Why lift when gains and your physical self is fleeting? Why not give up your gains in search for enlightenment?
Why lift when gains and your physical self is fleeting? Why not give up your gains in search for enlightenment?
>babbys first buddhism
Why not give up the internet and move to a secluded mountainous region?
Your entire existence is fleeting
>He doesnt know that prince Siddhartha was literally described as Chad-tier royalty who was good at everything, including the martial arts.
Get a load a THIS renunciate!
>tfw Sidd was Indian
>tfw never will be as spiritual as an actual Indian person
Personal fitness is one of the most basic means of seeking self improvement and trying to become the best you. This is easily forgotten due to those whom lift for thots.
You're just gonna sucker me to this on my ass all day, thinking I'm so much better just because I'm not a lunatic.
The real truth is that nobody cares if you're enlightened when you die alone from obesity.
You could always refuse to poo in the loo, user.
Its your thoughts that count!
>this on my ass
*sit on my ass
Your body is the foundation on which you ascend from. You're not going to have much spiritual growth with a toxic body. Siddartha realized this after almost starving to death. Obesity would be just as bad.
I am enlightened through gains. Just as I shape and lift myself, so do I the world around me. Discipline, routine, humility; the Buddha regimented himself in many forms towards these pillars in life. I honor him by walking the same path.
Individuals who have actually experienced ego-death (by way of head injury or other trauma) will tell you that trying to seek enlightenment is a waste of time and they're highly skeptical of guru's. The feeling they have is so deep, that it doesn't compare to what so called enlightened people sense. These ego dead people tell us that if you think you've achieved enlightenment and lost your sense of self, you truly haven't.
I want to be at my peak physical and mental strength.
I plan on going to live in Thailand for a while, working out in the sun, eating a lot of food and going to buddhist retreats.
the physical is all that is guaranteed, therefore we must become our best in the physical realm before we can consider worry of the spiritual.
I experienced it from drugs once, does that count?
A real Buddhist would know that the mind-body dichotomy is a myth and pursuit of physical perfection is complementary to the pursuit of spiritual and mental purity
That's why monks get awoke as fuck
If that's your attitude, then why do anything? Why seek enlightenment if you'll die anyway? Why read, why laugh? Why enjoy life if it ends?
He's trapped in Samsara
Because enlightenment isn’t worth it
If you have to ask
Drugs like many things including meditation brings to to this plateau where your perception changes. Some neophytes believe this is enlightenment and thus shit themselves off from any possible gains by squatting on this plateau forever
Drugs are especially unhelpful because of the chaotic state they put your mind in
You practice austerities FAITHFULLY while BUDDHA walks in PURE LAND!
Saddhus look at your secular mores and think "Impious! What a delusional man!", while they look at Buddha and think "I will follow his teachings, he lives how he wants! Not even concerned about this whole Samsara thing."
Why havent you avidyacels learnt yet?
You'll never attain enlightenment while seeking it. All things are fleeting. You can actually get gains and stay fit (albeit temporarily) without any detriment to your other pursuits. You can get a solid workout in a fraction of the time the majority of people waste during a day.
Do both if you like, but seeking enlightenment is a fool's errand.
Are either of you who I asked?
And to be clear I'm sure I had it I'm just asking if there's any comparison to the trauma version
And being balls deep in ladyboys every other night.
Gains lead to enlightenment you silly dyel.
Actively seeking enlightenment will keep you from getting it, do you even zazen my goy
Ego dead is ego dead, you would know if you had had it.
Drugs can help shake a stubborn man.
>listen to brain damaged people's ramblings
Buddhism is literally "coping: the religion" ideal for losers in dying cultures. Same with stoicism.
Wtf I hate mental forititude now!
ok then dont lift, faggot chaos worshipper
>yeah fuck your body just kill yourself and achieve nothing in this world it'll be great
Buddhism is peak cuck religion.
I assume you're a western man. Come back to Catholicism or Eastern Orthodoxy, retard. Stop falling for the 60s meme.