only a 6 incher, will i ever make it?
Only a 6 incher, will i ever make it?
Other urls found in this thread:
>complaining about the hand your dealt instead of working around it
never gonna make it
complaining about a 6 incher is like complaining about being 6 feet tall
this can't be right
Thought I had a small dick since it was only 16 centimetres lol. Maybe it just looks smaller since I'm 6'5.
>No Source
K y s
it literally has the largest sample size on actually measured dicks that was ever made
This is why Veeky Forums is bad for you. It makes you blind to reality and gives you body dysmorphia.
Veeky Forums made me insecure about not being tall enough and I'm 6'5". As soon as I don't tower over everyone I feel self conscious lmao
Don't compare yourselves to others here, especially if they don't provide pics with timestamp. Faggots will always e-stat.
However, is it possible that your peepee is less erect, when a doctor is measuring it?
>tfw 4 inch
>tfw 6'4
it's over for me
fake and gay
It's from an actual study
>mfw 19.5cm bonepressed
>He thinks bone pressing counts.
> tfw 7 inches if I measure from my anus correctly
Any women likes any dick that 6 inches and up you'll do fine.
>only six inches tall
When will they learn?
People are retarded. Statistically speaking, the god damn average in european countries, western european countries that is, is somewhere in the range of 5.5 to 6 inches. It's not 7 inches. It's not 7.5 inches. And an 8 inch penis isn't "decent", it's "pretty fucking big, man"
9 inches are more uncommon than dudes that are above 6'7.
Now this fuckin image is most likely wrong though, it's most likely from like north korea or india or some shit where their dicks are like smaller than a baby's thumb, but you get the idea. If you manage to give yourself dicklet syndrome at 6 inches, you've only yourself to blame.
>be 14yo me
>Dick is 16cm long, 13cm Grith i think
>feel bad about penis for 13 years
>now im 27
>remesure last week
>its actually 20cm long, 14cm girth
Now i feel alot better
>rare Kelly
Plz post full image
First paragraph - based on statistics everyone knows, and probably correct
Second paragraph - you guessing and making shit up
>muh length
You stupid subhumans always leave out the thickness. Are you women? Don't you know how penises work? You do realize it's not proportional. Fucking idiots, this is triggering me every time you retards say only your length, as if that tells us anything about the size.
I'm a manlet and my dick is also 16cm (bone pressed) depending on how hard I am. For some reason I always had the impression I had a micro dick.
I don't know it its from losing a ton of weight or if it is from watching a lot of porn, it wasn't until I used that dick measuring site I knew my dick is quite big.
>god damn average in european countries, western european countries that is, is somewhere in the range of 5.5 to 6 inches.
You mean that there are 6' feet tall people with 5.5 inches penises? the fuck?
Veeky Forums measures their dick from their anus.
My dick is "only" 16 cm and I have to be careful not to hurt my petite gf.
Mine is 16-17 in length and 14.5 in circumference and the women are more than impressed.
"Am I normal? A systematic review and construction of nomograms for flaccid and erect penis length and circumference in up to 15521 men"
tfw 12cm
>only a 6 incher, will i ever make it?
What is it with you idiots and your penis obsession? Are you just low IQ, or are you secretly gay and think about cocks all the time?
Maybe you're just degenerates.
ofc it does, it shows how deep you can go
>tfw 29" if measured from 2 feet behind the tip
I'm gonna make it right?
Yes, that's what I god damn mean... It doesn't scale directly with height. It scales only mildly with height. This has been researched on plenty of times, and time and time again that there MIGHT, MAYBE, COULD be a corrolation. And seeing as how most science use induction that could just be a conincidence.
You need to realize that 6'0 is, statistically, not the same as being 7 inches statistically. It's more like being 6 inches. Not sure if it's the porn, the size queen charts that blow things out of proportions, or whatever it is, but the average dick isn't 7 inches long. That's a "sorta big" dick.
17.5cm reporting in.
How much do you guys vary depending on hardness?
I go between 18-20, with 18 still being "fully hard", just that 20 is "veiny and angry about to burst".
How to constantly have an angry looking cock?
this has to be fake
4 incher here.
I've already given up.
>Being so retarded you don't know all studies are done bone-pressed to account for BF% variations
You just have to find the right girl anons. I met one that grabbed my dick constantly before even seeing it for the first time
Didn't question or anything just gave herself to me. If she really cares about you she won't give a shit how you look. I'm skinnyfat barely 6 incher with a puffy face and got a gf with amazing hips and tits. Unfortunately some if not most of you will never find this girl unless you become socially active