What are some underrated Veeky Forums channels?
What are some underrated Veeky Forums channels?
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Jeff "doesn't come up to your Nips" Nippard
Johnny sins seems like a great guy
lol nope
Eric bugenhagen, freakied0550, calgary barbell
>Eric bugenhagen
>entire channel ,30 second clips of screaming and reverse cable blindfolded zercher squats
> underrated
channel: Kyriakos grizzly
rating: FULL
Zack telander
This. Eric is cringe af
>muh metal
>muh intensity
what? Are you serious? how do you not get pumped just watching his videos? Eric is legit one of the most genuine guys on youtube. Doesn't try to sell you shit and isnt a shill, literally just promotes working hard and he's the top 1% of whats achievable as a natty. It amazes me how you could say anything bad about the guy
daily reminder this is the kind of pathetic dyels posting on Veeky Forums
Lee Hayward
If you want comedy you shouldn't be looking any further than the delray misfits. Just try and steer clear of anything with Jason
you are literally never going to make it, you unironically sound awfully soy my nigga
not gonna fucking make it. eric is the king of Veeky Forums.
Zack Telander.
Good oly lifting videos
protein chef used to be pretty good for Veeky Forums meals before he sold out
calgary barbell
great content and production with so few subscribers
Are you retarded? It's not cringe if you can back it up, and Eric can fucking back it up. He's doesn't try to jew you, he just tells you to go all out and get hype.
Good choice. Brian Alsruhe's got good vids for strongman too, relatively underrated.
Calgary sucks weenie
Eric. Wow he’s the best lifter I’ve probably ever seen intensity wise.
Jason Blaha definitely deserves a mention. Yea, he gives the impression that he has aspergers/autism but he can write a program and he's well read regarding fitness overall.
>obvious troll/tard is obvious
Cody Lefever
Anyone else here learn to lift watching Vitruvian Physique?
What about Veeky Forums podcasts?
StartIng strength youtube
Blood for B L O A T G O D
starting strength and all the followers of mark rippetits like alan thrall, etc
alan thrall is reddit tier, his advice is sound but the way he makes videos is pure cringe. Same could be said about beta destiny. Good content, cringe presentation
Thrall has shit advice
At least he has the courage to admit his mistakes
Good character would hang out with and enlighten him
i never watched his old stuff, but right now he just parrots mark rippetoe and that for me is correct most of the time.
Rip for info on movements, Abel the ex bodybuilding champ for assthetics, bloatlord and buges for motivation
he looks like scooby's goofier pale son
Best fitness channed discovery for me this year, really helped me understand how the body works.
where are his abs :(
imagine being this much of a spineless cocksucking fanboy
the last natural. The aussie humor is kinda corny but some of it will get you to crack a smile
>ironically reddit hates Thrall
>tbf nobody likes him besides his follower and SS related people.