and I still fuck up at times, the important part isn't to never spill (because it always happens eventually), but to know how to react like an adult when the spaghetti spills.
Stay strong buddy, You can make it
reading: The Naked Sun - Isaac Asimov
watching: Knightfall, probably
doing: cardio, either some sprints or going for a bike run (50 kms)
studying: nothing, i'm taking a break. Finished med school this year and i won't be studying anything till new year
hoping: find a decent price on a car i intend to buy
Start going to their events, no matter how hard. I was where you are and fixed myself, now I can socialize perfectly fine. Force yourself, It's gonna suck for a long time and feel awkward but keep going to events and talking to people. Just like the gym you can't stop a month in and expect to make it. Also, go deeper into your hobbies, rather than just wasting time on this shithole
With form, you have to go through a "checklist" of queues to ensure you have everything in good form. For each person, it's slightly different, but should overall hut the same muscle groups; And those are your posterior chain (hamstrings, flute max, med, and min,) erector muscles, and lats.
How I do it: I activate my lats by putting my hands and arms in the position they will grip the bar.
Then I will twist my knees out to activate my flute medes and mins. Finally, I lower myself down, hinging at the hips to get my glutes, hamstrings, and lower back set. If your gym has a deadlift bar, pull the slack out of that bar with your lats (as if you're about to row.) There, your set. If you have good weight you're comfortable with, then you should pull it through with no problem.
i honestly thought i found someone nice on okc. our profiles would make it seem like we are the same person, he looked perfect on paper until... "163cm" why. why why why
>Being a normal person is such a foreign concept
Out of the whole post this probably stood out the most to me user. What do you think constitutes "Normal" outside the realm of autismo Veeky Forums?
>What makes you so different from a normie?
>Is everyone in the world well adjusted and without self critique & loathing?
>Does everyone know their goal in life by X age?
I could go on and on but what I'm getting at is your experiences are not something to be seen as something that makes you foreign but instead something that's part of the normal human experience of life.
That low self esteem isn't doing you favours too as it's letting that toxic mentality of you being foreign flourish.
>Diet, Exercise, Sleep, Skincare, Grooming etc...
All very good things, will boost your self esteem but dealing with what you want from life is something you'll have to answer personally user.
Hope it wasn't too much of a ribbit response.
Church? Really? This is bait right?
Honestly the best thing if porn blockers aren't working is to limit your internet time as much as possible. The only other thing I can think of would be to configure an ACL on your computer and firewall to block it to give you more layers then just the porn blocker you have to go through.
Iliad, although it's been a while since I've read it for the last time
Mindhunt, but honestly I can't seem to enjoy any TV shows as of late... do you guys have any suggestions?
Hitting my last 1000kcals of the day, as I started counting calories for my bulk.
Nothing important
To get more social and have an easier time talking to people, but depression keeps dragging me down
Watch anime
Any recommendations?
Nothing. I probably should be.
Stuck replaying thought-loops of regret.
Nothing. Porn. Tired on a day off from a slave-tier part-time job.
Declined a PhD and nothing for over a year now.
I can get my shit together. A bunch of money would be nice too.
This got depressing faster than I thought.
I'm trying to start working out again but not having any solid plans about what to do in life has me losing focus on everything. In general I feel like I've been a loser for too long to bother trying.
What is your inspiration guys?
I need something or someone stronger than myself that I can look up to and get out of bed for.
Or do I just pretend to be who I want to be until it becomes even slightly real?
What have you watched/liked?
How Propaganda Works by Jason Stanley
The Sopranos
Editing my resume and trying to make my autistic ass network
To land a solid internship for the summer
desu this is the best I've been doing in a while, it's weird to not have the constant feeling of wanting to die. I started lifting about 4 months ago and it's fun to watch the numbers go up, it gives me something to look forward to. Thanks Veeky Forums
I have watched and liked Death Note and Bakuman. It's been like 4 years since I've last watched anime